- 名Acute phase response protein;acute phase reactive protein

Haptoglobin ( Hp ), one of the acute phase proteins , is an acid glycoprotein . Hp polymorphism arises from variant a-chains .
Lipopolysaccharide binding protein ( LBP ) is a 60 kD acute phase glycoprotein capable of binding the LPS .
C-reactive protein ( CRP ) is a kind of reactive protein in acute phrase , responded to C polysaccharides in capsule of pneumonococcus , participating inflammation in partial or whole body .
Objective To search the change of humoral immune and acute phase response proteins in children with hepatolenticular degeneration ( HLD ) .
Methods The levels of serum complement and immunoglobulin and acute phase response proteins in 11 patients with HLD were studied by single immunodiffusion test .
Objective To investigate the effect of long tubular bone fracture ( LTBF ) on serum levels of leptin , acute phase proteins and biochemical markers for organ functions , and to look for the role of leptin in traumatic inflammatory responses .
The change of humoral immune and acute phase response proteins in children with hepatolenticular degeneration
Effect of Beneficial Mixture for Body Immune Function on Serum Acute Phase Reaction Protein Levels in Acute Traumatic Patients
Effect of long tubular bone fracture on serum levels of leptin , acute phase proteins and biochemical markers for organ functions
C-reactive protein is one of the most characteristic proteins in the acute phase , which partcipates in the acute inflammatory reactions .
Relationship between C-reactive protein and neurological impairment at acute phase of cerebral infarction
Relationship between the dynamic change of C reactive protein in acute traumatic brain injury and its with clinic and CT
There was an acute phase response : fibrinogen levels went up , but there was no organ damage and the animals survived .