
  • 网络midstream urine;clean-voided midstream urine;midstream voided urine;Midstream;urine
  1. 清洁中段尿培养主要致病菌有:大肠杆菌(67.2%)、变形杆菌(14.1%);

    The main pathogenic bacteria were colibacillus in 67.2 % and bacillus proteus in 14.1 % in the culture of midstream urine .

  2. 方法对52例留置导尿管患者作拔管前和拔管24h后中段尿培养及导尿管表面生物膜细菌学检测;

    METHODS Samples of 52 patients collected from midstream urine before removing the catheter and 24 hours after its removing have been cultured and the peripheral biological membrane on indwelling urethral catheter has been tested .

  3. 方法消毒中段尿标本细菌培养;药敏试验采用Kirbybauer法。

    METHODS The quantitative urine culture and Kirby-Bauer antibiotic susceptibility test were performed .

  4. 报告151例急性肾盂肾炎、急性膀胱炎患者中段尿支原体和细菌培养结果。从中段尿中分离出解脲支原体(Uu)31株,人型支原体(Mh)2株,支原体阳性率为20.6%。

    Abstract strains of ureaplasma urealyticum and 2 strains of mycoplasma hominis were isolated in 151 patients with acute pyelonephritis or acute cystitis , with a positivity rate of 20.6 % .

  5. 用胰酶消化的中心浸液作基础培基,添加新生小牛血清、自制新鲜酵母浸液。从NGU患者的中段尿、慢性前列腺炎患者的前列腺液和男性不育患者的精液中分离尿素支原体共447份。

    A medium was prepared using pancreatic digest of beef heart as the base , supplemented with new-born calf serum and self-made fresh yeast extract .

  6. 方法对ICU内的68例急性重症有机磷农药中毒留置导尿的患者,在治疗48h后,采取中段尿作细菌培养、定量分析及药敏试验,细菌学资料作统计学分析。

    Methods 68 samples of clean medistream urine were collected from 68 patients with severe organophosphate poisoning after 48 hours of detaining urethral catheterization . Bacterial culture , drug-sensitive test and quantitative analysis were done .

  7. 方法收集101例孕28~32周孕妇清晨空腹中段尿,采用化学发光免疫法测定尿DPD;速率散射比浊法测定MA、α1-M、TRF。

    Methods Mid-stream morning urine samples were collected from 110 pregnant women at 28-32 weeks for the measurement of DPD , MA , α 1-M and TRF .

  8. 目的用中段尿定量细菌培养作为金标准,比较UF100尿沉渣分析仪(简称UF100)及干化学分析试验在筛检尿路感染(UTI)中的可靠性。

    Objective With quantitative bacterial culture of mid stream urine as a golden criterion to compare the reliability of flow cytometer UF 100 and a urine dipstick in screening urinary tract infection ( UTI ) .

  9. 方法检测26例肾移植患者术前及术后连续10周中段尿pH、HCO3-、NH4+、TA(可滴定酸),计算NAC(净酸)量。

    Methods The medistream urine pH , HCO_3 ~ - , NH_4 ~ + and titration acid ( TA ) in 26 cases of renal transplant recipients were detected before and consecutively 10 weeks after renal transplantation , and the net acid content ( NAC ) was calculated .

  10. 方法对667份妊娠早期妇女中段尿标本,做细菌培养菌落计数与UF-100流式尿分析仪结果进行比较。

    Method 667 fresh mid-stream clean catch urine sample were collected in accordance with standard guidelines . Each midstream urine specimen was examined by cultures and counts of bacterial colonies , flow cytometer UF-100 and then to compare the results of them .

  11. 2059株中段尿分离菌的分布及耐药性分析

    Distribution and Antibiotic Resistance of 2059 Pathogens in Middle-segment Urine Samples

  12. 2991份中段尿培养病原菌种类分布与耐药性分析

    Pathogenic Distribution of Urine Culture and Antibiotic Resistance Analysis among 2991 Cases

  13. 结果清洁中段尿细菌培养阳性率为23.8%。

    Results : The positive rate of cleaning urine cultivation was 23.8 % .

  14. 尿常规检查时,患者中段尿常为阴性。

    Urine routine examination , patients often negative urine .

  15. 尿常规检查尿染易漏诊,膀胱穿刺尿培养优于清洁中段尿培养。

    Examination of urine in bladder is better than regular urine examination method .

  16. 妊娠与尿路感染&192例孕妇中段尿细菌培养结果分析

    Pregnancy and Urinary Tract Infection-Analysis of 192 Gravidas ' Mid-stream Clean-catch Urinary Culture

  17. 因此,中段尿培养在产前检查中实属必要。

    So , mid-stream clean catch urinary culture are necessary in antepartum examination .

  18. 1500例清洁中段尿细菌培养及耐药性调查分析

    An Analysis of Pathologic Bacteria and Their Drug-Resistance of Urinary Infections from 1500 Patients

  19. 尿路感染患者1112例中段尿细菌培养结果

    Results of Mid-stream Clean-catch Urinary Bacteria Culture from 1112 Patients with Urinary Tract Infection

  20. 清洁中段尿培养阳性率低(39.4%)。

    The positive rate of clearing urine cultivation was low ( 39.4 % ) .

  21. 肠球菌主要来自中段尿,其次为伤口、呼吸道、穿刺引流液。

    Came from urine mainly , others from wound , respiratory tract and drainage fluid in order .

  22. 方法:对38例女性尿道综合征患者分别做尿常规、中段尿培养及膀胱镜检查,并进行尿道扩张治疗。

    Methods : 38 patients were examined with routine urianlysis , bacteria culture of medistream urine and cystoscope .

  23. 方法:对中段尿作细菌定量培养,同时行尿常规亚硝酸盐测定和尿染色镜检细菌。

    Methods Mid-stream urine underwent bacterial quantitative culture and urine routine tests by nitrite determination and staining microscopy .

  24. 采集鼠、蛙、猪、水鸭肾脏和牛中段尿,进行病原体分离培养。

    The kidney of mouse , frog , swine and duck and bovine urine were collected for pathogen culture .

  25. 门诊女性患者前段尿与中段尿标本尿常规测定值的差异分析

    Study on the difference between forepart and middle segment urine samples in the result of urine routine test in female patients

  26. 请留一份尿/便/痰的标本/请收集您的中段尿。

    Please bring a specimen of your urine / stool / sputum . / please collect your mid-stream specimen of urine .

  27. 目的探讨门诊女性患者尿常规留取时前段尿和中段尿标本对检查结果的影响。

    Objective To identify the impact of the forepart and middle segment urine samples on the result of urine routine test in female patients .

  28. 方法对门诊肾内科就诊的84例女性患者前段尿和中段尿标本的检查结果进行分析。

    Method The results of the forepart and middle segment urine samples in urine routine test from 84 female patients in the nephrology outpatient department were analyzed .

  29. 08∶00~09∶00时再次留取中段尿,进行尿十联检验,比较两者的差异。

    At 8 ∶ 00 ~ 9 ∶ 00 , to take the mid-stream urine liquid again and made a test then compared the difference of them .

  30. 方法:118例尿路感染者按年龄、性别分组。及按尿常规与尿培养结果分组和按清洁中段尿培养与膀胱穿刺尿培养结果分组对比。

    Methods : 118 cases are sectionalized by ages and sexes in regular urine examination and the result of urine cultivation in cleaning middle urine cultivation and the result of bladderpiercing .