
zhuān mài
  • monopoly;monopoly of sale;have a monopoly in;exclusive possession of the trade in some commodity;have exclusive rights to sell
专卖 [zhuān mài]
  • [monopoly;exclusive possession of the trade in some commodity] 某些商品由国家专营机构统一管理和产销,任何个人和单位必须经该机构批准方可生产或经销专控商品

  • 烟草专卖局

专卖[zhuān mài]
  1. 基于UML建模的重庆烟草专卖与销售系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Chongqing Tobacco Monopoly and Sales System Based on UML Modeling

  2. 随着我国加入WTO,中国烟草虽有专卖制度的保护,也必将受到外国烟草集团的冲击。

    With the entry to WTO , although the protection of tobacco monopoly system , the tobacco industry has to face the impact of competition from foreign tobacco groups .

  3. 如今对小型专卖店已没有多大需求了。

    There isn 't a lot of call for small specialist shops nowadays .

  4. 他们在伦敦和巴黎经营专卖店。

    They operate franchises in London and Paris .

  5. 持下面的优惠券到任意一家Tecno专卖店,只需付10.99英镑。

    Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just £ 10.99 .

  6. 我去布鲁克斯兄弟专卖店给自己买了一件体面的衬衫。

    I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent shirt .

  7. 这商标已在专卖局登记。

    The trade-mark is registered on the books of the patent office .

  8. 专卖广东粥、皮蛋瘦肉粥、海鲜粥的传统美味小吃店家。

    We are a shop of traditional snacks that sells Guangdong congee , preserved andand seafood congee dedicatedly .

  9. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)分析师罗莱因•哈奇辛认为该公司2012年将会新开35家专卖店。

    Bank of America analyst Lorraine hutchsion thinks lululemon will open 35 stores in 2012 .

  10. 构造了以Agent为主体的专卖店分销管理系统框架模型。

    The major works is following : Agent-based architectural model of speciality store distribution management system is constructed .

  11. 当前POP广告在专卖店中的若干设计问题

    Several Designing Problems of Exclusive Agency in Present Pop Advertisement

  12. 美食、宴会、SPA、专卖店等设施一应俱全。

    Food , banquet , SPA , shops , offer all the facilities .

  13. Crew和BananaRepublic这样的时尚专卖店,后者最近刚推出一个牛仔服装系列,包括牛仔风衣和牛仔衬衫裙等。

    Crew and Banana Republic , which recently introduced a denim collection that includes trench coats and shirt dresses .

  14. 这位拜金女郎还将于下月与时尚专卖店HM合作推出她的最新设计。

    The Material Girl launches her new designs for high street store HM next month .

  15. 这些上亿美元的签约加在一起超过NBA的一些专卖权。

    Taken together , these million dollar endorsement deals are worth more than some NBA franchises .

  16. 该公司的市场营销计划是:通过阿迪达斯专卖店以及不同的专业跑步用具连锁店,将EnergyBoost(零售价为150美元)提供给经常从事跑步运动或锻炼的消费者。

    The marketing plan : roll out the Energy Boost , which will retail for $ 150 , to serious runners at Adidas Stores and various running specialty chains .

  17. 在介绍UML的基础上,给出UML技术在专卖店管理系统开发中分析和设计阶段的应用。

    An example in development of regie management system , which includes analysis and design phases , is given out to describe the developing process .

  18. 加入WTO后,中国烟草的专卖轨制将发生巨大的变化,各地的烟草公司不再独享本地的客户。

    After joining WTO , the monopoly system of the Chinese tobacco will have enormous changes , the tobacco companies of all parts no longer enjoy the local customer alone .

  19. 新款的iPad将于今日(3月27日)在苹果专卖店发售,有银色、深空灰色和金色三种颜色。

    The updated iPad will be available in Apple stores today , in silver , space gray , and a new gold finish .

  20. 并分别阐述了集团ERP项目的销售管理、专卖场管理、财务管理、各子公司的销售管理模块等的功能,实现整个供需链的信息化管理系统。

    It separately explains the functions of sales management , specialty field management and financial management on ERP , and then achieved the informational management on the whole supply chain .

  21. 在中国,看到山寨货并不稀奇,从山寨苹果专卖店、假冒记者到高仿古驰(Gucci)包袋,不胜枚举。

    China has seen its share of counterfeits , from fake Apple stores to fake reporters to fake Gucci .

  22. LTD(上海卢森国际贸易有限公司),而且在上海外高桥保税区设立了仓库,直接对中国各地的专卖店、建材超市和东南亚地区供货,给客户提供更为优质和快捷的服务。

    LTD but also established a warehouse in the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in order to provide more efficient logistics and superior quality services to its customers .

  23. 内容包括构建覆盖全省商业企业的网络,IP电话,视频会议,资金管理,分销管理,专卖,辅助决策,办公自动化等子系统。

    The system includes several parts such as the network covering all commerce enterprises , IP phone , visual meeting , funds management subsystem , selling management , monopolization subsystem , aid decision subsystem , OA etc.

  24. 第五大道也是零售专卖店的聚集地,比如FAO施瓦茨玩具主题店、NBA主题店和迪斯尼主题店。

    Fifth Avenue is also home to specialty retail shops such as the toy shop FAO Schwartz , the NBA Store and the Disney Store .

  25. LVMH也在努力控制中国专卖店的扩张步伐。

    The French luxury retailer is also working to control its pace of store expansion in China .

  26. 接下来几周,一些中国女顾客挎着高仿LV包进入LV中国专卖店的,要求退钱。

    In the following weeks scores of women marched into Louis Vuitton shops in China with fake Louis Vuitton handbags and brazenly demanded their money back .

  27. 当年,他在LV曼谷专卖店开业仪式上,曾冲着一位拎着仿冒LV包的女官员愤怒咆哮,那场景令所有到场嘉宾都感到了震撼。

    He once shouted at a female officer with a counterfeit LV who showed up in the opening ceremony of LV Bangkok Branch , shocking everybody there .

  28. 我们在迪拜开了一家专卖店,经营情况相当不错,在爱尔兰的BrownThomas也开了一家。可多数时候,我最喜欢的鞋往往不是卖得最好的。

    We opened a franchise in Dubai that is doing quite well and in Brown Thomas in Ireland , but most of the time the shoes I like best are not the ones that sell anyway .

  29. 大多数欢呼和造势声都来自统一身穿蓝色T恤的苹果专卖店员工,他们在店门打开前开始齐声喊“iPhone5!iPhone5!”。

    Most of the noise and fanfare came from the store 's employees , all wearing blue T-shirts , who began chanting ' iPhone 5 ! IPhone 5 ! ' before the doors opened .

  30. 1975年,他开了第一家专卖店,正是这家店后来成长为了极为流行的时装连锁店Zara。

    In 1975 he opened the first store in what would grow into the enormously popular chain of fashion stores called Zara .