
hūn qián jiǎn chá
  • Premarital examination;premarital checkups
婚前检查[hūn qián jiǎn chá]
  1. 地中海贫血和G6PD缺乏联合检测在婚前检查中的价值

    The value of the combined tests of thalassemia and G6PD deficiency in detection of before marriage

  2. 婚前检查及产前诊断对减少地中海贫血合并G6PD缺乏症患儿的出生具有十分重要的意义。

    Conclusions Premarital counseling and antenatal diagnosis are important measures to decrease the birth - rate of children with both thalassaemia and G6PD deficiency .

  3. 目的探讨地中海贫血和G6PD缺乏联合检测在婚前检查中的发病率,并指导优生优育。

    Objective : To study the rate of the combined tests of thalassemia and G6PD deficiency in detection of before marriage , to direct aristogenesis and good brood .

  4. 延吉市涉外婚前检查结果分析

    Analysis of matrimonial physical examination relations with foreigners in Yanji city

  5. 不是所有伴侣都须要进行婚前检查,但对某些伴侣来说,婚前检查有一定的好处。

    While premarital check-up is not compulsory , it could be beneficial for some couples .

  6. 在过去三年中,每年两会她都提交有关鼓励婚前检查的议案。

    Over the past three years , she has raised proposals to encourage pre-marital medical checks .

  7. 这视乎婚前检查的目的何在,有不同类型的测试可供选择。

    Depending on the reason for the premarital check-up , many different kinds of tests are available .

  8. 结论应加强宣传,使婚前检查变成自觉行为。

    Conclusion We must enhance the publicity and turn the premarital health check into a conscious behavior .

  9. 对于有家族遗传疾病史的伴侣来说,婚前检查更加重要。

    It is even more relevant and important for couples who have some family history of heritable diseases .

  10. 降低妊娠梅毒及先天梅毒儿的发病率,关键在于加强婚前检查及早孕检测。

    Strengthening the pre-marital consultation and medical checkup programme may reduce the incidence of congenital syphilis in pregnant women .

  11. 目的:探讨提高婚前检查率和婚检质量的有效措施。

    Objective : To find an effective way to enhance the rate and the quantity of premarital medical examination .

  12. 但是对于取消强制性地要求婚前检查,则需要我们认真地反思与探讨。

    As far as elimination of premarital checkup is concerned , more counter - thinking and discussion are needed .

  13. 服务范围包括生育指导、妇科检查、婚前检查、怀孕前验身、更年期服务和青年辅导等。

    The services encompass fertility regulation , gynaecological check-up , pre-marital and pre-pregnancy preparation , menopause service and youth counselling .

  14. 方法:采取问卷与体检相结合的方法,对422例妇女从婚前检查到分娩期间,进行追踪调查。

    Methods : Questionnaire and physical examination were administered periodically for 422 women from the time before their marriage to the time after delivery .

  15. 方法采用体检与问卷相结合的方法,对武汉市5个城区随机抽样的421对婚前检查的初婚夫妇,进行5年的围产期追踪调查。

    Method combined the methods of physical examination and questionnaire , 422 quasi couples who are sampled from 4 communities in wuhan city are investigated for 5 years after they came to do physical examinations before marriage .

  16. 方法:采用妇科检查、心理卫生测试与社会敏感问题随机应答技术,对南京市620例(其中青少年314例)婚前检查者和172例青少年人工流产者的社会心理因素,进行一元及多元分析。

    METHODS : The social psychological factors of 620 cases who took the required premarital health exam ( 314 were teen-agers ) and 172 cases who had abortion induced were researched by gynecological exam , psychological health test and random response technology ( RRT ) of social sensitive problem .

  17. 1997~2004年婚前医学检查结果分析

    Analyse of result of premarital medical examination from 1997 ~ 2004

  18. 结论婚前医学检查具有重要性和必要性。

    Conclusions The premarital medical examination is of importance and necessity .

  19. 青岛市2001年婚前医学检查疾病检出结果分析

    An analysis of premarital medical examination in Qingdao in 2001

  20. 550例婚前医学检查女性生殖健康状况分析

    Analysis of Reproductive Health Statuses of 550 Women of Antemarital Medical Examination

  21. 影响了婚前医学检查的优生筛查作用。

    The poor acceptance affected the screening function of premarital medical examination .

  22. 婚前医学检查医师的基本素质与健康教育的关系

    Relationship between health education and quality of service providers during premarital examination

  23. 取消婚前健康检查所引发的矛盾和问题

    Conflicts and Problems Evoked by the Abolition of Premarital Checkup

  24. 婚前医学检查的费用应当由政府负担;

    The fee of prenuptial medical check should be borne by the government .

  25. 精神医学在婚前医学检查中的应用

    Application of spirit medicine in the antemarital medicine examination

  26. 对婚前医学检查女性的生殖健康状况进行了调查。

    The reproductive health statuses of the antemarital medical examination women were investigated .

  27. 婚前医学检查开展情况及影响因素

    The development situation and influence factors of the pre - marital medical examination

  28. 20308名适龄青年免费婚前医学检查情况分析

    Analysis of Free Pre-marital Medical Examination among 20308 Youth

  29. 婚前医学检查应当自愿,但不能放任自流。

    The marriage check should be voluntary but should not let it alone .

  30. 未经婚前医学检查而结婚可能发生同代间、代际间的侵权悲剧。

    The marriage without check may cause tortious tragedy .