
  • 网络Chinese architecture;China Construction;CSCEC;china state construction engineering corporation;ipo
  1. 在产业竞争力因素判断基准以及产业竞争力因素管理分析的基础上,结合WEF和IMD产业竞争力的研究,得出了中国建筑业产业竞争力的影响因素体系。

    Based on the judgment standard and element management analysis of industry competitive power , combining WEF and IMD research , the influencing factor system of China construction industry has been put forward .

  2. 采暖散热器委员会隶属于建设部中国建筑金属结构协会(缩写为CCMSA),成立于1986年。

    The Heating Radiator Committee which was founded in1986 is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction , CCMSA ( China Construction Metal Structure Association ) .

  3. 王先生是中国建筑研究院建筑系主任。

    Wang serves as head of the Architecture Department at the China Academy of Ar ( CAA ) .

  4. 中国建筑工程总公司(chinastateconstructionengineering)在巴哈马群岛的庞大酒店、赌场和度假中心项目已破土动工。

    China State Construction Engineering has broken ground on a huge hotel , casino and resort complex in the Bahamas .

  5. 加入WTO后中国建筑业的人才培养

    Research on Chinese Talent Cultivation in Architecture After Joining WTO

  6. 面对WTO,中国建筑设计业的发展思考

    In the face of WTO , think about development of Chinese architectural design

  7. 在上海上市首日,中国建筑股份有限公司(ChinaStateConstructionEngineering)涨幅一度高达90%,收盘上涨56%。

    Shares in China State Construction Engineering rose by as much as 90 per cent on their debut before closing 56 per cent stronger in Shanghai .

  8. 加入WTO后中国建筑业的竞争环境分析及对策研究

    A Research on the Competitive Environment of the Chinese Construction Industry and Its Countermeasures after China 's Accession into WTO

  9. 他不仅计划从山东电力公司(shandongelectricpower)购买发电设备,还希望全部引进中国建筑工人来建造发电厂。

    Not only does he plan to buy the equipment from the company , Shandong electric power , but he is also hoping to ship in a full Chinese construction crew to build it .

  10. WA中国建筑奖

    Wa Chinese Architecture Award

  11. 介绍了BOT项目的特点,论证实施BOT模式是中国建筑企业发展的一条新出路。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of BOT projects , and argues BOT operating pattern is a new road for the development of Chinese construction enterprises .

  12. 为将来在中国建筑世界上最大的射电望远镜(FAST),提出了一种馈源刚性悬挂平台结构方案。

    A structural scheme of the stiff suspension platform for supporting the feed cabin of the FAST , which will be built in China and will become the largest radio telescope in the world , is presented in this paper .

  13. 陈旭东受邀成为中国建筑文化网的“文化城市计划(CCP)”的顾问专家。

    Chen Xudong was invited to become the fellow of Cultural City Plan ( CCP ) by Architecture and Culture Society of China .

  14. 本文在得出的25项胜任特征因素基础上,运用SPSS软件对调查问卷进行统计分析,构建出包含七个维度的中国建筑工程设计人员的胜任特征模型。

    Finally we discover 25 competence model factors . Then we collect the questionnaire and use SPSS soft to analyze the gathering data , eventually the paper build architecture design engineer competence model .

  15. 本文通过对中国建筑企业进行SWOT分析,找出建筑企业的优、劣势和建筑行业竞争环境的机会与威胁;并根据SWOT分析的结果,提出中国建筑企业在国际工程承包市场中的战略目标与对策。

    Ander this background , the current paper carries on SWOT analysis for Chinese architectural enterprises to discover their strength , weakness , opportunity and threat . And based on the results , this paper brings forward the strategic goals and countermeasures for such enterprises in the international market .

  16. 据知情人士透露,美国私人股本公司凯雷(carlyle)正进行谈判,以获得一家中国建筑设备制造商的少数股权。

    Carlyle , the US private equity firm , is in talks to take a minority stake in a Chinese construction equipment maker following another setback in its 18-month attempt to secure regulatory approval for a deal , according to people familiar with the matter .

  17. 中国建筑文化的新启蒙:更待何时?

    New Enlightenment of Chinese Architectural Culture : When do treat ?

  18. 谈当代中国建筑技术发展的传承与创新

    The Inheritance and Protection on contemporary Chinese Architectural Technology 's Development

  19. 中国建筑三局企业信息化工程建设

    Construction of Enterprise Information Project in China Construction Third Engineering Bureau

  20. 当代中国建筑更新中的传统与演变

    Tradition and its development in renewal of buildings in recent China

  21. 当今的中国建筑企业面临“升级转型”。

    The nowadays-Chinese construction field is upgrading and transferring the type .

  22. 中国建筑体系是以木结构为特色阳的建筑艺术。

    Chinese architecture is an independent art featuring wooden structures .

  23. 拓展传统建筑设计机构的生存与发展空间&中国建筑设计研究院访谈

    Extend the Room for Existence and Development of Traditional Architecture Design Institute

  24. 中国建筑创作的现状与未来发展之路

    On existing condition and future development of China architectural creation

  25. 在《中国建筑文化研究文库》首发式上的讲话

    Speech at Publishing Ceremonial of Research Library Chinese Architectural Culture

  26. 中国建筑企业市场竞争行为实证研究

    Empirical Study on Market Conduct of Construction Enterprises in China

  27. 中国建筑卫生陶瓷:由大到强的期待

    Chinas ' Building Sanitary Ceramics : Growth from Big to Strong Expected

  28. 中国建筑,是中华民族优秀文化中极其辉煌的组成部分。

    Chinese architecture , is a glorious part of the Chinese culture .

  29. 中国建筑业市场与国际市场比较分析

    Comparative analysis of international constructive market and interior constructive market

  30. 中国建筑火灾引起坍塌事故的统计与分析

    Survey and analysis on building collapses due to fire damage