
  • 网络Constancy;invariance;homeostasis;Steadiness
  1. 隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)在人脸识别中的运用是由HMM在图像定标变化过程中的局部恒定性和人脸的结构所决定的。

    The use of hidden Markov models ( HMM ) for faces is motivated by their partial invariance to variations in scaling and by the structure of faces .

  2. 实验结果表明,新算法实现了平移不变、旋转不变、尺度不变、镜像不变的识别,由于利用了目标的彩色信息,算法还具有彩色恒定性。

    The experimental results show that this new method has the ability to implement recognition with translation , rotation , scale and mirror invariance .

  3. 我一直在致力于推翻有关意义恒定性的谬谈。

    I have been working on exploding the myth of fixity of meaning

  4. LED大屏幕空间显色恒定性

    Space color constancy of LED large screen

  5. 在确定大屏幕空间显色恒定性允差后,可用文中提供的方法对制作大屏幕的LED进行筛选。

    Given the allowance of space colour constancy , the riddling of LED for large screen display can be made using the method .

  6. 由于β-actin在瘢痕组织和正常皮肤中的不恒定性,建议在瘢痕的mRNA定量研究中不作为内参照物。

    In scar mRNA quantitative research , β - actin is not suitable to be the reference standard because it fluctuates between the scar and normal skin .

  7. TFT-LCD显色恒定性与独立性研究

    Investigation of the TFT-LCD Chromaticity Constancy and Independence

  8. 跨导恒定性自适应的低电压Rail-to-Rail放大器

    Low Voltage , Rail-to-rail Amplifier with Self-adaptive Constant g_m

  9. 显色恒定性及独立性是对TFT-LCD高品质彩色图像显示的重要要求之一。

    The chromaticity constancy and independence of RGB pixel are the important parameter for TFT-LCD display to show the high quality color image .

  10. 本文叙述了布莱思(Blaine)空气透过法装置的一点改进:改进定位器以保持试样体积的恒定性;

    In this paper , two improvements of apparatus for Blaine air permeability method have been described : 1 . Improving the position fixer to keep the constant volume of the sample ;

  11. 恒定性外斜视斜视度显著大于间歇性外斜视。

    The angle of constant exotropia is larger than intermittent exotropia notably .

  12. 黄河洪水的非恒定性对输沙及河床冲淤的影响

    Influence of unsteady floods on sediment transport and riverbed evolution in Yellow River

  13. 间歇性和恒定性外斜视的立体视研究

    Study on the stereopsis of intermittent and constant exotropia

  14. 化学反应网路中的双重恒定性模型。

    Models of Bistability in Chemical Reaction Networks .

  15. 从而得出学习方式由于其本身的恒定性因而更具有研究价值。

    The result is that learning style is worth more research because of its own eternity .

  16. 分析了输出轴的输出扭矩,并确定了所要选取电机的输入功率的恒定性。

    Analyzed the output torque of the output shaft and determined the input power selection of the required motor .

  17. 由于往复式压缩机排气量的恒定性与工业过程需气量变化性的矛盾,压缩机气量调节装置应运而生。

    Because of the inconsistency between reciprocating compressor displacement and air needed , the compressor capacity regulation arises at the historic moment .

  18. 内分泌系统:由无管腺体组成的系统,分泌激素(荷尔蒙)以供身体正常生长、发育、繁殖和自我恒定性之需。

    Endocrine system : Group of ductless glands that secrete hormones necessary for normal growth and development , reproduction , and homeostasis .

  19. 结果恒定性、间歇性外斜视均不存在远立体视,但间歇性外斜视有近立体视觉。

    Results Distance stereoacuity does not exist in constant strabismus or intermittent strabismus cases , but near stereoacuity exists in intermittent strabismus cases .

  20. 结果表明:蝗总科昆虫同一属内NOR定位有一基本模式,属内种间具有相对恒定性,无显著差异,而在不同属间则有差别。

    The results show that the NOR localizations are different for different genera and the same the genus , the same location it shows .

  21. 皮层下神经元的去抑制整合野参与传递视觉图像中的低空间频率信息,并与色觉恒定性机制有关。

    The disinhibitory IF of subcortical neurons contributes to transmission of low spatial frequency information of visual images and tO the maintenance of color constancy .

  22. 履带式摊铺机在高等级公路的铺筑中起着关键性作用,其摊铺速度的恒定性直接影响着路面的平整度、密实度以及离析程度。

    Pavers play a key role in paving advanced highway . The invariance of its work velocity affects the degree of lever , compactness and isolation directly .

  23. 岩-水反应可以产生可观的元素通量,因此,对海水元素恒定性的解释需要重新审视。

    The reaction of rock water can produce abundant element flux , thereby , the interpret action of the sea water element invariance needs to survey again .

  24. 其实,复杂性和纯粹性集于一体是一枚硬币的两面,它从正反两面揭示了格非创作主题的恒定性。

    As a matter of fact , complexity and purity are both sides of a coin , they just reflcet the constancy of Gefei 's literary theme from both sides .

  25. 摘要:通勤出行是城市居民日常活动中最基本最重要的出行活动,它具有时间与空间上的相对恒定性。

    ABSTRACT : Commuting is one of the most basic and important travel activities in metropolitan residents ' daily life . Compared to other travel activities , it is more invariable in trip time and space .

  26. 沥青混凝土摊铺机作为铺筑沥青路面的专用机械,在高等级公路的建设中起着非常关键的作用,其摊铺速度的恒定性直接影响路面的平整度、密实度及离析程度。

    The asphalt paver , as a special-purpose machinery for paving asphalt pavement , plays akey role in the construction of high-grade highway , its paving speed directly influences thesmoothness , compactness and dissociation of pavement .

  27. 无砟轨道由于其具有良好的结构恒定性、稳定性、耐久性、少维修性、经济性等技术特点,近年来在国内外高速铁路上得到了广泛的应用。

    The ballastless track has been widely used on high-speed railway both at home and abroad in recent years , due to its technical characteristics like good structure constancy , stability , durability , less maintenance and economy .

  28. 教学原本是不断变化与动态生成的,但由于科学主义思维方式的影响及工业化社会对效率的崇拜,恒定性几乎成了教学的唯一特性。

    Originally teaching was constantly changing and dynamically productive , but permanence almost became the only feature of teaching because of the influence of the way of thinking of scientism and the worship of efficiency by the industrial society .

  29. 在此基础上,我们引入了黑点的概念,依靠大量的实验数据,提出了低信号电平时,色品坐标恒定性、枪的独立性仍成立的观点。

    On the basis of those measurement results , we introduced the concept of black point and advanced our point that phosphor constancy and gun independence were comparably well at low signal levels after erasing the influence of black point .

  30. 古典艺术精神是与古典主义意义相近的概念,指以经典作品为典范、强调审美理想的继承性和艺术价值的恒定性的艺术观念。

    The classical artistic spirit , which is similar in meaning to classicism , is an artistic concept in which the classics are taken as a model , and the inheritance of aesthetic ideals and the permanency of the value of art are emphasized .