
hūn hòu cái chǎn
  • postnuptial properties
  1. 在加利福尼亚等实行夫妻共同财产制(communityproperty)的州,婚后财产往往是对半分。

    In ' community property ' states , such as California , marital assets are typically split 50-50 .

  2. 在实行公平分配制(equitabledistribution)的州,法官常常是看怎样分配“公平”,所以所有婚后财产都要算到一起,然后再作划分。

    In ' equitable distribution ' states , judges generally look at what is ' fair , ' so all marital property is considered before it is divided .

  3. 管理委托人的财产。如:婚前财产见证;婚后财产分离;日常财产管理等。

    Manage the client 's property , such as undertaking notarial work for the property prior to marriage , the division of marital property , day-to-day management etc.

  4. 夫妻婚后所得财产相互告知义务的现实依据及理论依据

    The Practical and Theoretical Basis of Mutually Informed Obligation of Marital Property

  5. 夫妻财产制是有关夫妻婚前或婚后所得财产归属、使用、管理、收益和处分的法律制度。

    The marital property system is an institution which constituted by the ownership , use , management , revenues and disposal of married or premarital couples ' properties .

  6. 婚后夫妻财产处理协议夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产的约定,对双方具有约束力。

    The agreement reached between the husband and wife on the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and on the prenuptial property is binding on both parties .

  7. 汤姆:是的,但婚后我们的财产情况发生了很大的转变,因此凯瑟琳认为它已经无效了。

    Tom : Yeah , but Catherine wants it set aside because our financial situation has changed so much since we got married .

  8. 古埃及女性还享有婚姻自由,夫妻俩甚至可以制定婚前协议,罗列出女性将在婚后带来的财产,以保证女方在离婚之时得到应有的赔偿。

    Egyptian couples were even known to negotiate an ancient prenuptial agreement . These contracts listed all the property and wealth the woman had brought into the marriage and guaranteed that she would be compensated for it in the event of a divorce .

  9. 婚前协议和婚后协议改变夫妻财产的分割吗?

    Can premarital and post marital agreements alter the division of marital property ?

  10. 按揭房是一类房屋的总称,不是任何按揭房都存在离婚时分割的难题,比如夫妻之间有约定的按揭房、婚后以夫妻共同财产按揭共同还款的按揭房等就不存在很大的难题。

    The mortgage is a kind of housing in general , not any mortgage have divorce segmentation problems , such as the couple have agreed a mortgage , married to the couples joint property mortgage repayment mortgage housing common , there is no big problem .

  11. 所谓的“婚后协议”,与确定如何分割婚后财产的婚前协议类似,只不过这些协议是在结婚之后、而不是结婚之前签订的。

    " Postnups " , as the agreements are known , are similar to prenuptial agreements on how to divide marital assets , except they are signed after marriage , not before .