
  • 网络kumite
  1. 那么培养优秀的空手道组手人才,良好的基础训练起着至关重要的作用。

    So cultivating outstanding karate kumite talent , good basic training plays a vital role in .

  2. 本会非参赛运动员如对组手训练有兴趣,亦欢迎一同加入训练。

    Non-athletes of the Association , who are interested in Kumite training , are also welcome to join the training .

  3. 评定本组手针治疗477例MPD的总有效率为93.1%。

    The effective rate of the acupuncture treatment of 477 cases of MPD is 93.1 % .

  4. 2008全国空手道锦标赛组手技术统计与分析

    Kumite Technical Statistics And Analysis Of 2008 National Karate Tournament

  5. 对空手道组手三分技术运用的调查与分析

    Investigation on Karat Combined-blow-for-3-point Technique

  6. 实验1,2组手部皮肤有不同程度的粗糙、干裂。

    In group 1 and 2 , the hands skin was dry and cracked to some digree .

  7. 分析了手征介质球壳的低频电磁屏蔽效应,给出了一组手征电磁屏蔽球壳的设计曲线。

    The low frequency shielding characteristics of a chiral spherical shell is studied and a group of curves for design is given .

  8. 型主要分布在我国发达城市,组手主要分布在我国的中原和东部地区。

    Type are mainly distributed in Chinese developed cities , group hand are mainly distributed in Chinese central plains and eastern regions . 3 .

  9. 结果干预组手肿胀痊愈率、显效率高于对照组,P<0.05。而干预组无效率显著低于对照组P<0.05。

    Results Compared with those of Control group , Recovery rate and effective rate of Intervention group were higher ( P < 0.05 ), while ineffective rate of Intervention group were lower significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 基础训练一是使空手道组手技术动作标准化并阐明正确的训练方法;二是为广大空手道组手运动员掌握进攻和防守技术提供全方位的指导。

    Basic training is to make karate kumite technical action standardization and elucidate the correct training methods ; the two is for the majority of karate group hand athletes master the offensive and defensive techniques to provide a full range of guidance .

  11. 抓好空手道组手动作定型是进行基础训练的关键,强化训练是基础训练的必要过程,只有抓好基础训练,才能更好地、全面地提高运动员的竞争技术能力。

    Catch good karate group hand movement stereotypes is the basic training of key , strengthening training is the foundation of training process , only do a good job of basic training , in order to better , fully enhance competitive athletes technical ability .

  12. 结果治疗后作业疗法合针灸组的手功能评分均高于单纯作业疗法组(P0.01)。

    Results All scores of hand function were significantly higher in the occupational therapy plus acupuncture group than in the simple acupuncture group ( P0.01 ) .

  13. 结果:病人和正常人组左右手(脚)震颤平均振幅差值△和手脚震颤频率X,有显著性差异。

    The average amplitude difference between the right and left hand | Δ | and the tremor frequency of the hand or the foot X are calculated . Results : | Δ | and X of patients with neurological disease are significantly different from those of normal people .

  14. B组:手推注药,诱导量丙泊酚2~2.5mg/kg,在60s左右推完,手术期间根据情况追加丙泊酚50mg左右。

    Group B : propofol was injected by general syringe with inducing dosage at 2 to 2.5 mg / kg and taking around 60s to complete . The patients could be added 50 mg if they moved during the operation .

  15. 结果:兔面MNCV比较:1.西药组、手针组、电针组兔面MNCV优于模型组(P<0.05,P<0.01);

    RESULT : Rabbit facial MNCV : ① The western medicine group , the hand needle group , the electricity needle group curative effect surpasses the model group ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 );

  16. 结果康复组患者手的感觉功能优良率达88%,有效率达97%。

    Results The excellent and effective rates of functional recovery in sensation in the rehabilitation group were 88 % and 97 % , respectively .

  17. 结果:观察组肩手综合征发生率为9.09%,对照组发生率为26.67%,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results : The rate of occurrence of shoulder-hand syndrome was 9.09 % observed group and 26.67 % in control group . There was a remarkable difference between two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 结果与缺血组相比,手十二井穴刺络放血组MDA含量明显降低,SOD活性明显升高(P<0.01)。

    Results In blood-letting puncture in ' twelve-well point of the hand ' group the content of MDA were obviously decreased whereas activity of SOD were obviously increased in comparison with those of the cerebral ischemia group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 结果:VPS组患者出现手部动作迟缓、颈肩僵直、步态不稳、表情呆板、智能障碍和锥体束征等临床症状和体征明显多于PD组患者(均P0.01);

    Results : Compared to the PD group , more clinical symptoms and signs in the VPS group were observed as bradypragia of hand , rigidity of neck and shoulder , staggering gait , hypomimia , disturbance of intelligence and speech , and pyramidisign ( P0.01 );

  20. 方法本组15例手部皮肤撕脱伤皮瓣修复术后患者,术中在受区基底保留1mm~2mm厚的薄层筋膜脂肪层,将皮瓣全部修薄成全厚皮或者中厚皮重新游离植皮。

    Methods 15 patients had been performed to preserve a lmm ~ 2mm thickness of fascia-fatty tissue on the recipient site , remove all the subcutaneous tissue of the covered flap and replace the flap skin as a graft .

  21. 是巴尔的摩都市管弦乐队铜管乐组的长号手

    a member of the Baltimore Metropolitan Orchestra 's brass section -- a trombone player .

  22. 由不同独立的湿处理工艺槽、多组传输机械手及进出料工位组成。

    This system includes multiple wet process tanks , loading and unloading robots , and transferring robots .

  23. 近日,一组新生儿自己手拿氧气罩的照片在国内社交媒体上走红。

    A group of photos of a newborn baby holding an oxygen mask by himself has gone viral on Chinese social media .

  24. 阿富汗官员说,一组自杀爆炸手袭击了东部城市贾拉拉巴德的一处警方设施,造成至少五名警察死亡。

    Afghan officials say a group of suicide bombers has attacked a police base in the eastern city of Jalalabad , killing at least five officers .

  25. 结果观察组病人患手功能恢复优良率明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results The rate of excellent and good recovery of hand functions in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  26. 吻合口漏5例(EEA组4例,手缝组1例),吻合口癌肿复发3例(EEA组2例,手缝组1例)。

    Anastomotic leakage occurred in 5 cases , of which 4 were in EEA group .

  27. 应用军事医学科学研究院研制的碘伏产品碘伏一号,分5组进行术前手消毒效果的观察。

    The effectiveness of home made Iodophor No.1 applied to preoperative hand and skin disinfection was studied in5 groups .

  28. 纵隔镜治疗术组有9例手汗症患者行胸交感神经切断术,1例行心包脂肪瘤切除。

    In the treatment group , 9 cases of palmar hyperhidrosis were treated by thoracic sympathectomy , 1 case of pericardial liparomphalus was resected .

  29. 碘伏用于术前手消毒效果的检测方法分两组对手术人员手消毒前、后采样计算无菌生长率。

    Method workers in operation room were divided into two groups , the bacterial contain on their hand were detected before and after hand sterilizing .

  30. 结果:压力组和循环组患手肿胀程度、疼痛的目测类比定级均明显改善(P<0.01),掌指关节活动度能较好保持(P>0.05);

    Result : There were good effect on decreasing dropsy and pain , and improving ROM of metacarpophalangeal in group 1 and group 2 ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.01 ) .