
  1. 中德企业软件专利申请行为及影响因素实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Software Patenting Behavior and Influencing Factors in German and Chinese Software Enterprises

  2. 基于此,本文提出企业规模和产品种类是企业软件专利申请行为的独立影响因素,不受法律环境等其它因素的影响。

    Based on this , this paper considered firm size and product type as independent factors .

  3. 由于软件技术创新的众多特点,企业软件专利申请行为及影响因素较之其它技术领域大有不同,现有研究中尚无对此问题的系统分析。

    Because of many characteristics of software technology innovation , software patenting behavior of enterprises and influencing factors are very different from those in other technical areas .

  4. 最终通过区间数学理论,定量获得预算监督对于部门预算申请行为的影响程度。

    By using the interval mathematical theory , the effects of the budget supervision to the budget behaviors of a department then can be quantitatively achieved . 4 .

  5. 行政许可作为典型的依申请行政行为,影响到行政许可相对人的切身权益。

    As a typical applying behavior , administrative license will affect the vital interest of the offeree .

  6. 但是长期以来,我国理论界和司法活动均将原告申请撤诉行为等同于民事法律行为,并以是否符合民事法律行为的要件为标准来审查原告的撤诉申请。

    The behavior of applying for withdrawal of an action is regarded as civil legal behavior in the trial process and is reviewed by the standards of the civil legal behavior .

  7. 专利代办处发现非正常申请专利行为的,应当及时报告国家知识产权局。

    In the event that any irregular patent application activity is discovered by a local patent agency office , the matter should be promptly reported to the State Intellectual Property office .

  8. 在中国,行政复议是一种依申请的行为,以自然人、法人或其他组织申请为条件。

    In China , the administration reconsiders is one kind depends on the application the behavior , take the natural person , the legal person or other organization application as the condition .

  9. 尽管商学院坚称,新变化是为了更好地反映y世代(generationy)申请者的行为,但有一种声音不绝于耳人们担心,商学院是为了鼓励更多人申请而降低了入学门槛。

    While schools insist that the changes are intended to reflect better the behaviour of generation Y applicants , there are nagging concerns that there is a lowering of the entry barriers to encourage more applications .

  10. 但于上述期间内,金融控股公司不得进行所申请之投资行为。

    Provided , that the financial holding company shall not proceed with the relevant investment until such period has elapsed .

  11. 在我国,对企业登记审查的机关是工商行政管理机关,工商行政管理机关对企业登记申请进行的行为属于行政行为。

    In our country , the administrative bureau for industry and commerce is in charge of enterprise registration examination , which is held as administrative act .

  12. 而法条规定域名注册申请人提供的域名注册信息必须真实、准确和完整,从原则上讲,用代名申请注册的行为缺乏真实性应当无效。

    And law provisions of domain name registration the domain name registration information provided must be truthful , accurate and complete , in principle , with the generation of behavior lack of authenticity of the application for registration shall be null and void .

  13. 本基金会违反捐赠协议使用捐赠财产的,捐赠人有权要求基金会遵守捐赠协议或者向人民法院申请撤销捐赠行为、解除捐赠协议。

    If the foundation uses the donated property in violation of the donation agreement , the donor shall have the right to require the foundation to abide by the donation agreement or apply to the people 's court for annulling the act of donation and canceling the donation agreement .

  14. 申请破产保护的行为危及员工们领取过去一年的相关遣散费,这成为大家离职的诱因。

    The bankruptcy filing jeopardizes severance payments awarded to employees over the past year as an inducement to leave their jobs .

  15. 行政机关无强制执行权而要申请法院执行的行为,在诉讼期间原则上停止执行。

    If the administrative agency has no executive power or has to ask the court to execute the administrative acts , the executive process stops in principle .