
zhuān tí yán jiǎnɡ
  • disquisition;lecture on a special topic
  1. 预计在之后的专题演讲中,还将发布更多关于新版iOS平台以及其它软件产品的信息。

    More announcements regarding an updated iOS platform and other software products are expected later in the keynote address .

  2. 乔布斯在苹果大会上作专题演讲后展示MacBookAir,2008年,1月15日,旧金山

    In this Jan.15,2008 , file photo , Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds up the new MacBook Air after giving the keynote address at the Apple MacWorld Conference in San Francisco

  3. 总监当选人配偶们在国际讲习会的专题演讲之后鼓掌。

    District governor-elect spouses applaud after an international assembly panel presentation .

  4. 除了一般课程外,每周将有实习课与专题演讲。

    Besides regular lectures , weekly recitations and project discussion sessions will be held .

  5. 另一个例子,是我协助一位年轻小姐,准备一个专题演讲。

    On another occasion , I was helping a young lady with a project .

  6. 英文专题演讲语类分析

    Genre Analysis on English Prepared Public Speeches

  7. 定量分析和定性分析揭示,学生对专题演讲、学期论文、客观题考试等不同性质评估方式所测试的能力有自己的看法,从而采取不同的途径和策略应对。

    Quantitative and qualitative analysis revealed that students took different learning approaches for assessments in different nature according to their understanding of the abilities being evaluated .

  8. 每年有超过?`五万人聆听他的专题演讲与课程。总监当选人配偶们在国际讲习会的专题演讲之后鼓掌。

    As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader , he addresses more than 250,000 people each year . District governor-elect spouses applaud after an International Assembly panel presentation .

  9. 不过,他带着温和的自信坚持不懈,通过寻找专题演讲、一次公园长凳午餐以及参观一个艺术展,一点一点打破了她的防线。

    Still , he perseveres with gentle confidence , chipping away at her defenses with searching disquisitions , a park-bench lunch and a visit to an art show ,

  10. 所以厂方常不定期安排知名人士或专业人士到厂专题演讲,充实员工的心灵,并提升其专业知识的涵养。

    Therefore , from time to time , the plant invites well-known personalities and professionals to deliver lectures to its staff members in hopes of promoting their intellectual and spiritual development .

  11. 几年前,在丹佛举办的一次全美顶尖肿瘤学家的会议上,知名癌症专家大卫·阿古斯博士做了一次专题演讲,指出有必要采取一种新的方法来治疗癌症。

    At a meeting of the nation 's top oncologists in Denver a couple of years back , Dr. David Agus , a prominent cancer researcher , was giving a keynote address . Agus talked about the need to take a new approach to treating cancer .

  12. 会议和原来一样,还是单一专题,演讲都限制在30分钟内,而且没有问答时间。

    It 's still single-track , 30 minute talks , and no Q & A.

  13. 驻地计划结束前,驻地艺术家需于月记窑陶瓷艺术中心或德化陶瓷艺术学院,做专题之演讲。

    At the end of the work period the resident 's project may be documented and published on the Yueji Kiln Ceramic Art Center website .

  14. 很有代表性的是被邀请到在线新闻业国际专题讨论会演讲,而且预期在未来还有一个类似的陈述。

    A representative was invited to speak at the International Symposium on online journalism , and similar presentations are being contemplated for the future .