
  1. 如果你受到警方起诉,至关重要的是你要听取专业律师的意见。

    If you are prosecuted by the police , then it is essential that you take specialist legal advice .

  2. 我们的经纪都持有通过职业最高培训的Broker执照。并且都拥有北美本科和硕士学位。我们公司的专业律师会查阅和修改合同。

    Certainty-All our broker associates possess a high level of professional training and Masters or Baccalaureate degrees from United States universities .

  3. Lorek是东部城市Dresden的一名社会和劳工法律的专业律师,他说,希望通过该项不寻常的业务来扩大客户群。

    Lorek , a lawyer based in the eastern city of Dresden who specializes in social and labor law , said he hoped to expand his client base by taking on the unusual work .

  4. 我正盘算着当一名专业律师。

    I was planning a career in law .

  5. 他们请不起专业律师。

    They can 't afford to pay for the advice of a specialist lawyer .

  6. 徐吉坤现在拥有10名专业律师资源,在各自专业领域为他的会员们提供法律服务。

    Today , Xu has10 professional lawyer resources that provided the legal services to their members in respective fields .

  7. 2009年,她顺利完成德国公司法和贸易法专业律师培训。

    In2009 she successfully completed the training courses for obtaining the title of German specialist lawyer for corporate and commercial law .

  8. 要取咨询相关房地产法务顾问或者专业律师,或者行业内人士。

    Should take seek advice from relevant estate law Wu adviser is professional perhaps lawyer , or the personage inside the industry .

  9. 我们亦竭诚为顾客提供多元化的服务(银行估价、银行按揭、专业律师行等等)。

    We are also dedicated to provide clients with a wide range of services , including bank valuation , mortgage , solicitors , etc.

  10. 迄今为止,没有人要求这些专业律师解决金融监管问题;相反他们通常只是处理离婚或商业协议。

    Until now , nobody has ever asked these specialist lawyers to grapple with financial regulations ; instead they usually just handle divorce or commercial deals .

  11. 天咨律师事务所是一家以提供商业法律服务为主的专业律师事务所,尤其擅长为外国企业和在中国的外商投资企业提供法律服务。

    CAPITAL ASSOCIATES is a Chinese law firm that specializes in providing commercial legal services , especially for foreign companies and foreign invested companies in China .

  12. 专业律师和会计师们表示,相关规则有点含糊,但通常而言,陈发树不需为出售股票而缴税。

    Specialist lawyers and accountants said the rules were vague but that Mr Chen would not usually be required to pay tax on a share sale .

  13. 我们将会是一个专业的律师事务所,提供给你以专业的高端法律服务。

    We will be a professional firm , to provide you with the high-end professional legal services .

  14. 三个爱人聘请了一位专业家庭律师,他起草了协议文书、见证了婚礼仪式,以确保三人命运相系、互相关爱、对彼此负有家庭义务。

    The so-called ' throuple ' worked with a specialist family lawyer who drew up the paperwork and drafted the ceremony so that all three of them were obligated and bound to each other .

  15. 我们坚信,律师团队的专业水准决定律师事务所的服务水平。

    We firmly believe that professional standards of legal team decide the level of law firm 's service .

  16. 31.只有第一次,才值得花钱请专业人员(律师、会计师等)帮忙。

    It 's worth paying a professional ( lawyer , accountant , etc ) to do it right the first time

  17. A:过去的十个月,我一直在一家法律专业代理处做律师专职助理。

    A : I have been working as a paralegal for the last 10 months through an agency that specializes in the legal field .

  18. 我国企业除完善自身并懂得与运用反倾销法进行反倾销外,还要聘请具有专业经验的律师加大反倾销工作力度,利用多边贸易体系中的权力来维护我国的合法权益。

    Besides perfecting ourselves and making use of antidumping law to do so , meanwhile , strengthen antidumping work through engaging lawyer with professional experience , protect China 's legal right and profit via using right of multilateral trade system .

  19. 第二类是专业人士,包括律师、银行家和对冲基金经理。

    Second , there are the professionals , including lawyers , bankers and hedge-fund managers .

  20. 首先,深入剖析诉讼专业化和强制律师代理的关系&相辅相成、互相促进。

    It firstly analyses the supplementary and promoting relationship between litigation professionalization and compulsory agency system .

  21. 这一真理不仅存在于时尚界,也存在于其他专业领域,比如律师,银行顾问。

    This is as true in fashion as it is in any profession , whether law or banking or management consulting .

  22. 律师的专门化。即由具有专业知识的环境律师代理案件,提供专业的法律服务,将信息不对称等因素造成的弱势地位与伤害降到最低。

    The specialization of environmental lawyer means the environmental lawyer with professional knowledge act as procurator to provide professional legal services so as to minimize the vulnerable position and injury caused by information asymmetry and other factors .