- 名endoplasmic reticulum stress

The existing researches have demonstrated that endoplasmic reticulum stress is relevant to apoptosis and the endoplasmic reticulum stress path is one of the apoptotic paths .
Relationship between blocking of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V in hepatocarcinoma cells and cellular endoplasmic reticulum stress
The Effect of p53 on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-induced Apoptosis of Lens Epithelial Cells
Tunicamycin-induced ER stress seems to play an important role in tunicamycin-mediated up-regulation of TRAIL receptors .
However , intracellular DCN under external factors , can be degraded by Ubiquitin proteasome pathway through ER stress .
Mechanism of apoptosis induced by ER stress through siRNA against caspase-12
Inhibition of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Apoptosis in Cultured Hypoxic Cardiomyocytes by Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase 2a Overexpression
Among them , Bcl-2 family proteins appear critical , as ER stress-induced apoptosis can be inhibited by over-expression of Bcl-2 or its anti-apoptotic homologs .
The mechanism of hepatic IR injury is elusive , which could be associated with apoptosis , reactive oxygen species , mitochondrial permeability transition and endoplasmic reticulum stress .
Many pathological stimulation , such as ischemia , hypoxia and poison , induces ER stress , which is characterized as overexpression of ER molecular chaperone and unfolded protein response ( UPR ) .
We show that the duration of JNK activation is critical for cell survival upon ER stress .
But whether endoplasmic reticulum stress could trigger autophagy induced by TNF - α need to be elucidated .
Inhibition of MEK sensitizes human breast carcinoma cells to endoplasmic reticulum pathway 's apoptosis
This article reviews the recent progress in ER stress and UPR induced by cerebral ischemic-reperfusion .
Recent studies have shown that in addition to caspase dependent apoptotic pathway , there also exists the endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptotic pathway .
In the first part of this work , we report that ATRA induces apoptosis in GnT-V-AS / 7721 cells via ER stress .
Trx protects neuron from ER stress-mediated cytotoxicity induced by MPTP , and the molecular mechanism is still unclear .
C-Jun N-terminal protein kinase signaling pathway mediates cardiac myocyte apoptosis in mouse congestive heart failure after myocardial infraction via endoplasmic reticulum stress
The Role and Significance of UPR Combined with SREBP-1c Mediated by Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Development of NASH in Rats
Endoplasmic reticulum stress and the ubiquitin-proteasome system may be the PD dopaminergic neuronal apoptosis key factors . Endoplasmic reticulum stress adjustment in the early has contained activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome system degradation to abnormal proteins .
GGA , an inducer of Trx , inhibited the ER stress induced by MPP + in vitro .
These results suggest that ATRA intensifies the ER stress triggered in GnT-V-AS / 7721 cells , which represents a novel mechanism of ATRA to induce apoptosis .
In response to ER stress , cells have developed a self-protective signal transduction pathway termed the unfolded protein response ( UPR ) .
Gastric adenocarcinoma cells that express increased levels of Mcl-1 under ER stress are more resistant to ER stress-induced apoptosis .
In addition , the study also showed that the endoplasmic reticulum stress response iconic protein is GRP78 / Bip upward in early the disease expression .
Objective To investigate the relationship between caspase-12 activation and ER stress mediated apoptosis of primary mouse hepatocytes .
In order to test the hypothesis that GCs induces ERS in mice peritoneal macrophages , and to elucidate the role of ERS in low concentrations of GCs-induced immunostimulation .
The impaired learning and memory ability of spleen-yin deficiency diabetic encephalopathy may relate to the initiating of the PERK signaling pathway of ERS . 2 .
Conclusion Ec can induce endoplasmic reticulum stress-related apoptosis in HL-60 cells . The underlying mechanisms are protein synthesis inhibition through eIF2 α phosphorylation and Caspase 12 activation .
However , if ER stress induced by cerebral ischemia is severe and prolonged , UPR ultimately initiates an apoptotic pathway , resulting in neuronal death .