
  1. 从国内LPG船舶现状谈做好LPG船舶载运危险货物安全专项整治

    About the special safety contral action against LPG ships carrying dangerous goods on the basis of the present status of LPG ships in the country

  2. 任重道远:金融领域专项整治

    Focused Renovation in Financial Sector Has a Long Way to Go

  3. 加强食品、药品安全专项整治。

    We intensified special campaigns for food and drug safety .

  4. 江都市化工生产企业专项整治工作剖析

    Analysis Of Chemical Enterprise Special Rectification in Jiangdu City

  5. 推行目标管理抓好专项整治&全国民航航空安全工作会议在京召开

    National Civil Aviation Safety Working Conference Held in Beijing

  6. 进一步开展价格和收费专项整治。

    Prices and fees need to be rectified .

  7. 第五,深入开展安全生产专项整治。

    Fifth , we will launch an extensive campaign to solve production safety problems .

  8. 民航总局全面开展安全专项整治工作

    CAAC Launches Special Mission to Strengthen Safety

  9. 最后,调研了商洛市开展的治超专项整治活动,总结经验和不足。

    Based on the survey in Shangluo city , experience and deficiencies are summed up finally .

  10. 目的了解厦门市二次供水水质监测状况和二次供水专项整治效果。

    Objective To know the inspection status and regulation effect of secondary water supply in Xiamen City .

  11. 加强有效做法和成功经验等有关专项整治材料的报送工作。

    Enhance effective practices and successful experiences in other related materials submitted to the work of rectification .

  12. 轰轰烈烈的市容环境卫生专项整治行动是一场大刀阔斧的创卫攻坚战。

    The astounding city 's appearance environment health special the campaign is a sweeping news tough sell .

  13. 此外,国家安全监管总局将在3月初组织开展全国油气输送管线专项整治督查。

    A special safety overhaul on the country 's oil and gas pipeline will begin in early March .

  14. 此次专项整治的对象是农产品、食品加工企业、餐饮企业,以及药品制造商和进口商。

    Inspections have targeted farm produce , processed food makers , restaurants and manufacturers and importers of medicines .

  15. 这是记者从市文广新局举行的游艺娱乐场所专项整治工作会议上获悉的。

    This is the reporter from the City Council the new SMG at recreation , entertainment special work meeting was informed .

  16. 我们已经降低了对侵犯知识产权的刑事处罚门槛,已经并将进一步加大执法力度,开展保护知识产权专项整治行动。

    We have lowered the threshold for criminal penalties against IPR infringement , intensified law enforcement and launched IPR protection campaigns .

  17. 微机监测加装故障通知按钮是2005年部定20项电务专项整治工作之一。

    Adding Fault Notice Button to micro-computerised monitoring system is one of Railway Ministry 's 20 special renovation tasks of this year .

  18. [目的]了解我省有毒有害化学品生产、销售和使用专项整治工作的效果。

    Objective To survey the effect of the concentrative management of poisonous baneful chemicals for producing , selling and using in Fujian .

  19. 深入开展食品安全专项整治,健全并严格执行产品质量安全标准;

    We will launch extensive campaigns to ensure food safety , and improve and strictly enforce the standards for product quality and safety .

  20. 政府正在开展专项整治活动,针对网络公关公司敲诈勒索,进行有偿删帖活动进行治理。

    The revelations come amid a government campaign to crackdown on PR firms blackmailing companies to have negative reports taken off of websites .

  21. 可以说,全国专项整治行动已达到预期目的,取得了可喜的阶段性成果。

    It can be said that the whole nation 's special rectification action has reached its fore-set objective and has won delightful phase achievements .

  22. 通过专项整治,再现京城水系和古典园林的历史风貌。

    With special renovation , Beijing will again take on the scene it once had , complete with its historical rivers and classical gardens .

  23. 交通部、国家安全监管总局联合开展渡口渡船安全管理专项整治活动

    MOC and the State Administration for Safety Management and Control jointly launch the special rectification action on safety management of ferries and ferry terminals

  24. 中国政府部门将开展一项互联网金融领域专项整治活动。互联网金融正快速发展,但一些非法活动威胁到了社会稳定。

    Chinese authorities will launch a campaign to regulate Internet finance , which is growing rapidly but threatens social stability due to illegal activity .

  25. 这是记者日前从全国地理信息市场专项整治工作领导小组第二次会议上得到的消息。

    This is according to the geographical information market from the National Leading Group for the rectification of the second meeting of the message received .

  26. 在今年暑期集中行动中,随州市文体局开展了电玩娱乐场所专项整治,取得了明显效果。

    Concentration of operations in the summer of this year , Suizhou Style Council carried out special rectification gaming entertainment , has achieved remarkable results .

  27. 我国政府坚持以人为本、执政为民的理念,深入开展食品安全专项整治,大力加强对食品安全的监管。

    Our government insist on " people-oriented governing for the people " to have the special activities for food safety , strengthen food safety regulation .

  28. 各地区、各部门充分发挥新闻媒体的作用,加强了对专项整治工作的宣传报道,营造了良好的舆论氛围。

    All localities and departments to fully play the role of media to enhance the special rectification work on media coverage , and create a good atmosphere for public opinion .

  29. 大力整顿和规范市场秩序,继续开展专项整治,严厉打击制售假冒伪劣行为。

    We will energetically improve and maintain market order , continue to carry out targeted clean-up campaigns , and crack down on the manufacture and sale of counterfeit or shoddy goods .

  30. 目前对超速行驶的防治主要是通过交通工程措施和现场执法措施达到治理超速的目的,交通主管部门经常统一布置超速专项整治行动。

    Currently the main control on speeding driving is through traffic engineering measures and enforcement measures , and the traffic management department is often array special campaigns to prevent speeding driving .