
  • 网络neutral theory;neutral theory of molecular evolution
  1. 分子进化中性理论的进展

    Advances in the neutral theory of molecular evolution

  2. 湿地草本植物冠层昆虫群落的中性理论验证

    Testing the Neutral Theory of Insect Communities in the Canopy of Wetland Herbaceous Plants

  3. 宏观电荷的Lorentz不变性与Ivezic电中性理论

    Lorentz invariance of macroscopic charge and Ivezic ′ s new theory of electrical neutrality

  4. 中性理论与达尔文的自然选择进化论有明显的差别。

    In sharp contrast to the Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection .

  5. 货币中性理论评述

    The Remark of the Theory of Monetary Neutrality

  6. 重新重工业化对我国就业的影响&基于技术中性理论与实证数据的分析

    The Impact of Re-heavy-industrialization on Employment in China

  7. 分子进化钟与中性理论是分子进化研究的基础。

    ' Molecular clock ' and ' Neutral theory ' based the investigation on molecular evolution .

  8. 群落中性理论的提出使得生态学家们的注意力又再度转移到了这块领域。

    Proposition of ecological neutral theory has diverted ecologists ' attentions back to this area again .

  9. 群落生态学的中性理论

    Neutral theory in community ecology

  10. 中性理论强调了生态位理论所忽略的随机性在群落构建中的作用,并成功地解释一些生态位理论无法解释的生态学格局。

    Neutral theory emphasizes the effects of stochasticity in community assembly , which is largely neglected by niche theory .

  11. 植物群落构建理论传统上被分为两种,一种是以竞争等确定因素为基础的生态位理论,另一种是以扩散等随机因素为基础的中性理论。

    Community assembly theory has traditionally been divided into niche theory based on competition and neutral theory based on dispersal .

  12. 高寒草甸植物群落α多样性和β多样性形成的机制:是生态位还是中性理论?

    Niche or Neutrality , Which Mechanism Determined the α Diversity and β Diversity of Plant Community in the Alpine Meadow ?

  13. 与生态位理论相反,中性理论不以种间生态位差异作为研究群落结构的出发点,而是以物种间在个体水平上的对等性作为前提。

    Unlike the niche-assembly theory , the neutral theory takes similarity in species and individuals as a departure for investigating species diversity .

  14. 生产资料人格化的理论,既不姓资,也不姓社,它是中性理论。

    The theory of " personalize means of production " is neither capitalist , nor socialist , but is a neutral theory ;

  15. 中性理论和生态位理论在解释热带雨林中物种共存机制上发挥了重要作用。

    Both unified neutral theory and niche theory have played an important role in understanding the mechanisms of species coexistence in tropical rain forests .

  16. 另外,群落谱系结构研究还有助于探讨中性理论、密度制约假说等生态学理论,并预测干扰作用下的群落演化趋势。

    Phylogenetic information also indicates the influence of environmental factors and studying community phylogeny at the metacommunity level helps to understand regional ecological processes .

  17. 主要介绍了汇率与比较优势论、汇率的弹性分析理论,汇率非中性理论。

    This chapter mainly manifests the exchange rate and the comparison superiority , the elastic analysis of the exchange rate , the non-neutrality of the exchange rate .

  18. 并指出未来发展方向可能是在生态位理论和中性理论之间架起一座桥梁,同时发展包含随机性的群落生态位模型,以及允许种间差异的近中性模型。

    We also suggest that the most important task in the future is to bridge the niche-assembly theory and the neutral theory , and to add niche-differences in neutral theory and more stochasticity into niche theory .

  19. 本文依据税收相对中性理论,增值税以其自身的内在优势,与中性税收所要求的效率原则和普遍原则相契合。

    The article thinks that , according the relative theory of neutral tax revenue , depending on its internal superiority , value added tax should be kept on consistent with efficiency and fair principle of neutral tax revenue .

  20. 鉴于此,本文按照税收中性理论,分析了铁路运输企业流转税制改革的必要性和可行性,认为消除铁路行业重复纳税的最佳选择是改营业税为增值税。

    In view of this , the article , according to the tax policy of efficiency , analyzed the necessity and feasibility of the turnover tax reform of railway transport enterprises . The best choice to avoid double taxation is to transit the present sales tax to Value Added Tax .

  21. 反倾销退税制度在贸易救济领域起着平衡各方利益的重要角色,从中性税收理论和WTO立法精神来看,它都是不可或缺的。

    Refund rules play an important role in balancing the interests between related parties in the field of international trade relief . In view of tax theory of neuter and WTO spirits , refund rules are required .

  22. 本文对长期货币中性的理论研究进行了回顾。

    This paper reviews the literature of long run monetary neutrality .

  23. 快乐主义就是中性容器理论的一种。

    Hedonism is a version of the neutral container theory .

  24. 本文利用中性轴理论建立了开闭裂纹刚度模型。

    Based on the neutral axis theory , a new stiffness model of the switching crack was proposed .

  25. 行为主义政治学的价值中立论与西方政府中性化理论评析

    A Review and Analysis of Value-neutral Theory of Behaviouristic Politics and Neutralized Governmental Theory in the Western Countries

  26. 为了取代全口义齿传统经验型的手工制作方法,将数字化技术与中性区理论相结合,研发了全口义齿的数字化设计系统。

    A digital design system for complete denture that integrated technology and prosthodontical in neutral zone is described in this paper .

  27. 文中以材料力学的中性层理论为理论依据,设计了结构独特的应力集中结构悬臂梁,并对各影响因素进行了详细分析。

    Based on the mesne layer theory , the centralized stress cantilever was designed , and the infection factors was analysed in detail .

  28. 我无法让自己去相信它,我有点赞同有价值容器理论,但是我也有点赞同中性容器理论。

    I can 't bring myself to believe it , I have some sympathies for valuable container theories , but I also have some sympathy for neutral container theories .

  29. 如果你是中性容器理论的粉丝,你就没有任何额外的东西可添加,因为生活本身等于零。

    If you 're a fan of the neutral container theory , you won 't have anything extra to add , because life per se is just a zero .

  30. 我们扩展了生活中美好事物的定义,但除此之外,我们的观点仍然是基于,中性容器理论是正确的理论。

    We 've expanded the list of goods that can go within your life , but for all that , we 've still been acting as though the neutral container theory is the right approach .