
shēn míng
  • affirm;state;declare;avow;state the matter up
申明 [shēn míng]
  • [declare;avow;state the matter up] 郑重地说明

  • 我再度申明

申明[shēn míng]
  1. 到了这个时候,我应该申明我的利益关系。

    I should , at this point , declare my interest .

  2. 我申明一个变量n,我先不给它赋值,所以我最好小心点。

    I declare a variable called n.I 'm not giving it a value yet , so I had better be careful .

  3. 双方均申明答应停火。

    Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire .

  4. 她一再申明自己是无辜的。

    She protested her innocence .

  5. 我们试图申明莫遭到了毒打,他们却不相信我们。

    When we tried to protest that Mo was beaten up they didn 't believe us

  6. 布莱尔先生说最近爱尔兰有关这一问题的申明使他看到了希望。

    Mr Blair said he had been encouraged by recent Irish statements about the issue .

  7. 请出示您的海关申报表和健康申明卡。

    Our customs and health declaration forms , please .

  8. 再一次申明一下,不要关掉你付款的信用卡,这样会降低你的信誉积分!

    Again , do not close paid off credit cards because it will lower your credit score !

  9. First和last申明输入迭代器,是一个模板参数。

    First and last are declared to be of type InputIterator , and InputIterator is a template parameter .

  10. 虽然MrPress申明这些问题没有确切的回答,但他看到有这样的三个因素在起作用。

    Without claiming to have firm answers , Mr Press sees three factors at work .

  11. 一个通用的查询包围了用户定义的SQL选择申明。

    A custom query is a wrapper around a user-defined SQL select statement .

  12. 但是,在您进行之前,您需要明白C通用类型申明及通用类型实例的两个方面。

    Before you proceed , though , you need to understand two aspects of C # : a generic declaration and a generic instantiation .

  13. 在A函数里的local申明,给包变量$lo赋予了一个新的临时值AAA。

    The local declaration in A saved a new temporary value , AAA , in the package variable $ lo .

  14. 两大巨头合并的官方申明宣布之前的周三,当日交易时间结束的最后45分钟内,baesystems的股票暴涨。

    BAE Systems shares soared in the last 45 minutes of trading Wednesday before the announcement was made official .

  15. 而且,所有的EPA(美国环保署)申明都要求经过白宫的筛选。

    In addition , all EPA statements were required to be screened by the White House .

  16. 周日AC米兰官方网站发表申明,这只意大利俱乐部已经讨论舍瓦的突然离开。

    In a statement posted on the AC Milan official website on Sunday , the Italian club has discussed the imminent departure of striker Andriy Shevchenko .

  17. 在一份申明中,雅虎承认将在未来数月关闭一些服务,但并未特别提及Delicious。

    In a statement , Yahoo confirmed it will phase out several services in the coming months without specifically mentioning Delicious .

  18. PEP小学英语教材的特点总体来讲正如其所申明的那样是以学生为中心的。

    The characteristic of PEP primary school English textbook is mainly " learner-centered " just as it claims .

  19. 下一个将要运行的测试是调用该方法的“2-QueryTableTest”,它使用查询表进行申明。

    The next test that you will run will be the " 2-Query Table Test " that calls the method , which does the claim with a Query Table .

  20. Spring框架同样能够提供许多EJB所具有的特性,例如可申明的事务管理,对象池和简单的ORM等。

    Using Spring , you can take advantage of many of the features offered by EJB , such as declarative transaction management , object pooling , and simple ORM functionality .

  21. 据NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森报道,今天早些时候,国务卿在国会山申明了美国采取行动的理由。

    NPR 's Larry Abramson reports the secretary of state made the case for US action earlier today on Capitol Hill .

  22. 工厂代表申明:我已与UL检验员研究过此文件,并认可其内容,署名如下。

    Manufacturer 's Representative : By having my name entered below , I acknowledge that I have discussed the above with the UL Representative .

  23. 你正在浏览这本书的事实申明你已经对MVC模式有了必然的崇奉,但我们认为对峙尽可能宽广的视角老是有益处的。

    The fact that you are reading this book suggests that you already have a certain commitment to the MVC pattern , but we think it is always helpful to maintain the widest possible perspective .

  24. Jean-Sebastien同时要我们申明ApacheTuscany团队乐于接受任何贡献,包括代码,测试,改进文档,或者bug报告。

    Jean-Sebastien also asked us to point out that the Apache Tuscany team appreciates any contribution , including code , testing , improving the documentation , or bug reporting .

  25. 来自意大利的俱乐部首先申明,他们非常渴望得到这名26岁的边锋,洛蒂托主席说,他正在帮助LAZIO重新具备冠军杯实力在努力。

    The Italian club were among the first to state their desire to land the26-year-old winger , president Lotito saying that he would aid Lazio 's charge back to the Champions League .

  26. 在星期一的一次电视直播庭审听证会上,巴瑞松做了一个罕见的公开申明,她因自己曾与MRTA工作而公开道歉。

    During a televised court hearing Monday , Berenson made a rare public statement in which she publicly apologized for working with the MRTA .

  27. 哦!下次我把这个字体颜色改成蓝色的-,我先告诉编译器我需要使用,标准输入输出库,因为printf在那个库里面申明的。

    Well and I 'll fix this blue next time I 'm first telling the compiler I need access to the standard io library because printf is declared there .

  28. 根据HFEA的申明,它收到两份通过克隆手段制造胚胎并提取干细胞的研究应用准许。

    According to the HFEA , it has received two research licence applications to derive stem cells from embryos created via cloning .

  29. 法庭支持他的申明,即这份合同是违法的。

    The court sustained his claim that the contract was illegal .

  30. 是的,所以我们最好先把您的规格申明细看一遍。

    Yes , so we had better look over your specifications .