
cái wù chù
  • Finance Office;office of financial affairs
  1. 财务处正在操作一项新的工资处理程序。

    The account department is running a new payroll program .

  2. 我在哥伦比亚大学的财务处工作。

    I work in the bursar 's office at Columbia .

  3. S研究院财务处工作分析研究

    Research of Job Analysis in the Department of Finance of S Research Institute

  4. 他是财务处处长。

    He 's the director of the finance section .

  5. 我得去一趟霍里斯的财务处

    I 've got to get to the bursar 's office at Hollis .

  6. 充分利用高职院内资源为专业实训教学服务&会计专业财务处实训基地建设探讨

    Making the Most of Resources Available at Vocational Institutes to Serve for Professional Training

  7. 财务处现正对善衡校园的膳食服务进行问卷调查。

    The Finance Office is currently conducting a survey of catering services in HSH Campus .

  8. 我们有三个孩子。我在哥伦比亚大学的财务处工作。

    We have three children . I work in the bursar 's office at Columbia .

  9. 加强高校科研管理部门、计划财务处与项目负责人之间的联络与沟通。

    Enhancing the contact and communication between the administration , the financial section and the project principals .

  10. 母亲是合肥市审计局办公室主任,父亲则在合肥市规划局计划财务处上班。

    Tao 's father works for Hefei urban planning bureau and his mother is with Hefei Audit Bureau .

  11. 转移了应该出去财务处为检查的人并且相应地给固定资产。

    The person who has been transferred should go to Finance Dept for check out and give Fixed Assets back accordingly .

  12. 一个分销处已在下述地点开始营业。销售金额正由财务处分类处理。

    An agency has been opened at the following address . The sale figures is is processed by our account department .

  13. 财务处作为学院的一个职能部门,具备较强的会计专业知识、较丰富的财务工作经验,而这些正是在校期间财务专业学生需要学习和掌握的。

    As a functional department of the institute , Finance Department possesses relatively strong accounting professional knowledge and abundant financial working experience .

  14. 不过,根据华大学生财务处收集的信息,受骗者可能多达90人。

    But there could be as many as 90 victims , according to information gathered by UW 's student fiscal services office .

  15. 在财务处局域网或虚拟子网内,对学费的操作采用C/S结构模式。

    Within the LAN or virtual network of financial section , the operation of students ' tuition adopts C / S structure mode .

  16. 治理系统设置综合办公室、组织人教处和科研计划财务处三个职能部分。

    The three administration office are : Office of General Affairs , Office of Personnel and Education , and Office of Strategy Planning and Financing .

  17. 财务处作为医院重要的经济管理职能部门之一,肩负着医院财务会计核算和经济管理工作的重任。

    As one of the most important functional economy and management department , the Finance Department assumes responsibilities of the financial accounting and economic management .

  18. 注:财务处为中心建立二级科目,单项核算,其依据为射波刀管委会制定的有关规定。

    Note : the financial department establishes second-level headings for single calculation on the basis of the relevant regulations made by the cyber knife management committee .

  19. 医院财务处:收费当月总数减去当月费用,剩余金额按合同比例分配。

    Financial department : the total of the month minus the cost of the same month , and the remaining capital is distributed by contract in proportion .

  20. 管理模式多为科研处负责科研项目的管理,财务处负责科研经费的管理。

    Management model for more scientific research is responsible for the management of scientific research projects , the Treasury is responsible for the management of funds for scientific research .

  21. 来澳大利亚以前,长征是大学的教师,小苗是大学财务处的会计师。

    Before coming to Australia , Jennifer is an academic staff in a University in China , and Ada worked as an accountant also in a University in China .

  22. 与财务处学生收费系统、学生处学生管理系统、就业办公室的学生就业管理系统等实现学生基本信息的共享。

    Student fees with the Treasury system , Student Office Student Management System , student employment office employment management system , such as students realize the sharing of basic information .

  23. 但在财务处下属机构的设置上,各高校存在较大的差异,这不利于高校财务管理的统一和规范。

    However , there exist differences in the setting of subordinate organizations of financial department of schools of higher education . Therefore it is disadvantageous to unifying and standardizing the management of financial affairs .

  24. 除此之外,成飞公司还面临着住房信息系统与公司的人事处、劳资处、财务处、警署、消防队等许多单位系统的信息共享缺陷问题。

    In addition , the company and the personnel office housing , Cheng Fei and financial , a police station , the fire department , and many other unit of information sharing , and other units some system has been upgraded , some already in developing .

  25. 中国石油管道分公司财务资产处;中国石油管道分公司管道科技中心;

    Xu Qiang , Financial Assets Department , PetroChina Pipeline Company , Gao Airu , Pipeline Technology Center , PetroChina Pipeline Company .

  26. 因而有必要建立一个能够识别财务危机所处阶段的预警模型。

    Therefore , it is necessary to establish a financial crisis model which could identify the stages of the financial crisis .

  27. 那末,中国的旅游投资环境究竟怎末样,我们电话采访了中国旅游局规划发展与财务司计划处的张吉林处长,他是这样解释的。

    In this case what about the tourism investment environment of China ? Thus we have interviewed Mr Jilin Zhang , Manager of Planning & Finance Section , China Tourism Bureau by telephone .

  28. 文章从企业财务报告所处的客观环境入手,对现有企业财务报告的基本假设、财务报告目标、财务报告要素、财务报告质量特征以及财务报告表述进行了探索。

    To begin with objective environment in which the firms ' financial report lies , new explorations are carried out about the basic assumption , object , element , quality characteristic of the present firms ' financial report .

  29. 财务困境企业所处行业的经济状况越好,其资产流动性越强,财务困境成本越低;(2)资产专用性程度与财务困境成本正相关。

    The better the economic condition in which financially-distressed firm is involved , the more liquid its assets are , therefore the higher FDC is . ( 2 ) The extent to asset specificity is positively related to FDC .