
xuè hónɡ dàn bái bìnɡ
  • hemoglobinopathy
  1. 用DNA扩增法诊断血红蛋白病

    Diagnosis of hemoglobinopathy by analysis of amplified DNA

  2. 湖北地区血红蛋白病研究两个快速β链异常血红蛋白&HbNewYork家系

    Study on Hemoglobinopathy in Hubei Province : Two Families of Hb New York (β 113 Val → Glu ) of Fast-moving β - chain Abnormal Hemoglobin

  3. 湖北省60248人血红蛋白病调查报告

    An Investigation of Hemoglobinopathies Among 60 248 Individuals in Hubei Province

  4. 湖北地区血红蛋白病的研究&Ⅳ.血红蛋白病类型及其地理分布

    Study on Hemoglobinopathy in Hubei Province : Types and Geographic Distribution

  5. 对8例异型血红蛋白病首证者家系进行调查,共调查96人。

    Pedigrees of 8 propositi of abnormal hemoglobinopathies were surveyed .

  6. 中国丝绸之路地区血红蛋白病的遗传流行病学特点

    Characteristic on genetic epidemiology of Chinese silk road region

  7. 广东省253267人的血红蛋白病调查研究

    Hemoglobinopathies in 253,267 people in Guangdong Province

  8. 新疆各民族117847人血红蛋白病调查

    Mass survey of the hemoglobinopathy among 117 , 847 inhabitants including all the nationalities in Xinjiang

  9. 目的造血干细胞移植可以根治白血病、再生障碍性贫血、血红蛋白病及先天性免疫缺陷等疾病,通过临床观察,分析研究异基因造血干细胞移植对儿童血液病的治疗效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of allogeneic stem cell transplantation for treatment of children hematological diseases .

  10. 此外,还发现异常血红蛋白病3例(0.08%),疑为β-地中海贫血7例。

    Additionally , 3 cases of abnormal hemoglobinopathy , 7 cases suspected beta-thalassemia were found in the investigation .

  11. 例如再生障碍性贫血、重症联合免疫缺陷和血红蛋白病等血中缺乏特定的免疫细胞。

    Aplastic anemia , severe combined immunodeficiency and hemoglobin disorders , for example , involve deficiencies of specific immune cells in the blood .

  12. 血红蛋白H病的生化遗传分析

    A study on biochemical genetics of hemoglobin H disease

  13. 广东地区血红蛋白H病基因型分析及高危胎儿基因诊断

    Genotype analysis and prenatal gene diagnosis of fetal hemoglobin H disease in Guangdong area

  14. CS型血红蛋白H病复合β地中海贫血的实验研究

    The experimental study of hemoglobin H disease combined with β thalassemia

  15. 血红蛋白H病20例分析

    Analysis of 20 Patients with Hemoglobin H

  16. 血红蛋白G病复合α地中海贫血2的家系分析

    Pedigree analysis of the double heterozygote of hemoglobin G disease combined with alpha thalassemia 2

  17. 方法采用单管多重PCR体系对21例血红蛋白H病和442例临床送检病例血样本进行α地中海贫血基因诊断,另2例取羊水进行产前诊断。

    Methods : 21 cases of HbH disease and 442 clinical uncertain cases were detected by the single-tube multiplex-PCR assay , and 2 cases were detected with amniotic fluid .

  18. 血红蛋白Lepore病&附1例报告及文献复习

    Hemoglobin Lepore : a case with Hb Lepore and overview

  19. 血红蛋白S病17例临床与实验诊断分析

    Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of hemoglobin S : 17 cases

  20. 也许最详尽分析过的遗传性的疾病,乃是那些产生异常血红蛋白的遗传病。

    Perhaps the most thoroughly analyzed hereditary disease are those in which abnormal hemoglobin molecules are produced .

  21. 体外循环中血红蛋白尿分析本病以高热、贫血、黄疸和血红蛋白尿为主要特征,严重时常常引起发病动物死亡。

    Causes of Hemoglobinuria with Extracorporeal Circulation The disease is usually characterized by fever , hemolytic anemia , hemoglobinuria , and enen death in severe cases .

  22. 视野中心可见一矩形红细胞(因血红蛋白C晶体存在),也是血红蛋白C病的特征。

    In the center of the field is a rectangular RBC that is indicative of a hemoglobin C crystal , which is also characteristic for hemoglobin C disease .