
  • 网络story;Short Story;novella
  1. 她是一位多产的作家,写了很多小说和短篇故事。

    She is a prolific writer of novels and short stories

  2. 他一生创作了七部小说,五部短篇故事集,以及三部个人自传。

    In his whole creative life , Anderson composed seven novels , five collections of short stories and three personal narratives .

  3. 这是一个关于尼日尔12岁女孩哈贾拉·扎卡里的短篇故事。

    Here is a short story about Hadjara Zakari , a 12-year-old girl in Niger .

  4. 我们努力设计出的,或者是完成了首月的第一笔交易,或者是写出了一个短篇故事,

    What we have managed to design , or make in our first month of trading , or write in an early short story ,

  5. 《睡谷的传说》是华盛顿?欧文(WashingtonIrving)的一篇古老的短篇故事。

    The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an old short story by Washington Irving .

  6. 爱荷华大学出版社(UniversityofIowa),平装,16美元。这本阴暗、丰富、短小,通过短篇故事呈现的小说表明方德斯是天才的道德家,有着近似俄罗斯作家的凶猛。

    ( University of Iowa , paper , $ 16 . ) This dark , rich little novel in stories shows Founds as a talented moralist of nearly Russian ferocity .

  7. 为此,两人阅读了像KatherineMansfield这样作者的短篇故事,同时写下一些对他们听写的单词。

    To do this they read short stories by authors like Katherine Mansfield at the same time as writing down a list of words being dictated to them .

  8. 美国人利文斯(JackLivings)20世纪90年代曾在中国留学并担任英语教师,他最近出版了一本名为《那只狗》(TheDog)的书,这是他的第一本短篇故事集,其中的故事以错综复杂的现代中国为背景。

    Jack Livings spent time in China as a student and an English teacher in the ' 90s . The American author recently published ' The Dog , ' his first collection of short stories , set in the contradictory landscape that is modern China .

  9. 斯托克的第一本完整的书,是早些时候在都柏林写的,一本名叫《TheDutiesofClerksofPettySessions》的非小说,紧随其后的是小说、演讲稿、短篇故事、文章、连续剧和两卷欧文回忆录。

    Stoker 's first full-length book , written earlier in Dublin , was a piece on non-fiction entitled The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland , and was followed by novels , lectures , short stories , articles , serials and a two-volume memoir of Irving .

  10. 这本书由12篇独立的短篇故事组成。

    This book is made up of twelve separate short stories .

  11. 他为杂志写了一些短篇故事攒些钱。

    He made some money from writing short stories for magazines .

  12. 他喜欢给他的学生写短篇故事。

    He likes to write short stories for his pupils .

  13. 纳萨尼尔。霍桑,美国小说家和短篇故事作家。

    Nathaniel Hawthorne , American novelist and short story writer .

  14. 他用余暇写了一些短篇故事。

    In his spare time he wrote some short stories .

  15. 我等车时读了一个短篇故事。

    I read a short story while I waited for the bus .

  16. 《荔子情》里的短篇故事也反映现实生活。

    The short stories in Lizi Qing also reflect the realities of life .

  17. 科幻小说中为智能机器人设定了标准的短篇故事。

    Short stories that set the standard for intelligent robots in science fiction .

  18. 我想要一本短篇故事集。

    49i 'd like a collection of short stories .

  19. 也为校文学杂志写短篇故事和诗歌。

    And I write short stories and poetry for our school literary magazine .

  20. 这座图书馆在许多科幻电影、短篇故事和小说里出现过。

    It has been featured in sci-fi films , short stories and novels .

  21. 阿德里安:我大学时读过几篇你的短篇故事。

    Adrian : I read a couple of your short stories in college .

  22. 短篇故事《鸡蛋》的结构主义管窥

    A Structuralist Look at Anderson 's Short Story Egg

  23. 免费短篇故事提供-只到星期日为止!

    Free Short Story Offer – just till Sunday !

  24. 长篇小说和短篇故事是不同的类别。

    The novel and short story are different genres .

  25. 西尔维娅·普拉斯是著名美国诗人、小说家以及短篇故事作家。

    Sylvia Plath is a celebrated American poet , novelist and short story writer .

  26. 这个短篇故事有点好笑。

    The short story was funny in measure .

  27. 开始作为一则短篇故事的东西,最终发展成为洋洋大观的长篇小说。

    What started out as a short story eventually developed into a full-scale novel .

  28. 写短篇故事需要很大的聪明才智。

    Writing short story requires great talent .

  29. 他一生著作等身,著有大量优秀的长篇小说、短篇故事等。

    As a prolific writer , he makes great achievements in novels and short stories .

  30. 【二十世纪美国短篇故事选集】。

    Selections from 20th-Century American Short Stories .