
  • 网络component transfusion;blood component transfusion;transfusion of blood components
  1. 【目的】探讨成分输血在产科急性弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)抢救过程中的作用。

    To study the efficacy of blood component transfusion in the first-aid salvage of acute obstetric diffuse intravascular coagulation ( DIC ) .

  2. 外科临床应用成分输血的观察报告

    Observation on the clinical application of blood component transfusion in surgery

  3. 红细胞成分输血促进消化道肿瘤患者EⅡAF的实验研究

    Study of the Enhancing Effect of Rbc Component Transfusion on E ⅱ AF of Patients with Digestive Tract Malignancy

  4. 目的了解成分输血在治疗急性白血病合并DIC的疗效。

    Objective To study the therapeutic effects of blood component transfusions on acute leukemia complicated with DIC .

  5. 结论早期诊断急性白血病并DIC,及时成分输血是治疗DIC的较好方法

    Conclusion Early diagnosis and blood component transfusions in timely are effective methods to treat the acute leukemia patients complicated with DIC

  6. 失血及成分输血对ICG和半乳糖负荷试验的影响

    Effects of hemorrhage and component blood transfusion on ICG clearance and galactose tolerance tests in rabbits

  7. 成分输血对产科急性DIC的治疗效果显著优于输新鲜全血。

    The therapeutic efficacy of blood component salvage is distinctly more effective than that of fresh whole blood in the salvage of acute obstetric DIC .

  8. 按摩子宫、应用缩宫剂、成分输血、宫腔纱条填塞、B-lynch缝合,子宫动脉介入栓塞,子宫切除术是处理产后出血的有效方法。

    Massage of uterus , Application of uterine contraction agents , blood component transfusion , intrauterine gauze packing , B-lynch suture and uterine artery embolization is the effective method of treatment of postpartum hemorrhage .

  9. 成分输血在8例肝脏移植术受者中应用的分析

    Application of blood components transfusion in liver transplantation of 8 cases

  10. 做好临床成分输血的护理

    Do good in nursing care of patients undergoing component blood transfusion

  11. 输血;血液成分输血;据收集。

    Blood transfusion ; Blood component transfusion ; Data collection .

  12. 山东省综合性医院成分输血现状分析

    An analysis of blood component transfusion in general hospitals in Shandong Province

  13. 血液病病人成分输血的护理

    Nursing Care of Patients With Hemopathy Accepted Blood Components Transfusion

  14. 成分输血的临床应用调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Clinical Application on Component Blood Transfusion

  15. 江门市推广成分输血的回顾调查与分析

    Retrospective Survey and Analysis of Popularization of Component Infusion in Jiangmen City

  16. 小儿血液病成分输血的临床分析

    A Clinical Analysis of Blood Component Transfusion in Children With Disease of Blood

  17. 目的探讨成分输血在大量输血患者中的合理应用。

    Objective To analyses reasonable application of blood component in massive transfusion patients .

  18. 孕产妇弥散性血管内凝血的成分输血疗效观察

    Blood component transfusion in pregnants women and parturient complicated with disseminated intravascular coagulation

  19. 加强成分输血管理杜绝不合理成分输血

    To Strengthen Management of Component Blood Transfusion and Stop Unreasonable Component Blood Transfusion

  20. 329例大量输血患者成分输血分析

    Analysis of massive component blood transfusion in 329 cases

  21. 提示围术期应尽量少输血,特别是癌症患者更应注意。以成分输血优于输全血。

    In perioperative period component blood transfusion is superior to whole blood transfusion .

  22. 成分输血对急性失血患者酸碱平衡的影响

    The acid-base balance influence of blood component transfusion on acute blood loss patients

  23. 成分输血是现代输血学的重要标志之一。

    Component blood transfusion is one of the major markers of modern blood transfusion .

  24. 成分输血应用于胸部手术109例的临床分析

    Blood component therapy in 109 thoracic operations

  25. 成分输血适应证及其影响因素

    Indication and Influencing Factor of componential Transfusion

  26. 目的通过临床用血分析,指导合理用血,大力推广成分输血。

    Objective Generalize component blood transfusion under the guidance of analyzing blood utilization in clinics .

  27. 密切生命支持和成分输血是重症产后出血治疗中的重要措施。

    Intensive life support and component transfusion are the important steps to cure severe PPH .

  28. 成分输血在临床中的应用

    The Clinical Application of Component Transfusion

  29. 成分输血治疗急性白血病并弥散性血管内凝血的疗效观察

    The Observation on Therapeutic Effects for Blood Component Transfusion Applied to Treat Acute Leukemia Complicated with DIC

  30. 成分输血治疗晚期血吸虫病78例护理体会

    Nursing experience of transfusion of blood component in treatment of advanced schistosomiasis : a report of 78 cases