
  • 网络orthostatic hypotension;orthostatic hypotension,OH;shy-drager
  1. 直立性低血压是SDS的重要特点,临床缺乏特异性检查方法。

    The important characteristic of SDS are orthostatic hypotension , without specific examination for early diagnosis .

  2. 住院老年人餐后低血压及直立性低血压的临床研究

    Clinical investigation of postprandial and orthostatic hypotension of aged inpatients

  3. 然而一旦变为站立状态,无直立性低血压的PD患者其自主神经功能异常就表现出来了。

    The gravitational stimulus of moving to an upright position , however , revealed abnormalities in cardiac and vascular autonomic response in PD patients without orthostatic hypotension .

  4. 本研究旨在研究在高血压患者中心血管疾病(CVD)和靶器官损害(TOD)与OHT和直立性低血压(OH)之间的关系。

    This study investigated the association of OHT and orthostatic hypotension ( OH ) with cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) and target organ damage ( TOD ) in hypertensive patients .

  5. 方法:用电生理多用诊断仪对29例橄榄-桥脑-小脑萎缩(OPCA)、10例直立性低血压(SDS)和19例健康志愿者(对照组)的脑干诱发电位进行检测。

    Methods : The brainstem auditory evoked potentials ( BAEP ) were recorded in 29 cases of OPCA , 10 cases of SDS and 19 healthy volunteers by using Nicolet Viking ⅱ .

  6. 术后直立性低血压伴晕厥19例分析

    Analysis of 19 Cases of Postural Hypotension with Syncope after Operation

  7. 直立性低血压对外科病人的危害及防范措施

    Hazards of postural hypotension for surgical patients and its precautions

  8. 迟发性直立性低血压:立位耐受不良的常见原因

    Delayed orthostatic hypotension : A frequent cause of orthostatic intolerance

  9. 老年直立性低血压的检测和病因分析

    Observation on orthostatic hypotension in the elderly and analysis of causative factors

  10. 瘫痪患者电动站立床训练致直立性低血压的相关分析

    Related analysis of orthostatic hypotension by electric standing bed exercise in paralytic patients

  11. 目的:研究米多君对直立性低血压的有效性及安全性。

    AIM : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of midodrine for orthostatic hypotension .

  12. 本病为一独立疾病,应与原发性直立性低血压加以区别。

    The disease was an independent clinical entity , and should be separated from idiopathic orthostatic hypotension .

  13. 本文报告2例直立性低血压多系统萎缩综合征,第2例经病理证实。

    This is a report of 2 cases of SDS . The second case is confirmed by pathological examination .

  14. 其机制谓与直立性低血压有关,或与乏氏动作有关。(5)易发生体位性低血压;

    The mechanism of this was explained to be associated with erect postural hypotension or related to Valsalva 's maneuver .

  15. 由于氯丙嗪有引起直立性低血压的副作用,故用药时要注意卧床休息。

    Chlorpromazine has caused as a result of orthostatic hypotension side effects , so drugs to the attention of bed rest .

  16. 结果非心源性晕厥者占60.4%,直立性低血压占18.9%,血管迷走性晕厥及心源性晕厥分别占18.0%和9.0%。

    Results Among these , 60.4 % was non-cardiovascular syncope , 18.9 % was postural hypotension , 18.0 % was vasovagal syncope and 9 % was cardiac syncope .

  17. 88例糖尿病患者伴高血压及直立性低血压临床意义探讨住院老年人餐后低血压及直立性低血压的临床研究

    The Clinical Research of Heart Rate Variability of 88 Diabetes Mellitus Cases with Hypertension and Body Posture Hypotension Clinical investigation of postprandial and orthostatic hypotension of aged inpatients

  18. 直立性低血压在特发性帕金森病和伴有直立性低血压的多系统萎缩患者中的临床分析以及氢质子磁共振波谱和磁共振扩散加权成像的研究

    The Clinical Analysis of Orthostatic Hypotension in Idiopathic Parkinson Disease and Multiple System Atrophy with Orthostatic Hypotension and the Study of IPD-OH and MSA-OH by ~ 1H-MRS and DWI

  19. 老龄病人(>60岁)与心律不齐、直立性低血压、药物副作用和环境性(如排尿)晕厥关联更大。

    Older age ( > 60 years ) is more highly associated with arrhythmias , orthostatic hypotension , medication side-effects , and situational ( e.g. , micturition ) syncope .

  20. 目的:分析电动站立床训练时,可能影响患者发生直立性低血压或出现头晕、胸闷、心悸等不适的相关因素。

    AIM : To analyze related factors which maybe affect the attack of orthostatic hypotension or discomfort such as dizziness , chest distress and palpitation by electric standing bed exercise .

  21. 临床表现为进行性小脑性共济失调,可伴有锥体外系症状,锥体束征及直立性低血压。

    Progressive cerebellar ataxia was the main clinical symptom , other manifestations included extrapyramidal system and pyramidal tract sign and orthostatic hypotension . MRI showed atrophy olf cerebellum and brainstem .

  22. 早期站直立床康复训练对脊髓损伤患者直立性低血压的影响

    Effect of Vertical Bed Training on Orthostatic Hypotension of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury in Early Period