
  • 网络tissue fixation;Fixation
  1. 并参考文献比较了几个影响原位杂交效果的因素如冰冻与石蜡切片,蛋白酶K,组织固定,脱片,热变性和试剂配制等。并提出了改良方法。

    The authors contrast several factors effecting on the results of in situ hybridization , such as paraffin and cryostat sections , proteinase K , tissue fixation , hot melting and reagent preparation , and provide a new modified method .

  2. 组织固定对核酸含量及完整性的影响

    Effect of the tissue fixation on the content and integrity of nucleic acid

  3. 取肝、肾组织固定,进行HE染色和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)免疫组织化学切片。

    Liver and kidney were collected for HE staining and NOS immunohistochemistry slice .

  4. 分别取壁层、脏层胸膜标本,部分组织固定于10%中性福尔马林液中,余下组织置-80℃冰箱中,用于总RNA和蛋白的提取。

    The wall layer and visceral pleura specimens were taken and then part of the organization was fixed to the10 % neutral Formalin liquid and the rest used for the extraction of total RNA and protein were conserved in-80 ℃ fridge . 5 .

  5. 方法采用以往本研究小组建立的C-IBS大鼠模型,取模型组及正常对照组大鼠的回盲部、结肠标本,进行常规组织固定、包埋、切片。

    Methods The tissue specimens were obtained from the rats of control group and the C-IBS model , which was set up and reported by our group .

  6. 给药完毕后处死动物,取胸主动脉组织固定后以备实验,采用免疫组织化学法检测MCP-1、PKC-α表达,按阳性细胞率作计量资料进行统计分析。

    After giving final drugs , to kill rabbits and get tissue in aorta pectoralis , fixing it for experiment . The immunohistochemical method was used to examine the express of MCP-1 、 PKC - α with positive cell rate as measurement data for statistical analysis .

  7. 但HE染色须经过组织固定;

    However , HE staining must be performed on fixed tissue .

  8. 组织固定,冲洗,染色,脱水。

    Fixed , flushed , stained and desiccated the constitution ;

  9. 组织固定的作用和体会

    Experience in the effect of tissue fixation

  10. 对病毒感染组织固定时间不宜偏长,固定过程的温度宜选用4℃。

    Tissue samples should also be fixed at 4 . The fixed-time should not be prolonged .

  11. 本文将香蕉肉浆组织固定于氧电极上研制成对儿茶酚类化合物具有高选择性的香蕉组织电极。

    An amperometric membrane electrode with selective response to catechols is constructed by immobilizing banana pulp tissue slices at an O_2 electrode .

  12. 用的一种重要试剂,广泛用作合成试剂、组织固定剂以及消毒灭菌剂等。

    It has been employed as synthetic reagent , for tissue fixation and disinfectant / sterilizer as well as in numerous other fields .

  13. 取适当大小猪脊柱椎体松质骨,通过组织固定、脱脂、脱钙等步骤制备出脱钙骨基质支架。

    Through the organization of fixed , defatted , decalcified and other steps use of spine vertebral body , we prepared DBM samples of pig in vitro .

  14. 给药结束后处死全部小鼠,将一部分肝组织固定于4%多聚甲醛磷酸盐缓冲液,一部分冻存于液氮罐中。

    A portion of liver tissue were fixed in 4 % paraformaldehyde in PBS , and another the other portion of the liver tissue were frozen in liquid nitrogen tank .

  15. 本文的工作重点是对软组织固定罩材料及表面处理对周围组织的生长的影响,通过动物实验和生物学评价进行验证。

    This paper focuses on the effects of the materials properties of soft tissue fixation flange and its surface modifications on growth of surrounding tissues , which was proved by animal experiments and biological evaluation .

  16. 红外光谱、扫描电镜研究表明,纳米碳酸钙/壳聚糖杂化材料能够很好地将马铃薯组织固定玻碳电极上,制成了灵敏高、选择性好的儿茶酚传感器。

    The experimental results of FTIR and scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) indicated that the potato tissue homogenate can be well immobilized on the glassy carbon electrode using laponite / chitosan composite , which formed a high sensitivity and selectivity biosensor to detect the catechol .

  17. Rails对其文件的组织是固定的而且非常普通的,不过这种组织相对严格。

    Rails relies on a fixed and fairly common-sense organization of its files , but this organization is relatively rigid .

  18. 方法采用血管灌注固定加组织块固定相结合的方法(简称PS复合固定法)。

    Methods PS was fixed with the method of vascular perfusion fixation and block fixating of lung ( PS compound fixation ) .

  19. 采用血管灌注固定与组织块固定相结合的方法观察哮喘豚鼠肺泡衬里层肺表面活性物质(PS)的超微结构改变。

    The ultrastructural changes of pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) in lining layer of lung alveoli in asthmatic guinea pigs were observed with vascular perfusion fixation and block fixation of lung .

  20. 各组达到预定时间后,戊巴比妥钠40mg/kg腹腔注射麻醉成功后取出脊柱,小尖刀及眼科剪仔细剥离L4/L5椎间盘组织,固定、脱钙、制作石蜡切片,运用H.E染色技术观察椎间盘组织的形态结构。

    At the scheduled time , 40mg / kg sodium pentobarbital were injected intraperitoneal , removed the spine , and use small sharp knife and ophthalmic scissors to excise the L4 / L5 intervertebral discs , then fixed , demineralization , did paraffin section .

  21. 切片制作中,组织在固定时脂滴物质已被溶解除去。

    The lipid itself has been dissolved out in fixation .

  22. 乳腺组织悬吊固定在第二、三肋骨骨膜上,固定确切;

    Fixing the breast tissue to the periosteum of the second and third rib ;

  23. 包埋固定后的器官无变形,组织原位固定好。

    After embedding , the fixed organs had no significant deformation and in situ fixed .

  24. 本文指出,苯硼醛复合液对组织的固定防腐效果优良,几乎接近于10%福尔马林的固定防腐效果。

    It was found that the Benzol-Borate-Aldehyde compound liquicl was very effective , and almost similar to the effect of-10 % Forma-lin.

  25. 唐朝以前,由于实行封闭的里坊管理体制,城市中的民间组织难以固定。

    Prior to the Tang Dynasty , the civil organizations in town were not stable , owning to the introverted management system of Li and Fang .

  26. 手术后7,14,21,28d,取兔左侧脑干组织,固定,石蜡包埋,切片。

    Left brain stem of rabbits were selected , fixed , embedded with paraffin , and cut into sections 7-day , 14-day , 21-day and 28-day after operation .

  27. 标本处理:四组动物均于面部注射后12小时处死,取中下段脑干和双侧三叉神经节组织,固定,常规石蜡包埋、切片,切片厚度4μm。

    4 groups rats were sacrificed at 12 hour after formalin-injected . The bottom segment of brainstem and bilateral trigeminal ganglion tissue were removed and embeded in paraffin .

  28. 结果发现:除新鲜组织外,固定包埋的组织也可用作pcr分析;

    The results showedthat besides fresh tissues , some formalin fixed ParaffinEmbedded tissues can be correctly analyzed with pcr .

  29. 体外循环建立前取右肺中叶少许肺组织,福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋,SP法免疫组织化学染色,并进行灰度扫描。

    The specimens were taken from middle lobe of the right lung before cardiopulmonary bypass and were fixed by formaldehyde solution , paraffin embedding and stained by SP immunohistochemical technique and usual analysis .

  30. 将收集的部分卵巢组织经福尔马林固定、石蜡切片及HE染色行组织形态学观察,采用免疫组织化学方法检测人卵巢组织中凋亡抑制因子(Bcl-2)及凋亡因子(Bax)的表达。

    Some ovarian tissue will be collected by the formalin-fixed , paraffin section and HE staining to do histological examination , detect expression of inhibitor of apoptosis ( Bcl-2 ) and apoptotic factor ( Bax ) by immunohistochemistry of human ovarian tissue .