
  • 网络Fighting skills;Kakutogi;Vale Tudo;Fighting Art
  1. 游戏中只要通过鼠标就能放出很多种类的格斗技,游戏中还有必杀技!

    So long as can emit a lot of grapple skills of kind in the game through the mouse , must kill the skill in the game !

  2. 近年来,由于训练水平的不断提高、各种赛事的成功举办,使得各类格斗项目的技战术都得到了空前的发展。

    Recently , because of great improvement of training and the successfully organized competitions , all kinds of fighting skills have experienced an unprecedented development .

  3. 这些骑士装备板甲和长剑,无论马上或步战格斗都同样战技娴熟,对雇主而言的确物有所值。

    These knights are armoured in plate mail and wield their swords to excellent effect when on foot .