
  • stellar surface
  1. 这些差异预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰。

    These differences indicate that the effect of stars rotation may make materials in the stars transfer outward and some element in stellar surface become super abundant .

  2. 恒星表面冷气逼人,温度堪与北极相比。

    And it 's freezing - about as cold as the North Pole .

  3. 类太阳活动恒星表面黑子结构的多普勒成像(Ⅰ):技术

    Doppler Imaging of Spot Structure on the Surface of Star With Sun-like Activity (ⅰ): Technique

  4. 文章采用非参数估计算法对恒星表面温度进行估计。

    A non-parameter estimation algorithm is proposed to estimate the stellar effective temperature in the present paper .

  5. 它的恒星表面温度与地球一样,但直径要比地球大上百分之十。

    Its sun has the same surface temperature as our own , but has a diameter that is 10 percent larger 。

  6. 这颗恒星的表面温度估计在零下75摄氏度左右。

    The star 's surface temperature is reckoned to be minus 75 degrees Celsius

  7. 这种相互作用使得该行星的角动量减小,因而不断向内靠拢,最终会撞入恒星的表面。

    Those same forces also cost the planet its angular momentum , pulling it inward , eventually to the point where it will smash into the star 's surface .

  8. 本月早些时候,这颗巨大恒星的表面持续4天没有太阳黑子。这种情况自2011年就没再出现过。现在,它又发生了。

    Earlier this month , there were no sunspots on the massive star 's surface for four days - something which hadn 't happened since 2011 . This has since happened again .

  9. 与非活动的正常恒星相比,表面被黑子覆盖的活动星有更蓝的B-V颜色,它们的LiIλ6708(?)

    In comparison with inactive normal stars with the same effective temperature , in general , the active stars covered by spots are more blue in B-V colours and their equivalent widths of Li I 6708 (?)

  10. 另外,湍流应力还使对流的混合作用加强,从而导致恒星内部及表面的各元素丰度都发生改变。

    Moreover , the turbulent stress also causes the convection the mixing action to strengthen , so elements abundance of the stellar interior and surface are all changed .

  11. 天文学家查找行星候选者的方法之一就是通过“凌日法”观察恒星,行星经过其母恒星表面的时候,会造成恒星亮度的略微降低,因而此法更容易发现较大的行星。

    One of the few ways astronomers can locate exoplanet candidates is by observing a star and waiting for the light output to dim ever so slightly . This happens when the planet transits across the face of the star , so it 's much easier to detect larger bodies .

  12. 但是细致分析显示演化恒星色球活动水平随恒星自转周期间的分布对恒星光谱型和恒星表面有效温度有很强的依赖,并对这些现象提出了几种可能的解释。

    But meticulous analysis show chromospheric activity of evolution stars depend on stellar spectral type and effective temperature strongly .