
  • Display cabinet;display case;Showcase
  1. 这些车停放在加州奥克兰附近一座偏僻的停车场里,每辆车内部有钉在车上的州级注册表、一束iPhone和HDMI线,以及一个满是小吃的展示柜。

    Inside each bus sitting in an out-of-the-way parking lot near Oakland , California , was a state registration form pinned to the wall , a bundle of iPhone and HDMI cables , and a display case full of snacks .

  2. 我们快速的巡视了一遍照片,然后来到了一个玻璃展示柜前,以下是陈列在其中的物品。

    We did a quick round of the photos and came to a glass display case , within which were the following precious items .

  3. 应用于展示柜的CO2蒸气压缩式制冷系统循环的分析

    Analysis of display cabinets with CO_2 vapor compression cycle refrigeration system

  4. 但他那堆摆在展示柜里的信实芯片——每一个都装在蓝色的Freenet信封里,上面写着“享受免费Facebook”——正在积尘。

    But his stack of Reliance chips - each in a blue Freenet envelope that said " Go free Facebook " - was gathering dust in its display case .

  5. 食品展示柜热工性能测试室的研制与实验分析

    Development and Experimental Analysis on Display Cabinet Thermal Performance Test Laboratory

  6. 冷藏展示柜柜内温度场的数值模拟及实验

    Numerical simulation and experiment of temperature field inside refrigerated counter

  7. 冷冻冷藏展示柜能源效率测试实务研究

    Study on Energy Efficiency Testing Practice of Refrigerated display cabinet

  8. 冷藏展示柜压缩冷凝机组降噪音的试验研究

    The experimental study on decreasing the noises of cooling display cabinet compressing unit

  9. 溶液去湿技术在超市低温冷链展示柜除霜的应用研究

    Research on the defrosting control methods of the low temperature display cabinets in supermarket

  10. 包门套、窗套,制作各类衣柜、办公桌、展示柜;

    Package Door , Window Frame , making all kinds of wardrobe , desk , display cabinet ;

  11. 正统货架自成立以来,就致力于打造真正的“精品”展示柜及实用坚固的仓储货架。

    Orthodox shelves since its inception , worked to create a true " boutique " strong practical display cabinets and storage shelves .

  12. 然而他最新的著作远远不是装(充)满了被超自然弄得神魂颠倒的他所收集到的实例的展示柜(陈列橱)。

    But his latest book is more than just a display case full of specimens collected by a man fascinated by the paranormal .

  13. 格伦的秘诀就是用多个拱廊和平视展示柜把消费者引诱到商店中,尽管这几乎违背顾客的意愿。

    But gruen 's secret was the way he used arcades and eye-level display cases to lure customers into stores almost against their will .

  14. 他们会用吸盘取下展示柜的厚玻璃板,取出文物并将其带到办公室让观察。

    They 'd take the plate glass off the display case with suction pads and lift the object out and take it to the office and let me look at it .

  15. 会场内的各大展示柜都是关于下一代无线通信标准的信息。其中一些甚至提供了该技术的展示体验服务。

    Booths filled with information about the next-generation wireless standard - some even offering " demonstrations " of the technology - seemed to occupy more floor space even than new smartphones .

  16. 正统货架推出的展示柜有三大系列,几十个品种,种类齐全,覆盖了商场、公司展厅、家庭装饰等展示场所。

    Formal launch of the shelf display cabinet has three series , dozens of varieties , a broad range , covering shopping malls , company showrooms , home decoration , and display areas .

  17. 瑞雷·格雷今年22岁,他买那只菠萝纯属“开玩笑”,不过后来发现这只菠萝被放在罗伯特戈登大学展览中心的玻璃展示柜上展出。

    Ruairi Gray , 22 , had bought the pineapple as a ' joke " but discovered later that it had been put on show in a glass display case in the centre of the exhibition at Robert Gordon University .

  18. 例如,你的酒窖可能包括桌子、展示台、定制柜,拱门,格子或转角凹室等等。

    For example , your cellar could include tables , special displays , custom cabinets , archways , lattices or corner alcoves , just to name a few things .

  19. 衣服穿在人偶上展示了很多年.展示柜朝向东南面

    It 's been displayed on a dummy for many years , in a case facing south-east ,

  20. 上海美迪展览展示有限公司是一家专业针对烘焙行业、超市、餐饮、店面的各种展示柜和制冷设备的设计与制作。

    Our company is a professional for the baking industry , supermarkets , restaurants , store display cases and refrigeration equipment , various design and production .