
  • 网络seed moisture content;seed water content
  1. 种子含水量(%)与贮藏寿命(d)之间呈对数回归关系。

    There was a relationship of logarithm regression between seed moisture content ( % ) and seed storage longevity ( d ) .

  2. 玉米籽粒的胚部较大,在储藏过程中极易从环境中吸湿,导致种子含水量升高,霉菌活动旺盛,最终致使其储藏稳定性降低。

    The embryo of corn is larger , in the storage process is extremely easy to moisture from the environment , leading to increased seed moisture content , mold vigorous activity , eventually causing its storage stability was reduced .

  3. 成熟脱落的七叶树种子含水量高达1.42g·g~(-1)DW,且对脱水敏感。

    The water content of mature Aesculus chinensis seeds was high , up to 1.42g · g ~ ( - 1 ) DW . The seeds were desiccation-sensitivity after shedding .

  4. 洋葱种子含水量与贮藏温度对其寿命的影响

    The Effect of Moisture Content and Storage Temperature on Onion Seed Longevity

  5. 自由基浓度随种子含水量增加而衰减。

    The free radical concentration decreases with the increase of moisture content in seeds ;

  6. 种子含水量与贮藏寿命和吸胀力密切相关。

    Seed water content has a close correlation with its storage life and water-absorbing capability .

  7. 油菜种子含水量在10%以上时耐高温能力差;

    The rapeseed had a poor heat tolerance while the seed humidity was up to 10 % .

  8. 在橡胶种子含水量下降的同时,出现脯氨酸含量上升。

    The decrease in water content of rubber seeds was usually accompanied by an increase in proline content .

  9. 当种子含水量降至6.38%时,其活力丧失。

    ( 5 ) When the water content in seed drops to 6.38 % , its vigor loses .

  10. 前言:目的:探讨连翘种子含水量与发芽率的关系及连翘种子萌发的条件。

    Objective : To study the proper environmental factors of seed germination of Fructus Forsythiae and the relationship between the content of moisture and germination rate .

  11. 菠菜种子含水量为3.3%~5.4%时,表现出较强的抗老化和劣变能力及较好的耐藏性。

    When spinach seeds were dried to about 3.3 % - 5.4 % of moisture content , they became more tolerant to aging and were easier to store .

  12. 在2.0%~8.9%的含水量范围内,随着种子含水量的降低,种子寿命不断延长,每降低1%的含水量,种子寿命延长0.9倍。

    Seed longevity increase as the seed moisture content decrease in the ranging from 2.0 % to 8.9.Seed longevity increase 0.9 times as the seed moisture content decrease 1 % .

  13. 由种子含水量、发芽活力和生理特性指标判定出的青海扁茎早熟禾种子生理成熟期分别为盛花期后第28天、第28-36天和24-28天。

    The seed maturity , which could be estimated by seed water content , germination vigor index and physiological characteristics , was 28,28-36 and 24-28 days after the flowering , respectively .

  14. 主要研究结果如下:1.当水稻种子含水量降至3.0%时种子会产生过度干燥损伤,导致种子发芽率和发芽指数下降。

    The main results were summarized as follows : 1 . When rice seeds dried to 3.0 % moisture content , over-drying injure occurred and seed germination rate and germination index declined .

  15. 当种子含水量降至30%以下时,存活率迅速下降;种子存活率的半致死含水量约为23%;

    The survival rapidly decreased as seeds were dehydrated to a water content of 30 % , and water content in which 50 % seeds were killed by dehydration was about 23 % .

  16. 当种子含水量为47%–60%时,种子发芽率较高,说明这一含水量区间有利于种子生活力的保持。

    The seed ger-mination percentage was at the high level when seed moisture content was in range of 47 % – 60 % , which suggests that this was the optimum moisture content for maintaining A.

  17. 结果表明:35℃高温、10%种子含水量条件下,不同贮藏时间的老化处理对4种牧草种子乙烯释放量有显著影响,所有供试种随种子劣变,乙烯释放量下降,且释放高峰推迟。

    The results showed that ethylene production of 4 species tested were all affected significantly by different aging periods under condition of 35 ℃ and 10 % SMC ( seed moisture content ) . Ethylene production decreased and peak of production delayed as the seed aging for each species tested .

  18. 花生种子(含水量6.21%)在38&40℃下进行人工老化贮藏,N1和CO2空气有延缓种子老化的效果。

    Peanut seeds ( water content 6.2196 ) were stored at 38 & 40 ℃ for artificial ageing storage with different gases .

  19. 运用适当的种子起始含水量、贮藏温度和包装方式,可经济有效地保持种子的发芽率。

    Germination percentage of crisp lettuce seed could be maintained economically and effectively by using the suitable original moisture content , storage temperatures and package methods .

  20. 这种测定方法准确、快速又简便。可考虑作为确定顽拗型种子安全含水量下限的新捷径。

    The methods are accurate and quick , as it is simple to determine the low-limit of safe moisture content , therefore , it may be considered as a new shortcut for all the " recalcitrant " seeds .

  21. 研究表明,易穗上发芽水稻品种在穗萌到穗芽过程中α-淀粉酶活性、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白和种子中含水量比不易穗上发芽的品种均相对较高。

    The results showed that the rice with easier preharvest sprouting has higher a-amylases activity , soluble sugar contents , soluble protein contents and water content than one with the uneasy preharvest sprouting rice from preharvest germination to sprouting .

  22. 采收后种子随含水量减少,种子发芽指数下降,脂质过氧化物含量增加,细胞膜透性增大;

    As the water content of seeds decreased the seed germination index declined , and the content of malondialdehyde ( MDA ) increased steadily , and the relative conductivity of soaking solution , in which the Chinese Chestnut seeds soaked , were increased markedly .

  23. 其次是干燥器贮藏,干燥器内贮藏17年的种子,含水量稳定在2.3%左右,粗脂肪、粗蛋白和脂肪酸组成含量未发生明显变化;

    Using drier with desiccant was another effective and practical way to store sesame seeds . Sesame samples conserved in drier for seventeen years were found to have a water content of approximately 2.3 % with very little changes in oil , protein contents and fatty acids composition .

  24. 找出了储藏中种子安全含水量的最佳点,此点处于安全含水量下限的内缘,可利用种子本身果翅与种子或大小种子之间含水量的内在关系来测定。

    It was found that in storage there is a best-point in safe moisture content range of seed , which is near by the low-limit and may be measured by the interrelation between moisture contents of the seeds and their wings , or of the bigger seeds and smaller ones .

  25. 花卉种子在自然含水量状态即可存于液氮中;

    The flowers seeds with nature water moisture can be stored in LN 2 directly .

  26. 洋葱种子烘至含水量5%以下,不会降低种子的发芽率、发芽势。

    Sprouting rate and ability were not decreased while onion seed was oven dried at water content below 5 % .

  27. 高粱种子的临界含水量为4.3%,在该临界值以下进一步降低含水量,寿命不再增加;

    The critical moisture content for sorghum , below which further reduction in moisture content no longer increased longevity , was 4 . 3 % .

  28. 试验结果表明,无芒雀麦种子发育过程中含水量呈现逐渐下降的阶段性变化,而种子干重则逐渐增加,在盛花期后29d达到生理成熟,含水量为57.5%。

    Seed moisture content dropped from about 70 % to about 16 % including two phases during the seed development of smooth bromegrass . Seed physiological maturity was comploted in 29 days after peak anthesis with seed dry weight increased gradually .

  29. 大葱种子贮存最适含水量与贮藏寿命研究

    Studies on Optimal Moisture Content and Longevity of Chinese Onion Seed Stored at Different Temperature

  30. 杉木种子玻璃化与含水量、脂类和糖类含量的关系

    Glassy State in Cunninghamia lanceolata Seeds and its Relationship with Water Content , Lipid and Sugar