
  1. 中国古代服饰发展历史悠久。

    Ancient Chinese dress has a long history of development .

  2. 中国古代服饰文化中的符号与象征

    The Symbol and Symbolization of Dress Culture in Ancient China

  3. 论中国古代服饰功能的演变及文化意义

    About the Change of Ancient Chinese Clothes Functions and Its Cultural Significance

  4. 论中国古代服饰文化与现代服装设计之构想

    Proposing an Idea for Ancient Chinese Costume Culture and Modern Fashion Design

  5. 浅析中国古代服饰的气之精神

    On " gas spirit " of Chinese ancient dress

  6. 试论中国古代服饰的流变观

    On the development of the ancient dress of China

  7. 中国古代服饰与人物画的线韵

    Line Cadence of Ancient Chinese Clothing and Character Drawings

  8. 中国古代服饰制作工艺研究

    China Ancient Times Clothing Manufacture Craft Research

  9. 《中国古代服饰研究》是凝结着沈从文先生下半生心血的一部巨著。

    The Study of Ancient Chinese Clothing and Ornaments is a great works which agglomerates Mr.

  10. 美化、便利、防护&中国古代服饰中的人体工效意识

    On Beauty , Convenience and Defence & Ergonomical Thoughts in the Costume Design in Ancient China

  11. 《红楼梦》人物服饰&中国古代服饰文化的缩影

    Costumes of Characters in Classic Novel 《 Hong Lou Meng 》 Epitome of Chinese Ancient Costume Culture

  12. 这种服饰分期方案正体现了中国古代服饰发展的一贯特色:政治表征性。

    The periodization project happened to embody the consistent political characteristic of ancient Chinese costume and adornment .

  13. 中国古代服饰研究,是古代史研究中的一个重要组成部分。

    The study of ancient China trappings is an important component of the study of China ancient history .

  14. 通过对中国古代服饰的实用功能、伦理功能和审美功能的考察,发掘其背后的文化意义。

    This article examines the cultural significance of the pragmatic , aesthetic and ethic functions of ancient Chinese clothes .

  15. 这不仅是孔门儒家,也是中国古代服饰美学思想目的论的核心内涵。

    Atahis isn 't only the Confucianism but also the nuclear connotation of the Chinese archaic finery aesthetics teleology .

  16. 气的精神使中国古代服饰呈现完整性,又促进了服饰纵深方向的发展;

    The ancient costume of china shows an character of integrity and developes to a vertical deriction because of the gas spirit ;

  17. 本文从头衣、体衣、足衣、佩饰四方面论述中国古代服饰文化的发展演变过程。

    This article introduces the developing and changing procedure of Chinese ancient costume , including four parts : caps , clothes , shoes and pendants .

  18. 带饰,作为中国古代服饰的重要组成部分,在古代人的日常穿着中起着不可小觑的作用。

    The belt , as one of the part of ancient Chinese clothing , plays an important role in people 's daily wear in the ancient China .

  19. 至清代,随着统治政权的巩固、经济的兴盛,使服饰得到空前发展,成为中国古代服饰最繁荣的时期。

    Up to Qing Dynasty , the consolidation of Qing 's regime and flourishing of economy led to unprecedented development of apparel to the height of prosperity for Chinese ancient apparel .

  20. 本文创新之处主要有四点:1.20世纪80年代以来,中国古代服饰研究取得了很大成就,研究成果多,研究队伍不断壮大,研究方法逐渐多元化,研究角度不断拓宽。

    Firstly , study on the ancient Chinese costume and adornment has got great accomplishments since the 1980s , including lots of research achievements , expanding study team , the multiplicity of research methods .

  21. 本文从中国古代服饰与人物画中线的关系入手,说明中国古代人物画中线的节奏、韵律在某种程度上也得力于古代服饰所呈现的自然形态。

    Focusing on the lines of ancient Chinese clothing and character drawings , the paper tries to prove that the rhythms and cadences of the lines in ancient Chinese drawings result partly from the natural conditions of ancient clothing .

  22. 中国古代戏剧服饰研究

    A Study on the Chinese Ancient Theatrical Costume Chinese Classical Literature

  23. 中国古代丝绸服饰纹样特点

    Features of China ′ s Ancient Patterns of Silk Garment

  24. 试论中国古代舞蹈服饰的审美特征

    The Aesthetic Characters of Ancient Chinese Dance Dress

  25. 形·神&中国古代小说服饰描写的和谐美

    Appearance and Spirit : the Harmonious Beauty in Garment Description in Ancient Chinese Novels

  26. 中国古代丝绸服饰纹样是民族文化的瑰宝。

    China ′ s ancient patterns of silk garment are gems of our national culture .

  27. 在宗法文化的背景下,中国古代的服饰有着超越感性需要的伦理追求。

    In the patriarchal society of ancient China , clothes had their ethical pursuit transcending sensibility .

  28. 事实上有许多细节都值得一谈,虽然原著是建立在架空历史的背景上,但是电视剧却真实地还原了中国古代的服饰和礼仪。

    There is actually a long list of things worth talking about . Though based on a novel without a specific historical background , the show goes out of its way to accurately portray the clothing and even etiquette followed in ancient China .

  29. 中国古代军戎服饰,其衣、帽和装饰在长期的战争生活中,形成了极具特色的服饰体系。

    The ancient Chinese military uniform , including its caps and decorations has formed its unique system during the long-term wars .

  30. 在设色敷彩方面,本文指出,中国古代小说的服饰描写与肌肤描写基本上立足于传统五色文化,大多拥有一份特定的角色意蕴。

    In applying colors , this text point out that the describe about Chinese ancient novel 's dress and skin basically base on traditional " five colors " culture , mostly have a specific role 's connotation .