
  • 网络financial management objectives;objective of financial management
  1. 试论企业财务管理目标主体的差异性

    A Discussion of the Differences Between the Subjects of Financial Management Objectives

  2. 企业财务管理目标理论与实践矛盾及其对策

    The contradiction and countermeasure of financial management objectives theory and practice of our country

  3. 企业财务管理目标中的变革:EVA最大化

    The Transform of the Objective of Financial Management : EVA Maximization

  4. EVA思想与企业财务管理目标

    EVA Thought and the Financial Management Target of Enterprises

  5. 基于EVA的财务管理目标

    EVA-based Object Of Financial Management

  6. 其次从现代财务管理目标的角度分析了EVA是如何将股东利益与利益相关者利益紧密联系起来;

    Then , it presents how the interests of stockholders and that of relevancy are coordinated through EVA .

  7. 因为EVA完全考虑了企业的权益资本成本,因而更符合现代财务管理目标&股东财富最大化的要求。

    As EVA entirely considers capital cost , so can accords with the goal of modern financial management & maximize the wealth of stockholders .

  8. 本文在介绍了EVA相关理论的基础上,论证企业财务管理目标可以重新归结为EVA最大化。

    Based on the introduction of the theory of EVA , this article demonstrates that EVA can afresh coordinate all the objectives of financial management on EVA maximization .

  9. 得出EVA在企业财务管理目标中的地位和作用,就是它可以把财务管理目标重新归结为:EVA最大化。

    The conclusion is as follows : the status and effect in the objective of financial management of EVA is that it can afresh coordinate all the objectives of financial management on EVA maximization .

  10. EVA的属性符合我国财务管理目标的要求,可以作为财务管理目标体系的一个层次。并针对实测剖面中遇到的各种具体情况下,如何按分层计算真厚度举出一些实例。

    The attributes of EVA can meet the requirements of being financial management objective for various concrete functions . The author presents some examples of how to calculate the true thickness according to layers in various concrete cases met when measuring sections .

  11. 现代企业制度下的财务管理目标及影响因素

    Financial Management Goals and Affecting Facts under the Modern Enterprise System

  12. 浅论企业成本控制与财务管理目标的关系

    On Relationship Between Enterprise Cost Control and Goal of Financial Management

  13. 企业财务管理目标的确定与实现

    Determination and achievement of the enterprise ′ s financial management target

  14. 试论高等院校财务管理目标

    The Discussion on the Goal of Finance Management of Higher Education

  15. 可持续增长率与财务管理目标相关性分析

    The Analysis of Correlation on Sustainable Growth Rate and Financial Management Goal

  16. 企业的财务管理目标要满足客观性和可操作性两个基本要求。

    The financial management purpose of enterprises should be objective and operational .

  17. 试论现代企业财务管理目标的特征

    On the Characteristics of Modern Enterprise 's Financial Management Target

  18. 浅析改制后勘察设计单位的财务管理目标

    On financial management object of prospecting and design enterprises after system restructuring

  19. 企业财务管理目标新思考

    New Thinking on the Goals of Financial Management in Enterprises

  20. 财务管理目标理论评析与选择

    Analysis and Selection of the Objective Theories of Financial Management

  21. 代理理论与中小企业财务管理目标

    Agency Theory and the Financial Management Objective of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  22. 论有中国特色企业财务管理目标的五大特征&兼评以利润、企业价值或效益、股东财富最大化为财务管理目标诸观点

    Five Characters in Establishing the China-type Corporate Financial Management Objective

  23. 企业财务管理目标随着理财环境的变化不断演进。

    Financial objective of an enterprise changes with the time .

  24. 从公司治理角度谈财务管理目标

    On Financial Management Target from the Perspective of Corporate Governance

  25. 矿业企业财务管理目标的选择及实现矿山水管理

    Selection and Realization of Mining Enterprise 's Financial Management Target

  26. 财务管理目标:实现股东权益最大化

    The Aim of Fiscal Management : to Maximize the Shareholders ' Profit

  27. 财务管理目标与企业资本结构优化

    The Objective of Financial Management and the Optimization of Enterprise Capital Structure

  28. 中国产权制度改革与财务管理目标实现问题研究

    The Research on Chinas Equity Ownership System Reforms and Finance Management Target

  29. 企业财务管理目标的合理选择&企业价值最大化

    Maximize Enterprise Value : A Reasonable Choice of Enterprise Financial Management Objective

  30. 当今财务管理目标的经济学分析

    The Economical Analysis of Today 's Financial Management Goal