
  • 网络direct spread;direct spreading;direct extension;direct speading
  1. 经单因素Cox模型分析,与预后有关的因子有:淋巴转移、血道转移、直接蔓延、残存病灶、临床分期、血红蛋白值(P<005);

    In univariate analysis of Cox model , the factors related to the prognosis of ovarian carcinoma are metastasis of lymph nodes and vascular stream , local infiltration , residual cancer remaining after surgery , the clinical stage and the value of blood hemoglobin ( P < 0 05 ) .

  2. 3例直接蔓延感染:枕骨2例,肩胛骨1例;1例原因不明。

    The 3 cases of direct infection occurred in occipital ( 2 cases ) and scapula ( 1 case ) .

  3. 多由下生殖道感染、宫腔内手术操作后感染、性卫生不良、邻近器官炎症的直接蔓延等引起。

    By next genital infection , more uterine cavity operation after operating infection , sexual hygiene , adjacent organs inflammation caused directly spread .

  4. 研究背景:子宫颈癌是常见的妇科恶性肿瘤之一,其生物学行为主要是淋巴转移和直接蔓延,即使非常早期的子宫颈癌也可以发生淋巴转移。

    Background : Cervical carcinoma is one of the common gynecological malignancies . Lymph node metastasis is one of the most important biological behaviors of cervical carcinoma including early-stage patients .

  5. 以柠檬酸铁或硝酸铁、硝酸锌、硝酸镍和柠檬酸为原料,利用溶胶直接自蔓延燃烧反应成功制备了尖晶石结构的NiZn铁氧体粉末。

    Ni-Zn ferrites were prepared with the citrate precursor by self-combustion technique , using ferric citrate or ferric nitrate , nickel nitrate , zinc nitrate , citric acid as the starting materials .

  6. 政府的宏观调控薄弱,管理不严,直接造成的,蔓延的郊区市场。

    Government 's macro-control is weak , lax management , a direct result of the spread of the outskirts of the market .