
  • 网络serum sodium;L Na
  1. 血清钠浓度与蛛网膜下腔出血

    Serum Sodium Concentration and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

  2. 结果:观察组的血清钠浓度明显低于对照组,两组有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Results : The average level of serum sodium in children with febrile convulsion was lower than that without convulsion ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 血清钠和唾液钠的含量以及血清钾与唾液钾含量的相关性很弱,相关系数(r)分别为-0.131和0.128。

    The correlation coefficient was -0.131 and 0.128 between the contents of sodium and potassium in serum and in saliva , respectively .

  4. 对AMI后30天住院期间死亡危险因素进行多因素logistic回归分析,血清钠离子浓度降低与AMI后30天住院期间病死率相关。

    In a multivariate logistic regression analysis , hyponatremia was associated with 30-day mortality in patients with AMI .

  5. 观察组中有21例(占36%)病儿反复惊厥发作,其血清钠浓度低于首次发作者,两者比较具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Twenty-one of 59 chil - dren with febrile convulsion ( 35.6 % ) had repeated attacks with lower level of serum sodium than the first attack ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. ⑶吸氧可加速血浆ANP的下降和血清钠的恢复。

    ⑶ Oxygen-inhaling can facilitate the reducing of the plasma ANP and the serum sodium .

  7. 枸橼酸钠组治疗结束后,血清钠、pH值高于对照组(P<0.05),但均在正常范围内;

    The level of serum sodium and arterial blood pH were higher in sodium citrate group than those in heparin group ( P < 0.05 ), but still within normal ranges .

  8. 患者均在伤后1d,入院后第3天及1周后行血清钠检测。

    Serum natrium levels in the first day , third day and 1 week following injury were detected .

  9. 方法对40例颌骨骨折患者和14例健康人进行血清钠、钾、氯、钙、磷、镁以及ALP含量的测定并作配对比较。

    Methods The serum salts and alkaline phosphatase were determined in 40 cases of jaw fracture and 14 health persons .

  10. 方法入院后12h内即用全自动生化分析仪测定血清钠、钙浓度。

    Methods The level of serum sodium ? calcium were measured by automatic biochemical analysis in 12 hours of admission .

  11. 结果:单次透析过程中SSD使血清钠活性逐渐升高,VSD则无显著影响。

    Results : Serum sodium activity was gradually elevated during single SSD sessions and there was no change during single VSD sessions .

  12. 结果表明,高钠摄入8周可使大鼠血压显著升高,血清钠和24h尿钠明显高于对照组(P<0.01),血浆CaM水平亦明显升高。

    The results indicated that BP , serum Na + and 24h urine Na + excretion were increased significantly in high-Na-loading rats as compared with that of the control group .

  13. 但尚需更大规模的研究来确定结合血清钠水平后是否能增加MELD评分的预测准确性。

    Larger studies are needed to determine whether the addition of serum sodium to MELD can improve its prognostic accuracy .

  14. 密切监视血清钠及患者术中的反应,可防止TURS。

    Keep close watch over serum sodium level and patients , TURS be could avoid .

  15. 结果:MELD评分和血清钠水平是等待3和12个月后仅有的独立生存预测因子。

    RESULTS : MELD score and serum sodium concentration were the only independent predictors of survival at3 and12 months after listing .

  16. 附加的血清钠水平并不能显著增加MELD评分在第3和第12个月生存预测的准确性。

    The addition of serum sodium did not improve significantly the accuracy of MELD score in the prediction of survival at3 and12 months .

  17. 方法:对高热惊厥(观察组)、无抽搐的上呼吸道感染(对照组A)和无热惊厥(对照组B)三类患儿,检测血清钠、CRP、脑电图及脑CT,并对比分析。

    METHOD : Three group patients received serumal sodium detection , CRP , encephalogram and encephalic CT examination : Hyperpyretic convulsion ( experimental group ), upper respiratory infection without convulsion ( control group A ) and convulsion without fever ( control group B ) .

  18. 结论:VSD能减少透析性高血压的发生,其原因之一可能与改变了血清钠活性有关。

    Conclusions : VSD can reduce the incidence of hypertension due to dialysis . One of causes maybe be that VSD can change serum sodium activity in chronic dialysis patients .

  19. 方法对不同程度脂血及黄疸标本血清钠分别采用酶法及离子选择电极法(ISE)进行检测。

    Methods Serum sodium concentrations of the lipemic or icteric samples were assayed based on enzymatic method and the results were compared with those obtained by direct ion-selective electrodes ( ISE ) .

  20. 结果:进食低钠盐饮食时患者UNE较其进普通饮食1和2时均减少(P<0.001),而血清钠浓度无明显变化。

    Results : Having low sodium diet , 24 hours UNE is decreased significantly compared with having general diet 1 # and 2 # ( P < 0.001 ) .

  21. A组血清钠、SBP及脉压/SBP显著低于对照组(P<0.05或0.01),A组血浆PRA、AngⅡ和ALD高于B组(P<0.05或0.01);

    Results Plasma levels of PRA , Ang ⅱ and ALD in A and B groups were significantly higher than those in control group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ), especially in A group ( compared with B group , P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  22. 其中血清钠、尿素氮、血浆渗透压、阴离子间隙于术后1h最低,而血糖的最高值及血钾最低值均出现在手术结束时,术后3h各项指标逐渐恢复正常。

    It was 1 hour after surgery that the lowest serum sodium , urea nitrogen concentration , plasma osmolality , anion gap appeared , but the lowest serum potassium was at the end of operation . All changes in blood bio-chemistry gradually restored 3 hours after surgery .

  23. 手术后血清钠、钾、血浆渗透压、阴离子间隙、尿素氮均较术前明显下降(P0.05),血氯、COZ一CP、肌配变化不明显(P.05);

    There was a significant fall in serum sodium , potassium , urea nitrogen concentrations and anion gap as well as plasm osmolality after operation ( P 0.05 ), and no apparent change were found in chlorid , CO2-CP and creatinine ( P 0.05 ) .

  24. 大鼠和家兔暴露于50Hz、40kV/m电场中100~500小时,血清钠,钾、钙和镁无明显变化;

    There were no apparent effects observed on the serum sodium , potassium , calcium and magnesium of rats and rabbits exposed to 50 Hz 40 kV / m electric field for 100 to 500 hours .

  25. 结果:与热性惊厥发生有关的因素有8个:年龄、家族史、首次发病时体温、出生史、血糖浓度、血清钠浓度、发病季节和碱性磷酸酶(AKP);

    Results : There were 8 factors relating to the occurrence of FS : age , family history , temperature of the first seizure , born history , serum sugar level , serum sodium level , season , and level of alkalinity phosphate enzyme ( AKP ) .

  26. 血清钠活性改变在可变钠与标准钠透析中的意义

    Change of serum sodium activity in variable-sodium dialysis and standard-sodium dialysis

  27. 重症脑出血病人急性期血清钠的监测与护理295例

    Monitoring and Nursing of Serum Sodium of Severe Cerebral Hemorrhage Patients at Acute Stage

  28. 测定血清钠的新比浊法

    Determination of Sodium in Serum by New Turbidimetry

  29. 目的:探讨热性惊厥患儿血清钠值的变化。

    Objective : To explore the changes of serum natrium in children with febrile seizures .

  30. 延吉市都分居民的钠盐摄入量与血清钠含量的研究

    A Survey of Sodium Intake and Serum Sodium Content of Partial Residents in Yanji City