
piào xiāng
  • ballot box
票箱 [piào xiāng]
  • [ballot box] 用于放入门票或选票等用的箱子

票箱[piào xiāng]
  1. 在此基础上利用射频识别技术加入票箱电子标签读写器,加强对票箱的智能化管理。

    On this foundation , electronic tag reader of ballot box is applied with the use of radio frequency identification technique to enhance the intelligent management of ballot box .

  2. 然而,轨道交通建设成本高昂,票箱收入一般仅能弥补运营成本,建设资金主要来自各级政府财政资金和银行贷款,轨道交通项目的巨额投资,无疑进一步加重了地方政府的债务负担。

    However , the cost of URT is very high . Ballot box revenue can only compensate for operating costs . The construction funds mainly come from government funds and bank loans .

  3. 智能票箱选票的光电识别原理

    Photo-Electric Identification Theory of the Vote in the Intelligent Vote Box

  4. 康罗伊夫人把钱丢进票箱时问。

    Conroy , dropping her money into the box .

  5. 那是个老票箱。

    It 's an old ticket box .

  6. 从前门上车的时候,投一元钱到金属的票箱里。

    When you get on from the front door , drop one yuan into a metal box .

  7. 投票人把要选的人的名字写在选票上,投进票箱。

    The voter wrote his candidate 's name on this ballot and put it in a box .

  8. 本文介绍了计算机选举系统中智能票箱对选票上光标的测量原理。

    This paper introduces the optical mark measurement theory of intelligent vote box in the computer election system .

  9. 那么,当机器可以简化整个选举工作时为什么还要用纸、笔和票箱将选举搞得这么繁琐忙乱呢?

    Why all this fuss with paper and pens and ballot boxes when machines can simplify the whole task ?

  10. 最高法院下令查封所有票箱,以保留证据,但没有下令重点。

    The High Court ordered all ballot boxes sealed to preserve evidence , but did not order a recount .

  11. 在这个地处喜马拉雅偏远山区的国家,直升机和搬运工把票箱送往各地的计票中心。

    Ballot boxes are being flown by helicopter and hand-carried by porters to counting centers across this remote Himalayan country .

  12. 罗安达许多边远地区的投票站由于缺少选票、没有选民登记册或者没有票箱,因此投票推迟了好几个小时。

    In many outlying areas of Luanda , polling places opened hours late because they lacked ballot papers , voter registration lists or ballot boxes .

  13. 密封的票箱被视为在一个堆放在楠格哈尔省贾拉拉巴德,喀布尔东部,周二阿富汗选举委员会办公室,2009年8月25日。

    Sealed ballot boxes are seen piled up at an election commission office in Jalalabad , Nangarhar province , east of Kabul , Afghanistan on Tuesday , Aug.25,2009 .

  14. 竞选失败者迅速指控一挥选举存有舞弊行为,从塞满票箱的假选票,到购买选票都有涉及,但他们的观点却毫无根据。

    The losers were quick with accusations of electoral fraud , ranging from the stuffing of ballot boxes to the buying of votes , but their case is far from proven .

  15. 选表、票箱封条、瓮等选举用材迟迟不能到位,致使大多数投票站推迟开放。

    Electoral materials , including voting forms , seals for ballot boxes and even the ★ urns [ 6 ] themselves turned up late or not at all , causing most polling stations to open hours late .