
  1. 耀州窑天青釉瓷与景德镇窑青白瓷的比较

    Comparison between Celeste glazed porcelain from Yaozhou Kiln and greenish white porcelain from Jingdezhen kiln

  2. 元明时期景德镇窑瓷器云肩纹发展研究

    A Study on the Development of " Yunjian Pattern " Porcelain in Jing De Zhen Pottery Kiln during Yuan and Ming Time

  3. 入宋以后,景德镇窑抛弃了五代时期落后的装烧方法,改为匣钵为主的装烧方法,这样就节约了燃料,提高了青白瓷成品率和质量。

    Song into the future , abandoned kiln in Jingdezhen during the Five Dynasties installed backward burning methods , firing technology , changed burning method-based equipment , thus saving fuel , increased the yield white green and quality .

  4. 宋代景德镇窑动物捏塑瓷以其特有的青白釉色及生动的捏制工艺为基础,顺应当时的历史潮流,融汇虚实统一、富含灵性的创作手法,成为古人留给我们的一笔重要的文化财富。

    The Song Dynasty kiln of Jingdezhen animal kneading porcelain with its peculiar bluish white glaze and vivid kneading technology as the basis , conforms to the historical trend , integrate and unified , rich in spiritual creation , as the ancients left us an important cultural asset .

  5. 本文对宋景德镇青白瓷器物盛行现象的探究主要沿着以下三个部分展开:第一部分,介绍宋代景德镇窑逐渐成熟装烧工艺对于青白瓷盛行的影响。

    Broadly speaking , this paper study greenish white porcelain objects to explore the prevalence of the phenomenon along the following three main parts : Part ⅰ on the maturation of the Song Dynasty Jingdezhen kiln firing process equipment for the impact of the prevalence of green white .

  6. 近几年来学术界及收藏界对捏塑类陶瓷雕塑的研究与收藏不断升温,特别是以宋代景德镇窑动物捏塑瓷为代表的宋代捏塑瓷越来越受到关注。

    In recent years , academic circles and the collection of kneading ceramics sculpture research and collection of constant temperature , especially in the Song Dynasty kiln of Jingdezhen animal kneading porcelain as the representative of the Song Dynasty porcelain has been paid more and more attention to knead .

  7. 对这块瓶底刻铭的考证,关系宋代景德镇湖田窑的贡瓷地位与年代问题。

    This inscription provides evidence regarding the position and dating of tribute porcelain produced by the Hutian kiln at Jingdezhen in the Song Dynasty .

  8. 景德镇湖田窑窑址的南宋、元地层出土了类吉州窑、类建窑以及自具特色的黑釉瓷片。

    Some black glazed porcelain sherds which like Jizhou ware , Jian ware and have their own features were also excavated from Southern Song and Yuan strata of Hutian kiln .

  9. 原来啊也是景德镇的一位窑工。

    Originally , he was also a kiln worker here .

  10. 基于景德镇陶瓷文化遗址景观可持续利用模式与设计方法研究的基础上,以景德镇御窑遗址景观可持续性利用的整体规划与具体设计为例,对御窑遗址景观可持续利用进行深入研究。

    Sustainable use of Jingdezhen ceramics culture ruins landscape model and design method based on the overall planning and design of the sustainable use of the Jingdezhen Kilns ruins landscape , for example , in-depth study on the sustainable use of the imperial kiln site of landscape .