
  • 网络judicial efficiency
  1. 论唐代司法效率及其现代价值

    On the Judicial Efficiency of the Tang Dynasty and Its Modern Value

  2. 构建和谐社会提高司法效率

    Establishing Harmonious Society , Enhancing Judicial Efficiency

  3. 普通程序简易审简化了庭审过程,其目的在于提高刑事司法效率,节省司法资源。

    It aims at raising the rate of judicature and save judicature resources .

  4. 众所周知,司法效率低下会导致司法不公。

    As we all know , judicial inefficiency lead to miscarriage of justice .

  5. 二是对我国基层法院片面追求司法效率的个案进行的分析。

    It is to our country basic unit court sided pursuit of judicial efficiency case analysis .

  6. 司法效率如何提高

    How to improve judicial eficiency

  7. 司法效率价值。

    Efficiency value of justice .

  8. 从欧盟国家司法效率的制度设计看我国公诉制度的完善

    Judicial Efficiency System Design of EU Nations with the View of Completion of Public Prosecution System in China

  9. 司法效率是指通过充分、合理运用司法资源,降低司法成本,以最小的司法成本获得最大的成果。不讲效率的司法不是公正的司法;

    Judicial Efficiency refers to the reasonable functioning judicial resources , reducing judicial cost to get the greatest achievements .

  10. 要实现司法效率目标,我们要认真进行司法成本与收益的分析。

    To attain the goal of judicial efficiency , we must carry out analysis of judicial cost and benefit .

  11. 司法效率的低下因素在辩诉交易的发展过程中的确是起到了主导性的作用。

    The factor of judicial efficiency had certainly played a dominant role in the development process of plea bargaining .

  12. 现实生活中,农民诉讼门槛的一味降低与司法效率的提高在某种程度上又存在矛盾。

    On the other hand , excessive encouragement of peasants taking lawsuits always has contradictions with the efficiency of judicature .

  13. 在辩诉交易逐渐走上合法性前台的过程中,刑事司法效率的考量是一个决定性的因素。

    During plea bargaining gradually moved toward the legality , the consideration of the efficiency of criminal efficiency is a decisive factor .

  14. 目前我国审判工作的重心是在确保司法效率的同时切实保障诉讼当事人的合法权利。

    The present Chinese judicatory focuses on the judicial efficiency and protection of the legal rights of litigants at the same time .

  15. 提高刑事司法效率,发挥刑法威慑功能是打击并有效控制知识产权犯罪的必要途径。

    Improving the efficiency of justice and exerting the deterable function of criminal law are necessary to control the intellectual property crime .

  16. 第五,对传闻证据规则存在认识上的偏差,认为传闻证据规则必然会带来司法效率的低下。

    Fifth , on the hearsay evidence rule exists the deviation on understanding , think the hearsay evidence rule will bring justice efficiency .

  17. 近几年全国基层法院的受案数量直线上升,导致了全国基层法院一味的去追求司法效率。

    In recent years the number of accepting the nationwide grassroots courts upwards , led to the national grassroots courts blindly pursuing judicial efficiency .

  18. 但现行的美国陪审制度也有其消极的影响和负面作用,特别是影响司法效率、带来过高的审案成本以及陪审团的裁决能力的被质疑等,必须认真加以分析研究。

    But American Jury System has some negative effects on jury efficiency , high cost for hearing cases , and suspicious jurors ' abilities .

  19. 没有具体的法律规定,适用起来标准不一,结果多样,影响了司法效率和司法权威。

    There is no specific legal provisions apply different standards together , the results varied , affecting the efficiency of the judiciary and judicial authority .

  20. 本部分从三个方面进行了论述:一是我国基层法院片面追求司法效率的主要表现。

    This section are discussed from three aspects : one is our country basic unit court sided pursuit the main performance of the judicial efficiency .

  21. 具有兼顾程序公正和实体公正,有助于司法效率,有利于审判的透明和公开等诉讼价值。

    It has the procedural worth of considering both procedural justice and substantial justice , being helpful to judicial efficiency , transparent and public trial .

  22. 司法效率是解决司法资源如何配置的问题,即司法效率的核心应当被理解为司法资源的节约或对司法资源利用的程度。

    Judicial efficiency concerns the allocation of judicial resources , that is , the core of judicial efficiency should be understood as the degree of judicial resources .

  23. 理论层面的挑战主要有:对公正性原则的影响、对司法效率的担忧以及司法机关在和解中的角色冲突。

    The challenge of theoretical dimensions are : the impact of the principle of fairness , concern for judicial efficiency and conflict of judicial role in the reconciliation .

  24. 网上仲裁在节约交易成本和提高司法效率等方面有着自身的优点,它的出现是对传统仲裁形式的一种革新。

    Obviously , it is beneficial to save business cost and improve efficiency with Online Arbitration , and it is a profoundly significant innovation to the traditional arbitration .

  25. 涉外民事案件的审理没有规定审理期限,降低了司法效率,增加了当事人的诉讼成本。

    Failure to set a limitation period in the trials of foreign - related civil cases has reduced judicial efficiency and increased the lawsuit cost of the related parties .

  26. 司法效率的实现有赖于刑事诉讼法对诉讼期间的科学规范和司法实践对法定期间的严格遵守。

    The effective realization of judicial efficiency depends on the scientific arrangement of duration of action imposed by criminal procedural law and strict observance of prescribed time by judicial practice .

  27. 侦辩交易符合司法效率的理念,它最大的效果是使得犯罪得到有效打击和惩处,节约了司法资源。

    Investigation debate transaction is consistent with the idea of judicial efficiency , its greatest effect is to make the effective combat of crime and punishment , saving judicial resources .

  28. 现代世界各国,为了解决高犯罪率和刑事司法效率低的矛盾,越来越多的国家考虑对一些普通程序的案件适用简易审。

    In order to solve the contradiction between high rate of crime and low rate of criminal judicature , more and more countries consider the simplified adjudication of the common criminals .

  29. 环境刑法效率在环境刑法运行中具体化为环境刑法的立法效率、司法效率、行刑效率,对环境刑法的运行发挥着指导、评价作用。

    In operation of environmental criminal law , environmental criminal law efficiency specifies into legislative efficiency , judicial efficiency and executing efficiency , running the directing and evaluating function in this operation .

  30. 民事证据立法必须具体明确地限定人民法院调查取证的范围和程序,以提高司法效率,保证司法公正;

    The legislation in civil evidence should concretely and definitely put restriction on the scope and procedure of the court s investigation and giving evidence to improve the judicial efficiency and justice .