
fǎ ɡuān dú lì
  • independence of judges
  1. 实现法官独立维护司法公正

    Realizing the Independence of Judges , Protecting the Justice of Judicature

  2. 其中,法官独立是其核心。

    The independence of judges is the core of the three .

  3. 遣返的决定,Baird先生说,是由法官独立作出的,“我们不想也不能干预。”

    The decision to do so , says Mr Baird , was takenfreely by an independent judiciary " and we wouldn 't and couldn 't intervene . "

  4. 法官独立有其理论依据、价值依据和法律依据。

    It has its own theory , value and law warranty .

  5. 法官独立是司法独立的应有之义。

    The meaning of judge independence is contained in judicial independence .

  6. 论现代司法理念下的法官独立&兼谈我国法官制度的改革与完善

    Talk about the Independence of Judges under the Modern Judicial Idea

  7. 正确处理法官独立与外部环境的关系;

    Handle the relation of judge independent and external environment correctly ;

  8. 第五章法官独立的实现途径。

    The official of 5th of orderly way is independent to realize channel .

  9. 第三部分论述了在我国确立法官独立制度的必要性。

    The third part is to discuss the necessity of judicial independence system .

  10. 本部分笔者对法官独立的含义进行界说,分析了法官独立的价值。

    This part define the judge independence and analyzes the value of judge independence .

  11. 法官独立的内涵包括法官职务上独立、身份上独立和法官内在的独立。

    The connotation of judge independence includes the authority , identity and internal independence .

  12. 现代司法理念下的法官独立

    Judge 's Independence under the Modern Judicial Concept

  13. 法官独立审判及其运行模式

    On Judgement of Judge and Operational Mode Independently

  14. 其中,法官独立又是司法独立的核心要素。

    Among them , the independence of judges is a core element of judicial independence .

  15. 司法独立包括司法权独立、审级独立和法官独立。

    Judicial independence includes the independence of judicial power , the judgment independence and the judges'independence .

  16. 民国前期法官独立审判制度研究

    A Research on the System of Justice 's Independent Trial In the Early Years of Republic of China

  17. 本文从比较法角度,对我国实现法官独立应必须具备的三个基本要素进行了阐述。

    This essay from comparison law , explicated three essential elements of what the judge independence must have .

  18. 法官独立之研究

    Research on Judge Independence

  19. 法官独立的具体制度包括法官选任制度、法官保障制度、法官惩戒制度。

    The specific systems include the system of judge election and appointment , guarantee system and punishment system .

  20. 国外宪法一般直接将司法独立规定为:法官独立审判,只服从法律。

    Judicial independence is commonly prescribed that judges judge independently , only obey law , in foreign constitution .

  21. 关于法官独立制度的确立,近几年已成为理论界和司法实务界研究和探讨的热点问题。

    The problem of Independence of Judge has been one of the hottest issue in theory and practice in recent years .

  22. 在对抗制改革中,审判机关和检察机关处于齐步改、同步变的过程中;对我国法官独立审判制的思考

    The courts and the procuratorates are in process of simultaneous reform ; Thoughts on Independent Adjudication System for Judges in China

  23. 法官独立可以通过随机法庭的建立可得到现有体制下最大限度的实现。

    Setting up the random court can realize the independence of judge to the maximum under the circumstance of the existing system .

  24. 但公开法庭的不同意见在目前未必有利于维护法官独立和司法公正。

    It will not , however , help preserve the independence of judges and judiciary justice to make public the differences in court .

  25. 司法独立是司法公正的前提,司法独立的核心是法官独立。

    The independence of judges is inner signification involved in independence of judiciary which is an enssential prerequisite of the course of justice .

  26. 以法院为例,要改变层层审批案件的行政化管理模式,真正做到由法官独立审判案件;

    Taking the court as an example , we should change the mode of administration and allow the juror to try the case independently ;

  27. 另外还要切实做到司法独立,包括法院独立和法官独立。

    The practical efforts should be made to safeguard the independence of the judiciary , including the independence of the court and the judge .

  28. 并提出优化我国的司法环境,实行法官独立行使审判权,并防止民意干扰司法。

    Moreover , optimize the judicial environment in our country , implement absolute jurisdiction of judges and prevent public opinion from interfering the justice .

  29. 司法独立和法官独立审判是案件得到公正审判的前提条件。

    Judicial independence and self-governed judgement by the judges have become a sort of General rule , that is a precondition of assuring justice .

  30. 并且需要完善诸如法官独立审判、直接言词原则、证据规则、证明标准等各种制度。

    Such as the judge needs to perfect independent trial , the principle of direct verbal trial , evidence rules , standards of proof , etc.