
hūn yīn wú xiào
  • 熟语annulment;nullity of marriage
  1. Carlos承认了一切…就在他提出要申请婚姻无效之前。

    Carlos confessed everything right before he asked for an annulment .

  2. 高级官员、匈牙利枢机主教彼得·艾多表明,简化婚姻无效手续的可能性从未被认可,婚姻状况由教会宣布。

    One top official , Cardinal Peter Erdo of Hungary suggested the possibility of simplifying the marriage of annulment process by which the church declared the union was never valid .

  3. 他可能会请求主教宣告他那长达24年的婚姻无效。

    He may appeal to the Pope for an annulment of his 24-year marriage .

  4. 第十条有下列情形之一的,婚姻无效:

    Article 10 Marriage shall be invalid under any of the following circumstances :

  5. 论我国婚姻无效与撤销制度的完善

    Perfecting the System of Void Marriage and Recalling Marriage in China

  6. 按现行法律,政府无权宣布这类婚姻无效。

    Under prevailing law , the government cannot annul such marriages .

  7. 第二种是通过国家下达的婚姻无效。

    The second way is through a state-mandated annulment of marriage .

  8. 只有在特殊的情况下,法官才会宣判婚姻无效。

    Judges only grant marriage annulments in exceptional circumstances .

  9. 婚姻无效之诉从其本质上看,解释为形成之诉更为妥当;

    Marriage nullity , in essence , is a kind of action of formation .

  10. 我国婚姻无效制度基本问题研究

    Study on Basic Problems of Invalid Marriage System

  11. 我国婚姻无效与撤销损害赔偿制度探析

    On the Compensation System for damage of the Marriage Void and Cancel of China

  12. 婚姻无效之诉若干问题研究

    Research on Some Topics of Marriage Nullity Suit

  13. 我知道还没到这步,但我在网上搜了婚姻无效条约。

    I know we 're not there yet , but I 've been researching annulments .

  14. 甚至有学者开始质疑他们是否还需要婚姻无效制度。

    Some scholars even begin to oppugn if they need the system of the marital nullity .

  15. 法官说,将在下个月的听证会上决定是否宣布该婚姻无效。

    A decision on whether to annul the marriage would be taken at a hearing next month , he said .

  16. 只要存在这四个事由,请求权人可以申请人民法院宣告该婚姻无效。

    As long as the four reasons , the claimant may apply to court to declare the marriage null and void .

  17. 在宣判他们的婚姻无效后,女性在该问题上其合法的婚姻状况将恢复到单身而不是离婚。

    After annulling their marriages , the legal marital status of the women in question would be restored to single instead of divorced .

  18. 要求宣判婚姻无效的诉讼之后,布兰妮又很快宣布婚姻无效。

    A nullity suit , ie legal action that asks for a marriage to be declared null and void That union was quickly annulled .

  19. 关于婚姻无效之诉的程序问题,因我国法无明文规定,实践中困惑多多。

    There are many questions in practice of marriage nullity suit , as our legal system doesn 't expressly provide judicial procedures of nullity suit .

  20. 在宣判他们的婚姻无效后,女性在该问题上其合法的婚姻状况将恢复到“单身”而不是“离婚”。

    After annulling their marriages , the legal marital status of the women in question would be restored to " single " instead of " divorced . "

  21. 婚姻无效之诉的诉讼标的,则可援用新诉讼标的理论中诉的声明说予以解释;

    As to the object of action of nullity , it can be interpreted with the theory of contentious declaration involved in new theory of object of action .

  22. 该司法解释又对婚姻无效和撤销的申请主体、宣告机关和申请程序等作出了较为详细的规定。

    Soon , the new judicial interpretation of Supreme People 's Court issued the detailed statement about the applicant and declaratory government unit and procedure of void and revocable marriage .

  23. 夫妻分居的终止事由可概括为死亡、婚姻无效或撤销、和解、离婚、分居期限届满等。

    Termination reasons of couple separation can be summarized as follows , death , invalid marriage or canceling of marriage , reconciliation , divorce , expiration of the term and etc.

  24. 对重婚导致的婚姻无效的财产处理,不得侵害合法婚姻当事人的财产权益。

    The disposition of the property of void marriage caused by bigamy may not be to the detriment of the property rights and interests of the party concerned to the lawful marriage .

  25. 在一份报告中,北京第一中级人民法院呼吁立法允许那些发现其配偶是同性恋的人申请婚姻无效而非离婚。

    In a report , the First Intermediate People 's Court of Beijing is calling for legislation to allow those who discover that their spouses are homosexual to file for annulment instead of divorce .

  26. 他们的婚姻是无效的。

    Their marriage is invalid .

  27. 婚姻判决无效,你用判决无效婚姻来威胁我?

    You are threatening me with an annulment ?

  28. 上个月这桩婚姻被宣告无效。

    The marriage was annulled last month .

  29. 他们的婚姻被宣布无效。

    Their marriage was proclaimed to be null and void .

  30. 第十二条无效或被撤销的婚姻,自始无效。

    Article 12 Void or dissolved marriage shall be invalid from its inception .