
  • 网络happily married;happy marriage;marital happiness;wedded bliss
  1. 密歇根大学罗斯商学院(UniversityofMichigan’sRossSchoolofBusiness)市场营销学教授斯科特·里克(ScottRick)专注于研究金钱、吸引力和婚姻幸福间的联系。

    Scott Rick , a marketing professor at the University of Michigan 's Ross School of Business , studies the links between money , attraction and marital happiness .

  2. 六月,《高级护理》刊登了一项Nebraska大学护理学院对185位男性和女性婚姻幸福情况的调查。

    In June , The Journal of Advanced Nursing reported on a study from the University of Nebraska College of Nursing that looked at marital happiness in185 men and women .

  3. 再难我也要努力使这桩婚姻幸福美满。

    I 'll make this marriage work if it kills me .

  4. 他们一面高兴地描绘着每天16个小时的工作,一面又声称自己婚姻幸福。

    There they were , merrily describing their 16-hour working days while simultaneously claiming to be happily married

  5. 她婚姻幸福,还有两个孩子。

    She 's happily married with two kids .

  6. 这家名为“SWEETSTORY(“甜蜜故事”)国际婚纱中心”的公司称,选这一长度是为了表达新娘百里挑一、婚姻幸福的寓意。

    The wedding dress company , called Sweet Story , said they chose the length of the dress in order to deliver the meaning that the bride is the one chosen from 100 - an lucky sign to a happy marriage .

  7. 我正在想这些事情时,发现另一个我过去认为婚姻幸福的人在Tinder上给我的一个朋友发了条消息。

    Those are the things I think about when yet another person I used to think of as being part of a happily married couple messages a friend of mine on Tinder .

  8. 作家MegCabot在2015年出版了第一本青少年书籍《公主日记》,名为《皇室婚礼》,所以这部新电影很有可能会追随米娅首次尝试婚姻幸福的脚步。

    Author Meg Cabot released the first adult Princess Diaries book in 2015 , named The Royal Wedding , so there 's every chance the new film will follow Mia 's first foray into marital bliss .

  9. 祝你们婚姻幸福白头偕老。

    I wish you two a happy and long married life .

  10. 不过,很少有男人会在那个时刻说出真正主导婚姻幸福的东西:金钱。

    Few , however , will mention what really matters : money .

  11. 吉祥的7字会给恋爱中的幸运儿带来婚姻幸福吗?

    Will lucky sevens result in wedded bliss for the lucky in love ?

  12. 只有正面肯定的话语方能避免双方的误解,从而保证婚姻幸福。

    Positive statements can prevent many misunderstandings and mean a lot to married happiness .

  13. 他致电祝愿新婚夫妇婚姻幸福,白头偕老。

    In his telegram , he wished the newlyweds a lifetime of connubial bliss .

  14. 为什么有的妇女婚姻幸福而她的姐妹却非常不幸饱受挫折?

    Why is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated ?

  15. 婚姻幸福的女性压力较小。

    Happily married women suffer less stress . *

  16. 此时此刻,我真诚地祝福你婚姻幸福快乐!

    At this very moment , I sincerely wish you a very pleasant marriage .

  17. 但是这并不是说,婚姻幸福就等同于血压理想。

    But it didn 't equal the blood pressure advantage of being happily married .

  18. 研究婚姻幸福感对建设和谐社会具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Marital happiness research in building a harmonious society has important theoretical and practical significance .

  19. 二婚比第一次婚姻幸福;一对没有爱情的夫妇。

    His second marriage was happier than the first ; a married couple without love .

  20. 祝你们婚姻幸福美满!

    Many congratulations on your happy marriage !

  21. 如果你相信爱情是婚姻幸福之源,请你勇敢的来

    If you believe that love is the source of marital happiness , you brave to

  22. 是世界上为数不多的文化与自然双重遗产之一。已发现吸烟对吸烟者的健康有影响。父亲对孩子们的个性及婚姻幸福的可能性具有巨大影响。

    Fathers have an enormous effect on their children 's personalities and chances of marital happiness

  23. 婚姻幸福的人相信,他们找到了自己的灵魂伴侣,而且他们有充分的理由在一起。

    Happily married people believe they married their soul mates , and for good reason .

  24. 婚姻幸福的女性压力较少。

    Happily married women suffer less stress .

  25. 为了自己的婚姻幸福,她背叛了祖国和父亲杀死了亲弟弟。

    She betrayed her motherland and father , killed her younger brother for the happy marriage .

  26. 一个男人正在向他的朋友传授自己婚姻幸福美满的秘密。

    A man was telling one of his friends the secret of his contented married life .

  27. 亲子关系满意度、对父母婚姻幸福程度的评价对中学生一般生活满意度的影响显著;

    The parent-offspring relation , the happiness degree of parents marriage influenced general life satisfaction significantly .

  28. 但是,多数关于孩子和婚姻幸福之间的研究都集中于有孩子的前几年。

    But much of the research on children and marital happiness focuses on the early years .

  29. 他婚姻幸福,但因为第一部小说反响平平,所以内心有些惴惴不安。

    He 's happily married but feeling insecure about the lackluster performance of his first novel .

  30. 婚姻幸福的心理因素

    Psychological Factors in Marital Happiness