
  • 网络adult learning
  1. E-learning与成人学习方法的改革

    E-learning and the Innovation of Adult Learning Method

  2. 网络条件下成人学习的社会动员机制研究

    Research on Socialized Mobilization Mechanism of Adult Learning under the Web

  3. 现在,哈佛商学院首次向全世界的申请者开放在线课程,包括毕业10年以上的成人学习者,以及在今年秋季入学的全日制MBA新生。这套在线课程主要基于案例研究和视频。

    For the first time , HBS is now opening up the program - based on case studies and videos - to applicants worldwide , including adult learners who have been out of school up to 10 years , and students admitted to the school 's full-time , on-campus MBA program this fall .

  4. 成人学习者的心理特征与成教管理的有效性

    Psychological Features of Adult Learners and Management Efficiency of Adult Education

  5. 成人学习的心理基础及其对课程开发的影响

    Psychological Basis of Adult Learning and its Influence on Curriculum Development

  6. 成人学习理论与教师继续教育

    The Learning Theory of Adult and the Teachers ' Continuous Education

  7. 企业培训中成人学习策略的质性研究

    A Qualitative Research on the Adult Learning Strategy in Enterprise Training

  8. 成人学习心理特征与成人教学改革

    Psychological Characteristics of Adult Learners and Teaching Reforms of Adult Education

  9. 网络环境下成人学习中期阶段动机维持策略

    Strategy of Motivation Maintaining in Adult Learning under the Web Environment

  10. 第三,教师不是一般的成人学习者,而是有着独特之处的成人学习者。

    Teachers are not ordinary adult learners , but special learners .

  11. 能够在授课时结合成人学习的特点以达到课程的有效性。

    Achieving program effectiveness by applying adult learning features and methods .

  12. 从电大教育看成人学习心理

    Viewing study psychology of adults from the education of TV University

  13. 成人学习者远程学习适应性研究的思考

    Consideration on learning adaptation for adult learners in distance learning

  14. 成人学习的一般特点:自主性强,为学习而来,希望参与等。

    Adult learning has the characteristics of independence , activeness and participation .

  15. 儿童习得语言的能力和速度往往超出成人学习者。

    Children surpass adults in their ability and speed of language acquisition .

  16. 通过合作学习方式开发与利用成人学习者自身的资源优势

    Development and Utilization of Adult Learners ' Resource Advantages through Cooperative Learning

  17. 另一方面,识别并满足成人学习者的需要。

    On the other , recognizing and satisfying their needs .

  18. 忽视了培训对象的成人学习的特点;

    Seventh , we neglect that the object belongs to adult study ;

  19. 自我导向学习中成人学习动机维持研究

    Research on Adult Learning Motivation to Maintain in Self-directed Learning

  20. 成人学习不良的筛查与诊断

    Screening and Diagnostic Model for Adults with Learning Disabilities in the West

  21. 浅谈成人学习外语的方法

    On a Brief Talk on Methods that the Adults Learn Foreign Languages

  22. 成人学习特点的心理调查与分析

    The psychological investigation and analysis on studying characteristic of adults

  23. 成人学习者信息素养及其培养途径

    Information Literacy of Adult Learners and the Way of Training

  24. 成人学习设计模式及学习策略探究

    On the research of adult learning design model and strategy

  25. 成人学习不良的认知特点与教育干预

    Cognitive Characteristics of Adults with Learning Disabilities and Educational Intervention

  26. 满意度是否就是成人学习成功的唯一标准?

    Is the degree of satisfaction the only standard of adult learning ?

  27. 理论上,可揭示成人学习的心理和行为特点;

    In theory , it can reveal the psychological and behavioral characteristics .

  28. 谈网络信息时代的成人学习革命

    Revolution of Adult Learning at the Time of Network Information

  29. 从成人学习的特点看教师的导学支持

    Distance Teachers ' Guiding Support According to the Adult Learning

  30. 第四章:台湾地区成人学习权的立法保障分析。

    Chapter four : Legislation research of adult learning right in Taiwan .