
  • 网络Patent War
  1. 在科技业密切关注苹果公司(AppleInc.)与使用谷歌(GoogleInc.)安卓(Android)移动操作系统的竞争对手之间的专利战之际,中国已经有了本土研发的、试图在中国迅速增长的智能手机市场上与安卓叫板的软件。

    While the technology industry is closely watching Apple Inc. 's patent war against rivals using Google Inc. 's Android mobile operating system , China already has homegrown software that is trying to take on Android in the country 's fast-growing smartphone market .

  2. 诺基亚与高通再演专利战

    Patent War Between Nokia and Qualcomm Comes again

  3. 由于苹果针对竞争对手手机生产商的专利战被普遍视为是对安卓发起的一次攻击,苹果上个月在美国法院对三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)的胜诉引发外界围绕可能替代安卓的其他软件展开了讨论。

    As Apple 's patent litigation against rival handset makers are widely viewed as an attack on Android , its U.S. court victory last month against Samsung Electronics Co. has fueled discussions about possible alternatives to Google 's software .

  4. 三星试图创建这一名为平板手机(phablet)的新产品类别。去年11月,就在三星和苹果的专利战在全球范围内不断升级之际,三星推出了第一代GalaxyNote。

    Samsung attempted to create this new product category called ' phablet ' when it launched the first Galaxy Note in November last year as its patent fight with Apple began escalating around the globe .

  5. 幸运的是,智能电话专利战,将更加悄无声息地停火。

    With luck , the smart-phone patent battles will end more quietly .

  6. 标准和专利战的主角&专利池解析

    Analysis of Patent Pool & anguard in the War of Patent and Standard

  7. 技术标准&专利战的新武器

    Technical Standard & New Weapon for Patent War

  8. 三星和苹果之间的移动设备技术专利战已经持续多年。

    Apple and Samsung have been battling over mobile device technology patents for years .

  9. 科技行业巨头之间的专利战由来已久,而现在只是变得更大、更具争议性。

    The long-running patent war among the technology industry 's heavyweights just grew a whole lot bigger-and more controversial .

  10. 当下的智能电话专利战,同样的浪漫谈不上,却可能同等重要。

    The current smart-phone patent war does not quite have the same romance , but it could be as important .

  11. 他们“几乎不用投入什么成本,就可能从这场专利战中收获非常丰厚的战果,可谓坐享其成。”

    They are " gaining exposure to a potentially very lucrative favorable IP outcome for little or no cost . "

  12. 专利战的例子与日俱增、企业普遍不愿意将储备的现金用作再投资,这些现象为上述理论提供了一些支撑。

    Rising incidents of patent battles and a general corporate reluctance to reinvest cashpiles lend some support to this thesis .

  13. 德国已成为许多高调专利战的战场,该国审理的专利诉讼案占到全欧洲专利案件的三分之二。

    It has become the battleground for many of the high-profile patent wars , with two-thirds of all patent claims in Europe filed there .

  14. 当今的市场竞争已经不仅仅是价格战、营销战,专利战也愈演愈烈。

    Competition in the market today has just been more than a price war or a marketing war , the patent war is also intensifying .

  15. 穆勒称,在这个节骨眼上,谷歌可能希望向其制造商合作伙伴们证明,谷歌也有不逊于苹果的专利战利器。

    Google , says Mueller , may be hoping to show its manufacturing partners at this critical juncture that it has a patent war chest equal to Apple ' s.

  16. 当地时间周五,美国联邦巡回上诉法院推翻了要求三星赔偿1.2亿美元经济损失的陪审团裁定,使得这家韩国智能手机制造商在同苹果漫长的专利战中扳回了至关重要的一局。

    U.S. appeals court on Friday overturned a $ 120 million jury verdict against Samsung , finally handing the South Korean smartphone maker a significant win in its longstanding patent feud with top rival Apple .

  17. 基于上述分析结果,提出了我国移动智能终端企业在专利战中专利诉讼战略的选择及实施,以期为各企业应对专利诉讼及专利纠纷制定策略提供参考和依据。

    Based on the above analysis , put forward the selection and implementation of patent litigation strategy patent war for intelligent mobile terminal enterprises , in order to provide reference and basis to formulate strategies to deal with patent litigation and dispute for the enterprises .

  18. 在苹果于2007年6月开始销售iPhone后不久,芯片供应商高通公司(QualcommCorp.)和诺基亚就一场专利持久战达成和解,双方开始在项目上展开合作。

    Shortly after Apple began selling the iPhone in June 2007 , chip supplier Qualcomm Corp. QCOM + 2.92 % settled a long running patent battle with Nokia and began collaborating on projects .

  19. 后来,特瑞科和竞争对手安科雨刷器公司(Anco)之间的专利争夺战从20世纪40年代中期持续到1971年,成为当时持续时间最长的诉讼之一。

    A later patent war , between Trico and rival windshield-wiper company Anco , stretched from the mid-1940s until 1971 , making it one of the longest-running lawsuits of its day .

  20. 这是一种资源争夺战,更是一场专利争夺战。

    This is not only a fight for resources , but also a fight for patent .

  21. 而这只是两大智能手机巨头法庭专利之战的其中一个。

    It 's just one of several patent cases currently being fought in courts between the two smartphone giants .

  22. 去年两个公司表示他们会叫停在美国之外地区的专利之战。

    The companies said last year that they will call off their patent disputes going forward -- outside the United States .

  23. Crispr-Cas9技术专利之战悄然打响,现在,加州大学和布罗德研究所在美国联邦专利局就Crispr-Cas9技术专利应授予谁而争论不休。张锋博士去年也获得了杜德纳多年前获得过的沃特曼奖。

    Now the University of California and the Broad Institute are arguing before the federal patent office over whether Dr. Doudna or Dr. Zhang , who last year received the Waterman Award for young scientists that Dr. Doudna had won years earlier , was the first to invent the genome editing technique .

  24. Sequenom、Natera和AriosaDiagnostics这三家公司正因为专利打诉讼战,让人搞不清楚哪些技术到底是哪家公司的(更不用说各方的开支都有所增加)。

    Ongoing litigation between sequenom and two other players in the space natera and ariosa diagnostics has created some confusion as to who really owns what technology ( not to mention some increased expense for all parties ) .

  25. 美国保护标准相对开放,欧盟保护标准相对严谨,发展中国家由于资金、技术等原因保护还相当薄弱,常常成为生物技术专利权争夺战中的受害者。

    Protection standards are relatively open in the United States , while are relatively stringent in the European . Developing countries ' protection is quite weak because of capitals , technologies and other reasons , so always become victims in biotechnologies patents battles .

  26. 专利保护期滥用解析&以跨国公司在中国专利战问题为视角

    Analyzing the Abuse of Patent Protection Period & Multinational companies ' patent war in China

  27. 近年来,专利池已成为发达国家对我国发动标准和专利战的主角。

    In recent years , patent pool has become vanguard of west countries in the patent & standard war against our country .

  28. 对此,中资银行要增强专利意识,加快研发力度并着手建立专利战略以应对外资银行的专利战。

    Therefore , China 's commercial banks should establish and strengthen the awareness of financial patent , speed up the relevant research and set up the patent strategy to meet the challenge from the overseas counterparts .