
  • 网络germplasm bank
  1. 11月24日,中国西南野生生物种质资源库在中国科学院昆明植物研究所正式投入运行。

    The Southwest China Germplasm Bank of Wild Species was declared operational at an opening ceremony last month ( 24 November ) .

  2. 绞股蓝种质资源库建立及其主要活性成分的研究

    Germplasm Bank Construction and Studies on Main Active Components of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum

  3. 除了植物种子,种质资源库还保存了总DNA以及微生物等样本。

    Apart from plant seeds , it bank stores DNA and microorganism samples .

  4. 福建食(药)用菌种质资源库及品种鉴别技术的应用前景

    Outlook for Fujiang edible-medicinal fungi germ-plasm bank and variety identification technique

  5. 家蚕性别控制种质资源库的构建与利用

    Construction and Utilization of the Germplasm Resources Pool of the Sex-controlled Silkworm

  6. 中国野牦牛种质资源库体系的建立

    Construction for the System of Genetic Resource Banks on Wild Yak in China

  7. 福建省主要造林树种种质资源库建立研究

    Studies on Establishing the Germplasm Resource Pool of Main Planting Species in Fujian Province

  8. 如目前保存在我国种质资源库的青花菜资源仅2份。

    For example , only 2 resources are stored in the germplasm library of China .

  9. 种质资源库的建设工作始于2004年。

    Construction of the bank began in2004 .

  10. 以及建设一个种子质量检测中心和一个种质资源库。

    The third is to establish a seed quality testing center and a germplasm recourses bank .

  11. 作为保护生物多样性的重要举措之一,中国建立了第一个国家级种质资源库。

    China has set up its first national seed bank as part of the country 's efforts to protect biodiversity .

  12. 长白山位于吉林省东南部,是整个欧亚东大陆北半球上一个重要的植物种质资源库,保存了大量的古老孑遗植物。

    Located in the southeast of Jilin Province , Changbai mountains are an important plant germplasm resources treasury in the Eurasia in the Northern Hemisphere , where many ancient endangered plants are conserved .

  13. 本文从表型与分子两个层次上对南京林业大学建立的美洲黑杨种质资源库中的11个家系,145个无性系进行遗传变异研究,为将来杨树育种提供科学的依据。

    Genetic variation of 11 sib-families ( 145 clones ) from Populus deltoides germplasm established by Nanjing Forestry University was analyzed on phenotype and molecular level , which provided the base for the polar breeding in future .

  14. 本文介绍了湖北省林木生物质能源研究情况,涉及到能源树种种质资源库建设、树木果实榨取柴油、林木废弃物利用以及木纤维转化酒精等方面的研究。

    In this pa - per , the progress of research of biomass energy of forest in Hubei Province , concering the building of germ plasm resource of energy plants , diesel oil extracted from arboreous fruits , utilization of forest castoff and alcohol transformation from wood fiber are summarized .

  15. 本文提出了基于基因型值构建作物种质资源核心库的抽样方法。

    A method for sampling core collection from crop germplasm was proposed .

  16. 淡水鱼类种质资源生态库的研究现状与展望

    Prospects and status of studies on genetic conservation of freshwater fishes in China

  17. 芝麻种质资源中期库保存现状分析

    Sesame storing status in medium - term gene bank

  18. 基因型值多次聚类法构建作物种质资源核心库

    Constructing Core Collection of Crop Germplasm by Multiple Clusters Based on Genotypic Values

  19. 国家蔬菜种质资源中期库黄瓜种子活力监测

    Monitoring the Seed Vigor of Cucumber Preserved in the National Medium-term Genebank of Vegetable Germ-plasm Resources

  20. 三是建成国家野生动植物种质资源基因库、野生动植物国家科研体系和有关监测网络。

    And third , completing the germplasm pools for wild fauna and flora conservation , the wild fauna and flora national research system and relevant monitoring networks .

  21. 对国家蔬菜种质资源中期库中不同起始发芽率水平和不同保存年限的黄瓜种子进行了活力监测。

    Cucumber seeds at difference initial germination percentage and difference preservation year from the National Medium-term Genebank of Vegetable Germplasm Resources were selected and their seed vigor were detected .

  22. 截至1997年,国内收集入牧草种质资源保护库的保存材料有3000余份,许多珍稀野生种植资源未得到充分的保护,有的甚至濒临灭绝,许多优良野生牧草品种也未被充分开发利用。

    Till to 1997 , the collected preservative material of protective pasture resource database is only 3000 , many rare wild planting resource can not be protected fully , and some are even close to die out .

  23. 论湖南地方畜禽种质资源冷冻保存库的建立

    Discussion about Establishing the Genetic Resource Bank for Local Farm Animal in Hunan Province

  24. 卵母细胞玻璃化冷冻保存对于珍稀和濒危种质资源保存、卵子库的建立、胚胎生物技术的发展具有重要意义。

    Oocyte vitrification is of great significance for rare and endangered animal germplasm conservation , " egg bank " established , and the development of embryonic biotechnology .

  25. 为此对美国关于植物种质资源的收集、保存、评价和利用情况及种质资源库的运行管理方式作了介绍,以供我国育种工作者学习和借鉴。

    This paper introduced the plant germplasm resource situation of the U.S. , as well as operation and management of its gene bank to provide reference to plant breeders in China .

  26. 摘要我国植物种质资源保存越来越受到重视,不少单位正在筹备建设植物种质资源库。

    With more attention paid to the preservation of plant germplasm resources in china , many institutions are preparing to build plant germplasm banks .