
duǎn dāo
  • dagger;short sword;short weapons
短刀 [duǎn dāo]
  • [dagger;short weapons] 小刀,短兵器

短刀[duǎn dāo]
  1. 你们山中人不是手拿短刀去打熊吗?

    Don 't your mountaineers attack bears dagger in hand ?

  2. 船长走向前去,把短刀插入两壳间,使它们不能再合拢。

    The captain approached and stuck his dagger vertically between the shells to discourage any ideas about closing ;

  3. 平民们通常使用弓箭进行狩猎,装备猎弓和短刀。

    Peasant Archers are accustomed to using their bow for hunting .

  4. 你会用你的迦太罗尼亚短刀去同他的匕首决斗的。

    You would cross your Catalan knife with his dirk .

  5. 让我找到我的银短刀,填饱我的肚子就好!

    Let me just find my silver cutlass , and fill my stomach !

  6. 短刀正中房门,深深地插进橡木板,随着残余的劲道晃动不止。

    It struck the door and buried itself deep in the oak , quivering .

  7. 这种短刀是插在腰带上面的。

    This short Dao is girded on waistband .

  8. 或许,一份冲动、一支手电、一把短刀写下的一个故事。

    Maybe , it came from a story about impulse , a flashlight and a coutel .

  9. “他就缺少一副耳环和衔在嘴里的短刀了,”思嘉想。

    " All he needs is earrings and a cutlass between his teeth ," she thought .

  10. 一种土耳其短刀或弯刀,有双重弯曲的刀刃和耳状的刀把头,但缺少护手的把柄。

    Turkish sword or scimitar having a double-curved blade and an eared pommel , but lacking a handle guard .

  11. 然后,他手拿短刀,直向鲨鱼冲去,准备跟鲨鱼肉搏。

    Then he strode right toward the monster , dagger in hand , ready to fight it at close quarters .

  12. 这些弓箭兵身经百战,训练有素,通常不穿盔甲,以自制战弓和短刀作战。

    This unit of experienced and well trained archers wear little to no armour and are armed with a self bow and a knife .

  13. 但船长阻止我,作个不要动的手势,他很快抽出他的短刀,让两片介壳立即合拢来。

    But the captain stopped me , signaled no , removed his dagger in one swift motion , and let the two valves snap shut .

  14. 他们跟我一样拿着短刀,此外,尼德·兰用手挥动一把鱼叉,这叉是他离开诺第留斯号之前放在小艇中的。

    They were armed in the same fashion , and Ned Land was also brandishing an enormous harpoon he had stowed in the skiff before leaving the Nautilus .

  15. 他的身边挂一把弯弯的短刀,背后插一个圆圆的嵌着铜块的盾牌,右手握一柄长矛。

    By his side hung a curving scimitar , a round shield studded with bosses of brass hung at his back , and his right hand grasped a lance .

  16. 这些民兵装备战弓和短刀,来自城市社会底层平民,应徵入伍防御外来侵略。

    Armed with a bow and knife these troops are made up of lower class city dwellers , who are called up to defend their homes in time of need .

  17. 我弯下腰去取一张纸的时候,它也弯下去,弯成我膝盖上的一把短刀,然后,它笔直地复原。

    When I bent over to pick up a piece of paper , it bent , too , becoming a dagger attached to my knee . Then it returned to its original shape .

  18. 这两种鱼有不同的名称呼吁在世界各地,包括茶,短刀和越南鲶鱼(即使它们是不相同的物种,美国鲶鱼)。它是何鲶鱼的一种。

    Both fish there are called by different names in various parts of the world , including Tra , Panga and Vietnamese Catfish even though they re not the same species as US catfish .

  19. 于是他从丽达胸膛的伤口里抽出那把短刀,一手把刀递给老人,一手撕开他的背心。

    And withdrawing the knife from the wound in Rita 's bosom , he held it out to the old man with one hand , while with the other he tore open his vest .

  20. 男人大部分带着某种正规武器,女人有的带短刀,有的带匕首,有的则一边看热闹,一边吃喝,许多女人打着毛线。

    Of the men , the greater part were armed in various ways ; of the women , some wore knives , some daggers , some ate and drank as they looked on , many knitted .

  21. 该文重点研究了盘式短刀枝桠削片机的设计参数,分析了这些设计参数的影响因素,特别是单位切削力和切削功率。

    This paper mainly studies the design parameters of disc branch chipper with short knives , analyzes the factors affecting the design parameters , especially the cutting force per unit of knife length and cutting power .

  22. 他弯下身子,带着一种特别的冷静,等待那巨大的鲨鱼,当鲨鱼向他冲来的时候,船长非常矫捷地跳在一边,躲开冲击,同时拿短刀刺人鱼腹中。

    Bracing himself , he waited for the fearsome man-eater with wonderful composure , and when the latter rushed at him , the captain leaped aside with prodigious quickness , avoided a collision , and sank his dagger into its belly .

  23. 他隐约觉得这把短刀、布兰坠楼都与谋害琼恩·艾林有所牵连,但琼恩的死亡真相像个谜团,他依旧毫无头绪。

    The dagger , Bran 's fall , all of it was linked somehow to the murder of Jon Arryn , he could feel it in his gut , but the truth of Jon 's death remained as clouded to him as when he had started .