
zǔ zhī lù xiàn
  • Organizational Route;principles for running an organization
  1. 人才问题,主要是个组织路线问题。

    The question of qualified personnel is mainly one of organizational line .

  2. 思想路线政治路线的实现要靠组织路线来保证

    The organizational line guarantees the implementation of the ideological and political lines

  3. 是组织路线问题。这是一个很重要的问题。

    The extremely important question of organizational line .

  4. 我们制定了政治路线、组织路线和一系列的方针、政策。

    We have formulated political and organizational lines and a series of principles and policies .

  5. 组织路线是个很大的问题。

    Organizational line is a major question .

  6. 正确的政治路线要靠正确的组织路线来保证。

    The implementation of the correct political line must be ensured by a correct organizational line .

  7. 这次全会在组织路线方面作出了一系列非常重要的决策。

    This session has made a series of highly important policy decisions with regard to organizational line .

  8. 讲党的政治路线、思想路线和组织路线;

    Second , the political , ideological and organizational lines of the Party ; route protection [ railway ]

  9. 恢复和发展党的思想路线、政治路线、组织路线,是党的建设的重要途径;

    Bringing back and strengthening Party 's idea policy , political policy and organization policy is the importance approach ;

  10. 解决组织路线问题,最大的问题,也是最难、最迫切的问题,是选好接班人。

    The biggest , most difficult and most pressing problem in our organizational line is to select the proper successors .

  11. 当然,组织路线方面还有其他的问题,如机关臃肿怎样解决,退休制度问题怎样解决等等。

    Of course , the organizational line also involves other problems , such as how to reduce overstaffing and establish a retirement system .

  12. 本文围绕中央红军长征初期组织路线和军事路线的调整进行研究,文章主体分为三章。

    This paper focuses on the adjustment of the organizational and military routes in the initial stage of Long March of the Central Red Army .

  13. 第二个问题,关于坚持党的政治路线、思想路线和组织路线,我想多说几句。

    Second , the question of adhering to the Party 's political , ideological and organizational lines , which I want to speak about at greater length .

  14. 当然,对现在我们的思想路线、政治路线和组织路线抱有敌视态度的人还有,我不讲那些人的问题。

    Of course , there are still some people hostile towards our current ideological , political and organizational lines , but I am not talking about them .

  15. 党的组织路线应服从、服务于政治路线,不同时期党员标准,党员成分体现着不同的时代特征。

    The route of organization should be subjected to the political route , the party 's criterion and component in different stage should embody the different contemporary specialty .

  16. 本章主要系统阐述红军长征初期进行组织路线和军事路线调整的缘由:一方面,王明左倾错误路线的推行使党的正确领导受到干扰。

    This chapter systematically elaborates the cause about the adjustment : on the one hand , Wang Ming " left " errors interfered with the correct leadership of the Party .

  17. 导致苏联解体的原因很多,但其决定的关键因素,则是苏共自身建设存着严重问题,表现在苏共的思想、政治、组织路线及作风等方面。

    There were many causes leading to the disintegration of the Soviet Union , but the decisive factor was the serious problems existing in the building of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union .

  18. 群众路线既是马克思主义历史唯物论的基本观点和基本原理,也是我们党实现其思想路线、政治路线和组织路线的根本工作路线。

    The mass line is not only the basic standpoint and principle of Marxist historical materialism , but also the essential working line by which our communist Party realizes its ideological Political and organizational line .

  19. 主要讲党的理论创新是通过对党的指导思想、思想路线、政治路线、组织路线、工作路线等方面的实践创新来实现的。

    The article greatly states that the theoretical innovation of the Party is realized through the practical innovation in the aspects of guideline , ideological line , political line , organizing line and working line , etc.

  20. 比如三中全会确立了正确的思想路线、政治路线、组织路线,这样的提法以后还可以用。

    For instance , we used it to say that the Third Plenary Session established a correct ideological line , a correct political line and a correct organizational line , and we may use such formulations again in future .

  21. 路径作为中国古典园林中的组成要素之一,连接园中各个景点、组织游览路线,引导游人的游览序列,其存在是不容忽视、不可替代的。

    As one of the composition of Chinese classical gardens , the path connects the park attractions , organizes sightseeing routes and guides visitors to the tour sequence , so its existence can not be ignored and replaced .

  22. 园林中的廊、架往往成为具有联系点式建筑和组织游览路线的联系功能,同时其自身的建筑形制、装饰风格、材质类别的应用也形成了廊、架自身的景观功能。

    Garden-passageway and framework , often become the contact point of construction and can organize the tour route . At the same time , its architectural form , decorative style , and the application of various materials have formed the landscape function of themselves .

  23. 3G的组织岗位设计路线图

    The Route Map for the Job Design of 3G

  24. 试验结果表明,奥80焊丝成分设计,即选择以氮为主要强化元素的Cr-Ni-Mn-Mo-N合金成分系及熔敷金属为奥氏体+铁素体双相组织的技术路线是正确的。

    It was shown through test results that the design to make N the principal strengthening element for Cr-Ni-Mn-Mo-N alloy and to use the austenite + double unit structure ferrite as deposite metal is along the right direction .

  25. 规定了党的组织建设的路线和原则;

    It laid down the Party 's organizational policy and principles ;

  26. 正确的军事、组织、政治路线的制定与执行,标志着马克思主义中国化的成熟主体群开始形成;

    The formulation and implementation of correct military , organizational , and political guidelines marks the formation of a mature group of Marxists in China .

  27. RMC在过程中为你组织并维护了路线图。

    RMC organizes and maintains this roadmap within the process for you .

  28. 本次研究使用德尔菲法组织专家参与技术路线图的绘制工作。

    This is the basis of the later work . ( 2 ) Using delphi experts investigation method organize experts involved in the work of drawing technology roadmap .

  29. 本文从重大市政工程项目的定义出发,提出交通组织方案的技术路线,强调要做和应做的工作,从而为工程项目顺利进行创造良好条件。

    The technical routes are proposed for organization of the traffic during the construction of key municipal projects , and emphasis is laid on the work required to be done to create desirable conditions for smooth execution of the project .

  30. 许多组织参与一个企业范围的业务转型,还有一些组织则定义其路线图、愿景、策略和准则实现评估和治理。

    Some organizations engage in an enterprise-wide business transformation . Other organizations define their road maps , vision , strategy , and criteria for assessment and governance .