
  • 网络special account
  1. 尤其在这种情况下,可以借记客户的存款账户,贷记专用账户和向客户开出所需金额的支票。

    Especially for this purpose , the customer 's deposit account is debited , the special account credited and a cheque issued to the customer for the amount required .

  2. 为满足不同消费的需要,将传统一卡通系统的单账户设置转变为多账户设置,如设置通用账户和专用账户两大类。

    To meet the needs of different consumption , change the traditional of the smart card system set for single account to account Settings , suchas setting general account and special account .

  3. 申请人应在本公司指定的结算银行中选择一家,开立结算资金专用账户,用于和本公司的资金划拨。

    The applicant is required to open a specialized cash account with one of the designated settlement bank of CSDCC Shenzhen , through which to complete the cash transfer with CSDCC , Shenzhen .

  4. 我们要与当地政府和红十字会联系,并确认正确渠道,以保证我们的心意能到达灾区,到达本次赈灾的专用账户。

    We will contact local government and red cross organization , so that we can find out the correct tunnel to deliver our support to the appointed account at most convenient and quick way .

  5. DBMS级访问控制:每个租户通过lattice-basedaccesscontrol(LBAC)等DB2安全特性,使用专用的账户访问专用的数据库或表/模式。

    DBMS level access control : Each tenant accesses his dedicated database or table schemas with his dedicate account via leveraging DB2 security features like lattice-based access control ( LBAC ) .

  6. 融券专用证券账户不可用于证券买卖。

    The special securities account for financed securities shall not be used for trading securities .

  7. 结算会员可以用专用资金账户开出的支票、本票和贷记凭证入金。

    A settlement may transfer the funds by using the check , promissory notes and credit vouchers from the special funds account .

  8. 银行存款账户分为基本存款账户、一般存款账户、临时存款账户和专用存款账户。

    Bank deposit account is divided into the basic deposit account , a general deposit account , temporary deposit account and a special deposit account .

  9. 只允许外国投资者在一家银行开立一个多币种专用外汇账户,经外汇局批准的除外。

    A foreign investor is permitted to open only one special foreign exchange account of multiple currencies at a bank except for otherwise approved by administration of foreign exchange .

  10. 日本石油公团是日本的国家石油公司。与一般国家石油公司不同的是,它没有自己经营的企业,业务活动全部通过运作国家专用资金账户来完成。

    Japanese National Oil Corporation is different from other national oil companies , JNOC operates no enterprises of its own It accomplishes all its business activities by means of operating the special national capital .

  11. 如权证发行人同时委托我公司保管履约担保标的证券的,行权专用证券账户同时用于履约担保标的证券的保管。

    In case the warrant-issuer entrusts our company to deposit the subject-matter Securities for performance guarantee , the exclusive exercise securities account shall be appliedy to the depository of subject-matter Securities for the guaranteed performance .

  12. 第三十一条结算会员开立、更名、更换或者注销专用资金账户,应当凭交易所签发的专用通知书到期货保证金存管银行办理。

    Article31a settlement member shall , when opening , changing , replacing or canceling the special funds account , handle the matters in the depository bank of futures deposits by using the special notice issued by the exchange .

  13. 涉及股权分置改革的,账户名格式为“xx公司股权分置改革权证行权专用证券交收账户”。

    In case of involvingwhere the equity distributionsplit share reform is involved , the form of the account name shall be " exclusive securities account for warrant exercise of XX company for distribution split share reform of warrant exercise " .

  14. 结算参与人未在本公司开立专用资金交收账户的,应向本公司申请开立。

    The clearing participants who have not established the exclusive securities capital settlement accounts at the company shall apply to the company for establishing such securities capital settlement accounts .