
zhuān mài zhì dù
  • monopoly;exclusive possession of the trade in some commodity;dispensary system
  1. 随着我国加入WTO,中国烟草虽有专卖制度的保护,也必将受到外国烟草集团的冲击。

    With the entry to WTO , although the protection of tobacco monopoly system , the tobacco industry has to face the impact of competition from foreign tobacco groups .

  2. 简论光复初期台湾的专卖制度

    Taiwan 's Monopoly System in the Early Days of Its Recovery

  3. 盐枭走私是食盐专卖制度下历代政府关注的问题,值得研究。

    Abstract Salt smuggling was an important problem in the dynasties .

  4. 清初湘南派行盐引案反映了食盐专卖制度与地方政治、市场需求的关系,值得重视和研究。

    This reflected the relation of salt monopoly and local politics and market requirement .

  5. 要在专卖制度下不断提高行业竞争力。

    Want at sell the system particularly under raise the profession competition ability continuously .

  6. 包括:实行专卖制度、控制出口总量;

    Control the total aggregate of export ;

  7. 中国烟草从优秀到卓越?论我国烟草专卖制度

    On China 's Tobacco Monopolization System

  8. 论中国古代盐专卖制度中国家与盐商的法律关系

    On the Legal Relationship between the Monopolist and the Government under the Salt Administration of Ancient China

  9. 从世界烟草专卖制度演变模式看我国烟草专卖制度的改革

    On reform of China 's tobacco monopoly system based on tobacco monopoly system evolution mode of the world

  10. 中国古代专卖制度与重农抑商政策辨析

    The Distinction between Ancient China 's Sale Monopoly System and the Policy Emphasizing Agriculture at the Expense of Commerce

  11. 试析抗战时期国民政府专卖制度的利弊得失

    An Trial Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of the Monopoly System of the National Government during the Anti-Japanese War

  12. 食盐专营制度与烟草专卖制度之间既有相同的地方,也存在较大的差别。

    There are many same aspects and a lot of difference between salt state monopolization and tobacco state state monopolization .

  13. 而从世界烟草的发展趋势看,烟草专卖制度取消、烟草商业企业参与市场化竞争也是势在必行的事。

    It is the globalization tendency that tobacco monopoly system should be cancelled to promote free competitions in tobacco industry .

  14. 虽然在加入世贸的谈判协议中,我国一直坚持保留国家烟草专卖制度。

    Although negotiations on accession to the WTO agreement , China has insisted on retaining the national tobacco monopoly system .

  15. 由于烟草行业实行专卖制度,因此客户的一些基本信息在专卖办证时,即零售户入网时获取。

    The tobacco industry implement the monopoly system , therefore some basic information of the customers is grasped when retailers networking .

  16. 西元1987年,政府开放酒类商品进口台湾销售,台湾菸酒专卖制度也正式终止。

    In1987 , the Taiwanese government abolished the old restrictions and began to open the country up to imports of alcoholic beverages .

  17. 清初政府在湖南南部地区派行盐引,成为这一地区建立食盐专卖制度过程的重要开端。

    In the Qing Dynasty , the formal salt market was formed in this area and it was the beginning of salt monopoly system .

  18. 进入新世纪以来,我国烟草专卖制度实施面临新形势、新要求、新任务。

    In the new century , our country is facing tobacco monopoly system is implemented the new situation and new requirements and new tasks .

  19. 2009年是很多企业生死攸关的一年,作为深受专卖制度保护的烟草行业,也面临着诸多挑战。

    To many enterprises , the year of 2009 is a life-and-death year , the tobacco industry protected by monopoly is faced with many challenges .

  20. 作为国家实施的一项经济制度,同时也是国家的一项法律制度,烟草专卖制度的存在有着一定的历史传承性。

    As implementation of a national economic system , but also a national legal system , the existence of tobacco monopolization system has some historical heritage .

  21. 在烟草专卖制度支持下,卷烟销售网络占尽市场竞争中得天独厚的优势;同时,也表现出现行销售网络的弱点:销售网络是专卖政策支持下的销售网络。

    By the support of monopoly system , cigarette sales take its unique advantages in the market ; At the same time , but also exit some weakness .

  22. 然后通过对外部的营销环境的分析,剖析专卖制度下烟草营销的管理体系及新的形势和市场环境对烟草营销的影响。

    Then it analyzes the external marketing environment , the management system under the state monopoly system , and the affect of new environment on the tobacco marketing .

  23. 而我国必须坚持国家烟草专卖制度,同时又要求引入市场机制和竞争机制。

    And our country must adhere to the monopoly system of national tobacco , demand to introduce the market mechanism and competition mechanism again at the same time .

  24. 实施多年的烟草专卖制度虽然对规范市场起到过积极作用,但如今却日益成为烟草企业发展壮大难以逾越的障碍;

    Although Tobacco Monopolization System ever had positive effect to the standardization of the market , but now become the obstacle hard to overcome for Chinese tobacco enterprises .

  25. 中国是世界上第一烟草大国,自国家烟草专卖制度实施以来,中国烟草行业取得了很大成绩。

    China is the biggest tobacco producing and consuming country . Since the implementation of tobacco exclusive agency policy , China 's tobacco industry has achieved great achievements .

  26. 我国对烟草行业实行专卖制度,因此我国烟草企业与一般企业相比具有其自身的特殊性,其财务管理和国有资产也有其独有的特色。

    So the Chinese tobacco company has its own specificity compared with the general enterprise , and its financial management and management of state-owned assets have their unique characteristics .

  27. 我国实行烟草专卖制度二十多年来,烟草专卖行政执法取得了一定的成绩。

    Over the past more than two decades ' implementation of tobacco monopoly system in our country , the administrative law enforcement on tobacco monopoly has made certain achievements .

  28. 长期以来山东烟草行业依靠国家烟草专卖制度垄断了全省卷烟的生产、批发、配送等环节。

    Supported by the state tobacco monopoly system , Shandong tobacco industry has long been monopolized each links of cigarette production , wholesale and distribution in the whole province .

  29. 在烟草专卖制度下,中国的烟草行业曾经是名副其实的垄断行业,整个烟草市场呈现出卖方市场的势态。

    Under the tobacco fiscal monopoly system , tobacco-industry in China had ever been the name matches the reality monopolization , and tobacco-market had ever been seller 's market .

  30. 1861年废除农奴制后,酒类专卖制度很快被取消,非法酿酒猖獗,酒价下降,俄国农村酗酒现象愈趋严重。

    After abolition of slavery in1861 , alcohol-monopolized system was cancelled , illegal brewing ran wild , alcohol price went down , and excessive drinking in the rural area became serious .