
  • 网络macaque;macaque monkeys;Barbary macaques
  1. 在短尾猿大脑的几个区域,神经元在延迟反应任务中按照实验结束时所期望奖赏的价值来决定放电的速度。

    In several areas of the macaque brain , neurons fire during delayed-response tasks at a rate determined by the value of the reward expected at the end of the trial .

  2. 这和恒河猴短尾猿中的研究是鲜明的对比,恒河猴中持续的SIV复制以及因此而致的病毒高负荷和高水平的免疫激活并进展到AIDS相关。

    This is in stark contrast to rhesus macaques , in which persistent SIV replication and resultant high viral loads are associated with high levels of immune activation and progression to AIDS .