
cái wù ɡōnɡ kāi
  • Financial disclosure;open the financial affairs to the public;keep the public informed of the financial affairs
  1. 实行政务和财务公开

    Keep the public informed of the political activities and financial affairs

  2. 浅谈高校应如何做到财务公开

    How to Make Financial Affairs of College

  3. 浅议单位财务公开

    Discussing on Full Disclosure of the Unit

  4. 实行政务和财务公开选择医管局服务条件的公务员

    Keep the public informed of the political activities and financial affairs civil service option member

  5. 依法实现村级财务公开面临的问题与对策

    The problems and countermeasures that make the property of the village publicly in accordance with the law

  6. 因此,财务公开仍是农民专业合作社章程需进一步完善的重点。

    Accordingly , the financial disclosure statute that the farmer cooperatives are still required to further improve the focus .

  7. 其中主要包括一人公司最低资本金制度、名称警示制度、相关事务公开制度、财务公开制度、内部监督制度、法人格否认制度等一系列制度。

    The main ones are minimum capital , name alarming , relevant information and financial disclosure , internal supervision and denial of corporate personality .

  8. 财务公开流于形式,监督无力。而对于黑龙江省农村专业合作经济组织会计核算问题系统化的分析研究目前还是个空白。

    So , it is urgent to the analysis and research with systematized professional cooperative accounting problem of rural special cooperate-economic organization in Heilongjiang Province .

  9. 提出了从职责权限、资金管理、财务公开、人员培训几方面完善措施,促进乡镇财会代理模式顺利实现。

    Raised from duties and powers , funds management , financial disclosure , and personnel training aspects improve measures to promote accounting agent model successfully .

  10. 就强化监督规制而言,其主要措施包括构建严格的动态监督制度;制定完善的责任承担机制与惩戒机制;强化社会监督;加强组织自律建设;实现财务公开透明等。

    For strengthen supervision and regulation , its main measures include that strictly building a dynamic monitoring system ; developing perfect mechanisms of accountability and punishment ; strengthening the social supervision and the organization of self-construction ; realizing financial transparency and so on .

  11. 设计一事一议的项目应该尽量利益相容,尽量维持小规模格局,采用有选择性的激励方式,同时要确保资金专款专用、财务公开、群众评估和农民参与维护等。

    Designing the items of case-by-case should make benefits compatible , maintain the small scale setup as far as possible , adopt a selective incentives pattern and ensure the funds for its specified purpose only , open the financial affairs , the masses evaluation and farmers participating in upholding , etc.

  12. 基于校园网的高校财务信息公开化研究

    Study on Making Public of The University Financial Information Basics on Campus Network

  13. 财务状况公开所导致的…

    about the financial disclosures leading ...

  14. 现金基础会计通常是不能接受的实体,必须使他们的财务报表公开。

    Cash-basis accounting is generally not acceptable for entities that must make their financial statements publicly available .

  15. 危机公关企业“核心沟通咨询”(CommCoreConsulting)的首席执行官安德鲁·D·吉尔曼(AndrewD.Gilman)说,辛似乎是因为财务困难才公开病情,而且并没有为挽回自己反复无常、不负责任、自以为是的声誉而做出什么努力。

    Andrew D. Gilman , chief executive of CommCore Consulting , a crisis communications group , said that Mr. Sheen 's disclosure appeared to come from financial desperation and did little to repair his reputation as an erratic and irresponsible narcissist .

  16. 实际操作中BT形式须谨慎,必须建立在操作流程上的合法、资金财务状况的公开、项目管理的完善等前提条件下。

    In fact , it is also prominent in demonstration . 2 、 BTmodel of infrastructure project finance and build must be carefully handle , it should be based on legal operation flow , open finance status and perfect project manage and so on .

  17. 这笔交易的财务细节并未公开。

    The deal 's financial details were not disclosed .

  18. 在分析案例时,由于上市前其财务报表的公开并非全面的,对其财务数据的分析是有限的。

    In the analysis of the case , due to its financial statement prior to the listing is not accessible , the financial analysis is limited .

  19. 营收来自商家交易收费(也许沃尔玛还能削减自身的交易成本&它与运通达成的财务条款从未公开),以及其他一些收费。

    Revenue comes from merchant transaction fees ( and perhaps Walmart can cut its own transaction costs – the financial terms with Amex were never disclosed ), and a few other fees .

  20. 营收来自商家交易收费(也许沃尔玛还能削减自身的交易成本——它与运通达成的财务条款从未公开),以及其他一些收费。

    Revenue comes from merchant transaction fees ( and perhaps Walmart can cut its own transaction costs - the financial terms with Amex were never disclosed ) , and a few other fees .

  21. 股东和机构投资者提出的许多诉讼,都基于公司管理层的财务披露和其它公开文件。

    Many lawsuits brought by shareholders and institutional investors are based on financial disclosures and other public statements made by company managers .

  22. 他补充表示,他和妻子一直对他们的个人财务负责,并公开申报了他的所有资金和财产。

    He added that he and his wife have been responsible in their personal finances and has publicly declared all his money and property .

  23. 这个月,至少有两个妻子遭受背叛-性与财务方面-非常公开地宣称他们的伴侣的行为相当可耻。

    This month , the wives of at least two famous men caught cheating sexually and financially very openly declared that their spouses'behavior was actually quite scandalous .

  24. 要克服具体处境对村民自治的消极影响,充分发挥村民自治的功能,就必须对村委会选举、村民决策、村规民约、财务管理以及村务公开等制度进行创新。

    In order to avoid the negative effect on rural autonomy and make good use of its functions , we should make reforms in election of committee , decision making , financial management and open affairs , etc.

  25. 村委会的财务监督也由事后财务公开转变为事前预算约束。

    Financial supervision of village committee too until financial affairs disclose , change the budget in advance into restrain from afterwards .

  26. 在具体分析原因后,报告中给出了选择财务目标、创建财务预算和实现财务公开这三个建议。

    After analyzing the causation , the report puts forward three basic measures : choosing objectives of financial management , setting up financial budgeting process and implementing the principle of financial disclosure .

  27. 长期存在的村级财务不良态势,已成为新农村建设、村财务公开、平安农村建设、密切干群关系、理财创益的深层障碍。

    The long-term backwardness of rural finance has become a serious barrier against new rural construction , especially in terms of financial security , carder-mass relationship and finance innovation .

  28. 加强高校财务管理,必须树立正确的理财观,建立财务公开制度,强化内部管理,提高教学设备使用效益。

    To strengthen financing management in colleges and universities needs to set up right financing view , establish disclosure system of finance , strengthen internal management , raise return of utilizing teaching equipment .

  29. 财务重述是指上市公司自愿或在审计人员或监管者敦促的情况下,对公司已经发布的存在错误、违规或者误导性的公共财务信息,通过公开发布的形式进行修正补充。

    Financial restatement is the listed company which is voluntarily or urged by the behavior to amend or supplement the financial report . Because the financial report has error , illegal or some misleading information .