
  • 网络judicial independence;independence of judicature
  1. 由于WTO协议强调司法独立原则,所以关于民事行政检察监督与司法独立的关系将会引起进一步的讨论。

    So there would be more arguments about the relationship between judicial independence and procuratorial work on civil procedure .

  2. 第三章是司法独立原则的比较研究。

    Chapter 3 is the Comparative Study of the Judicial Independence Principle .

  3. 再次是司法独立原则。

    The last is principle of the independence of the judiciary .

  4. 我国法律对司法独立原则也有相应的规定。

    Our law also have correlative rule about it .

  5. 略论我国的司法独立原则

    On the Principle of Judicial Independence of Our Country

  6. 任何一个真正的法治国家,都必须确立司法独立原则。

    Any real legal country must set up the principle of judicial independence .

  7. 论司法独立原则在我国之采用

    On Application of the Principle of Judicial Independence

  8. 司法独立原则在我国是指司法权独立,即独立审判和独立检察。

    Principle of judicial independence refers to justice independence and procuratorial independence in China .

  9. 司法独立原则起源于西方的三权分立理论,其目的在于确保司法权公平正义目的的实现。

    The principle of judicial independence of separation theory originated from western , whose purpose is to ensure the realization of judicial justice .

  10. 同时,理论界也对我国的司法独立原则进行了长期深入的研究,并发展出一套相对成熟的理论。

    Simultaneously it is also insists on theoretical study of judicial independence in China , and has been developed a set of relatively mature theory .

  11. 同时还需采取深入贯彻司法独立原则和完善违宪审查制度的措施,实现公正审判权的保障。

    In the same time , we should take the measures of carrying out the principle of independent jurisdiction and completing the schedule of constitutional review .

  12. 司法独立原则是现代司法制度的一项基本原则,是现代法治社会赖以存在的重要支柱。

    The principle of judicial independence is one of the basic principles in modern judicial system . It is a life-and-death matter in the modern legal society .

  13. 西方国家的三权分立体制和司法独立原则,使司法审查成为对行政权实施最强有力的监督方式。

    The system of checks and balances and judicial independence principle of Western States make the judicial review be the most powerful methods of supervision to the executive power .

  14. 在本部分中,作者指出,司法独立原则起源于西方国家,其理论基础是三权分立理论。

    In this part , the author points out that the principle of judicial independence originates from western countries , its theoretical basis is the theory of separation of powers .

  15. 司法独立原则是现代法治国家的一项重要法律原则,主要指司法权能够不受外力干扰而独立行使。

    The principle of judicial independence is one of the important principles under modern legal states . It is mainly refers to the jurisdiction to exercise independent from external disturbance .

  16. 新《公司法》中的法人人格独立与否认制度浅析司法独立原则在我国是指司法权独立,即独立审判和独立检察。

    Review on the Independence of Corporate Personality and Disregard of Corporate Personality in the new Company law ; Principle of judicial independence refers to justice independence and procuratorial independence in China .

  17. 本文通过对司法独立原则的理解,结合我国国情的相关法律法规、案例,分析这一原则的合理性和缺陷性,并提出自己的意见,以作引玉之砖!

    This article through to the jurisdiction independence principle understanding , unifies our country national condition the related legal laws and regulations , the case , analyzes this principle the rationality and unfairness , and proposed own opinion , make the bait !

  18. 笔者认为WTO司法独立的原则的内涵主要是指审判机关与行政机关的独立。

    The article says that the connotation of the principle of judicial independence in WTO IP court not being governed by administration department .

  19. 司法独立的原则最早在英国确立,该原则从提出到最终确立经历了几百年的时间,法官在其中起到了极为重要的作用。

    The independence of the justice is first established in English , this principle has developed several hundred years , the judge plays an important role in it .

  20. 确立司法独立的原则和制度,根本上的原因在于保障司法机关和司法人员严格地实施法律、最大程度地实现司法正义。

    To establish the judicial independence principles and systems , the basic intent is to guarantee the judicial offices and judicial officials to apply the law strictly and to realize utmost judicial justice .

  21. 关于司法机关独立的基本原则

    Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary

  22. 有效执行《关于司法机关独立的基本原则》的程

    Procedure for the effective implementation of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary

  23. 司法独立作为一项原则,最早产生于近代西欧国家,后来得到了其他西方资本主义各国的法律确认。

    As a principle , judicial independence originated from the West Europe at first , and afterwards it was gradually affirmed by the laws of capitalist countries .

  24. 在古代主权在君的政治体制下,有某种权力监督的思想与制度设计,但不可能有近代意义的司法独立的原理与原则。

    In ancient time , under the political system of " monarchical sovereignty ", there were some ideas and institutional designs relating to the supervision of power , but no theory or principle of judicial independence in modern sense .

  25. 这种现象的存在,是对我国司法统一原则和司法独立原则的破坏,损害了法制的尊严和权威。

    Such phenomenon undoubtedly impairs the unity and independence of judiciary and thus attaints the dignity and authority of the judicial system of China .

  26. 此外,表面上陪审制度与司法职业化、司法独立原则的背离隐含了其本质上的一致性。

    In addition , though superficially the jury system deviates from the professional nature and principle of independence of judicature , it actually corresponds with these principles .

  27. 本文在分析司法的本性和特征以及司法独立原则发展的历史脉络的基础上,提出司法即审判,司法独立即审判独立;

    On the basis of analyzing the judicial nature and feature and the history of the development of the principle of judicial independence , this thesis holds that judicature is trial and judicial independence is the trial independence .

  28. 文章回顾了晚清政府在为挽救摇摇欲坠的腐朽政权而不得不进行的官制改革和变法修律的活动中,仿效西方国家在司法制度方面确立的司法与行政分立以及司法独立原则的历史。

    It reviews in Qing Dynasty , in order to save the corruption , the government had to make law reform , it imitated the western law rules and method to independent its judicial system .

  29. 文章选取英国、美国、日本等国的司法独立理论与实践作为比较的对象,对其司法独立原则的历程、基本内容进行了比较,并总结了其对我国的启示。

    The article chooses the theory and practices of the judicial independence of the British , the American and Japan as the object for study , and compare the process , the content of their judicial independence principles . The article still sums up the useful experience to our country .

  30. 在本文中笔者主要从司法腐败的成因、人大不适宜个案监督、司法独立的宪法原则以及如何有效遏制司法腐败这几个方面进行阐述。

    Thesis mainly analyzes : the formation cause of jurisdiction corruption , the reason that People ' Congress is not suitable for individual case supervision , the principles that affect the jurisdiction independence and the separation of function and power and how to control jurisdiction corruption and so on .