
duǎn hào
  • cornet;cornette
短号 [duǎn hào]
  • [cornet] 主要用于吹奏乐队的有活塞的铜管乐器,形状和音域类似小号,但音质较暗

短号[duǎn hào]
  1. 网内用户之间可以使用短号或真实号码联系,iVPN集团成员网内和网外呼叫可以享受灵活的资费策略。

    Net users can use the cornet or the real number of contacts , iVPN members of the Group net and net calls can enjoy a flexible tariff policy .

  2. 短袜和长简袜都很容易带电。形状像短号但是带有粗管的铜乐器。

    A brass instrument resembling a cornet but with a wider bore .

  3. 组合音箱里的超级短号独奏悠扬动听。

    A Synthetic Music machine was warbling out a super-cornet solo .

  4. 酗酒的小成本会计师和他那吹短号的兄弟。

    The drunken little costdrawer and his brother , the cornet player .

  5. 他在学校的乐队中吹短号。

    He played the cornet in the school band .

  6. 我听到有人在莱斯特广场上吹短号。

    I heard a cornet playing in Leicester square .

  7. 弗朗西斯科年幼时自学了中提琴,竖琴,短号和管风琴。

    Young Francisco taught himself to play the viola , harp , cornet and organ .

  8. 我觉得她根本不在乎乐队里那个吹短号的原来是个古董商。

    And I don 't think she cared that the cornet player was actually an antiques dealer .

  9. 世纪20年代,路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的小号和爵士短号演奏让他一举成名。

    During the1920s , Louis Armstrong became famous for his performances on the trumpet and jazz cornet .

  10. 形状像短号但是带有粗管的铜乐器。一根头发比同等粗细的铜丝还要结实。

    A brass instrument resembling a cornet but with a wider bore . A human hair is stronger than copper wire of the same thickness .

  11. 为长笛2,双簧管2,单簧管2,大管2,圆号2,短号2,女高音,女中音,男高音和弦乐组谱曲。

    Scored for2 flutes , 2 oboes , 2 clarinets , 2 bassoons , 2 horns , 2 trumpets , soprano , alto , tenor and strings .

  12. 他会推开门,“在短号上吹出三个、四个或者五个音符,悦耳且专业那是自不用说”&然后消失掉。

    He would open the door , blow " three or four or five unquestionably sweet and expert notes on a cornet " & and then disappear .

  13. 长号,短号,粗管短号以及很多喇叭状的其他乐器被制造和演奏。

    There are cornets bugles , flugelhorns , and a number of others that are all similar to the trumpet in the way they are made and played .

  14. 虽然Piraha人可能不需要计数,但他们却错过了很多关于数的乐趣,比如那首脍炙人口的歌在他们口中可能就只能这样唱了“游行队伍的最前面是许多的长号,紧随其后的是更多的短号”。

    Although the Piraha people might not need numbers , think of what they 're missing . " A large number of trombones led the big parade , with an even larger number of cornets close at hand ... "