
zhònɡ zhí zhě
  • planter;cultivator;grower
  1. 在市场上经销商正和种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。

    In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee .

  2. 葡萄种植兼酿酒者说他们一直都为谷物和大豆种植者的利益所绑架。

    Wine growers say they 've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers .

  3. 在活动中,你可以和专业的种植者讨论哪些最适合你的条件,而且由于这些活动是全家性的,孩子们也能在苹果主题的玩乐游戏中被照顾得很好。

    At the events , you can meet expert growers and discuss which ones will best suit your conditions , and because these are family affairs , children are well catered for with apple-themed fun and games .

  4. 种植者有时称香蕉为"手指"。

    Growers sometimes call bananas " fingers " .

  5. 根据一份全国农民联盟(NationalFarmersUnion)对来自1.6万公顷种植地的76名谷种植者所作的调查显示,今年英国的小麦种植少了将近30%。

    According to a National Farmers Unionpoll of 76 cereal growers covering 16000 hectares , nearly 30 % less wheat than usual is being grown in Britain this year .

  6. 种植者抱怨说,FDA未能尽快查明受污染食物来源,加强了公众的担忧。

    Growers complained that the FDA 's failure to identify the source of contaminated food quickly intensified public fears .

  7. Bt作物在农业上的使用可以大幅度的减少杀虫剂的使用量,这不仅直接降低了种植者的种植成本,而且对保护人类的健康和生态环境都有积极的意义。

    It not only cut down the cost of the growers , but also is friendly to environment and human health .

  8. 然而,英国最大的草莓种植者哈里·侯尔(HarryHall)认为,漫长的冬天可以种植出多汁柔软的水果作物。

    However , the long winter could make for a succulent soft fruit crop , according to Harry Hall , Britain 's biggest strawberry grower .

  9. CHS原名北太平洋谷物种植者联盟(NorthPacificGrainGrowers),自1929年成立以来,一直属美国农业合作社所有。

    The company is owned by United States agricultural cooperatives and has been ever since it was founded in 1929 as the North Pacific grain growers .

  10. 零售蔬菜巨头BonniePlantFarm公司,只是向全国范围的三大零售商提供其产品,却很少提供给本地种植者。

    The dominant provider of vegetables to the national retailers is Bonnie Plant Farm , which serves all three national retailers coast to coast with minimal involvement from local growers .

  11. 现在,农作物种植者担心今年剩下的作物会因为E。coliO157H7的爆发而毁掉。

    Now growers are concerned that the rest of this year 's crop may be lost because of an outbreak of E.coli O157H7 .

  12. EliotColeman是缅因州的一位有机作物种植者和作者。他帮助普及四季种植的理念。

    Eliot Coleman is an organic farmer and a writer in Maine who has helped popularize the idea of four season farming .

  13. 据《平壤时报》(PyongyangTimes)报道,种植者日夜确保适宜的温度,防止病虫害,克服了一年来的气候变化以及较低的日照水平。

    According to the Pyongyang Times , cultivators ' have ensured the right temperature in day and at night and prevented damage from blights ... despite climate change and the low percentage of sunshine this year . '

  14. YetCarolLovatt表示,果实在树上留存时间过长导致隔年结果的状况更加严重。研究人员建议种植者调查修剪的影响,在大年的初夏减少果实的数量。

    Yet Carol Lovatt says holding fruit on the tree makes alternate bearing worse . The researchers advise growers to investigate the effects of thinning or pruning to reduce the number of fruit in early summer of the on-crop year .

  15. 英国公平贸易基金(fairtradefoundationuk)的执行董事哈里特兰姆(harrietlamb)称:“对种植者和咖啡爱好者来说,公平贸易与星巴克的合作关系是个好消息,并将唤醒整个产业。”

    Harriet lamb , executive director of the Fairtrade foundation UK , said : " the partnership between Fairtrade and Starbucks is good news for farmers , good news for coffee lovers and a wake-up call to the wider coffee industry . "

  16. 黑孢松露这种黑色冬块菌原先产于法国东南部的佩利哥(Périgord),如今在特鲁埃尔大规模种植,当地种植者自豪地宣称此地出产的松露占据了全球五分之一的产量。

    the black winter truffle traditionally associated with P é rigord in southwest France but now cultivated here on such a scale that local producers claim Teruel accounts for a fifth of the global crop .

  17. 澳大利亚薰衣草种植者协会(AustralianLavenderGrowersAssociation)会长让·萨金特(JeanSargeant)表示,澳大利亚薰衣草的价格也在上涨,每公斤售价在55到90美元之间,一年前还不到40美元。

    The price of lavender in Australia is also rising , selling for $ 55 to $ 90 per kilogram , up from less than $ 40 a year ago , according to Jean Sargeant , president of the Australian Lavender Growers Association .

  18. 肯尼亚主要鲜花产地Naivasha市的暴力威胁到了在情人节之前关键时期的鲜花产业,但是种植者们希望这样的损失将会控制住。

    Violence in Naivasha , Kenya 's key flower-producing town , has threatened the industry in the key period leading up to Valentine 's Day but growers hope the damage will be limited .

  19. 法国种植者又将西红柿从意大利进口过来,他们以为diMor是法语中的爱情(d'amour)一词,因此pomodiMoro就成了爱情苹果。

    Italian traders carried it on to Italy . The Italian name for the tomato was pomo di Moro - apple of the Moors . When French growers imported it from Italy , they thought di Moro meant d'amour , the French word for love . And so pomo di Moro became the apple of love .

  20. 文字说明:与安第斯山脉‘玛咖’植物合影的豆薯种植者。

    Caption : yam bean grower with an'ahipa'plant in the andes .

  21. 他于1773年出生在种植者贵族家庭。

    He was born in 1773 into a wealthy plantation-owning family .

  22. 世界上共有500万至600万可可种植者,或许更多。

    There are five to six million growers , maybe more .

  23. 种植者可以在春天人参发芽前种植根茎。

    Growers can plant the roots during spring before they develop .

  24. 商品蘑菇种植者,有时利用黑暗的洞穴作蘑菇种植基地。

    Commercial mushroom growers sometimes use dark caves as mushroom farms .

  25. 但是我们需要种植者们在田间劳作。

    But we need to get planters rolling in the field .

  26. 伟大的希腊葡萄种植者培育出了优质的希腊葡萄。

    The great Greek grape growers grow great Greed grapes .

  27. 种植者和他们的批发商之间有着长期的争端。

    There has been a long-running dispute between growers and their distributors .

  28. 这给种植者以很好的机会将之耕翻。

    This gives the grower a better chance to disk it under .

  29. 该机构提供了保证价格为棉花种植者。

    That agency had provided growers with a guaranteed price for cotton .

  30. 南部各郡的种植者正在赚取巨额利润。

    Growers in the southern counties were making large profits .