
  • 网络Volume;Capacity;inner capacity
  1. 分布性休克:分布性休克源于因动脉或静脉扩张引起的血管内容量的相对不足,其循环血量正常。

    Distributive shock : Distributive shock results from a relative inadequacy of intravascular volume caused by arterial or venous vasodilation ; circulating blood volume is normal .

  2. 脑内5-HT阳性指数对抑郁反应积分和4cmH2O恒压灌注下胃内容量相关系数分别0.741(P<0.01)、0.566(P<0.05)。

    Correlation coefficients ( r ) between 5-HT in the brain , depression response indexes and gastric volume under constant pressure infusing are 0.681 ( P < 0.05 ) and 0.566 ( P < 0.05 ) respectively .

  3. 最近,SSD的密度已经大大提高;已经出现200GB以上的驱动器,并且在未来6个月内容量有望再次翻番。

    Recently , the density of SSDs has tremendously improved ; 200 GB and larger drives already are available , and capacity is expected to double during the next six months .

  4. 网站内容应该合理编排、正确编写,而不是不断扩大内容量,这样才能便于用户查找所需信息。

    Information that is easily accessed and precisely written is far more effective than having too much content to sift through to find necessary information .

  5. “内容决定一切”这个术语中的内容不是指内容量,而是指为用户提供的内容类型。

    Understand that the term " content is king " doesn 't necessarily refer to volumes of content , but the type of content you create for your customers .

  6. 通过在小区中划分扇区能进一步提升系统容量,在扇区中又引入双层系统,可以显著提高该扇区内容量。

    By sectorizing a cell , the system capacity can be further improved , and introducing a hot-spot two-tier system into a sector can obviously improve the capacity of the sector .

  7. 使用此技术,您可以添加一些额外的功能来提醒用户,为活动区域提供控制,以及确定可以读取的新内容量,等等。

    Using this technique , you can add additional functions to prompt the user , provide controls for the live region , determine the amount of new content that would be read , and so on .

  8. 考虑到序内容量不能出力的部分以及序外容量出力的部分,给出了阻塞费用的计算规则;

    The rule of calculation of the congestion cost is given by considering the part of the content amount which can 't put forth power and the part of the capacity outside the preface which put forth strength ;

  9. 此算法有效地减少了数据的相关性,降低了编程的复杂性,突破了处理单元片内内存容量的限制,适合在一类以DSP为处理单元的多处理机平台上并行实现。

    The algorithm reduces programming complexity , data relativity and limitation of processor unit 's on_ chip memory capacity and suits achievement on multiprocessor platform on which DSP acts as processor unit .

  10. 本文基于SVC提出用回收年限内的容量可用率来进行量化,得出相应的运行费用,并实现了成本的完全回收。

    The article provides the method to get the corresponding operation cost based on the analysis of SVC capacity available factor in assigned years , which can cover the investment cost completely .

  11. 基于TDMA的系统通过增加时隙的利用率来增加系统容量,但这种方法带来控制复杂度的增加,而且由于时隙分割的限制,使得在一定频率范围内系统容量增加有限。

    The system based in TDMA increase system capacity through improve the using-ratio of time-slice . But because the limit of time-slice , this method only improve limit system capacity .

  12. 脉波指示剂连续心排血量(PiCCO)中的胸内血容量(ITBV)测定

    The Study on the Intrathoracic Blood Volume with a New Hemodynamic Monitoring Method of Pulse Indicator Continous Cardiac Output ( PiCCO ) Technique

  13. 目的:探讨胸腔内血容量指数(ITBVI)在失血性休克犬容量状态评价中的意义。

    Objective To assess the value of intrathoracic blood volume index ( ITBVI ) on the responsiveness to volume loading in dogs with hemorrhagic shock .

  14. 腹腔内液体容量对腹膜转运功能的影响

    Impact of repeated infusion of high fill volume on peritoneal transport

  15. 胸腔内血容量指数对失血性休克犬容量状态评价的意义

    Intrathoracic blood volume index in assessing the responsiveness to volume loading in dogs with hemorrhagic shock

  16. 多项研究认为在评估前负荷上胸腔内血容量指数要优于中心静脉压。

    Several studies suggest that intrathoracic blood volume index might be superior to central venous pressure with regard to preload assessment .

  17. 每搏输出量变异度和胸腔内血容量指数对失血性休克犬容量状态的评价

    Assessment of stroke volume variation and intrathoracic blood volume index on the responsiveness to volume loading in mechanically ventilated canine with hemorrhagic shock

  18. 因此,胸腔内血容量指数比中心静脉压和红细胞压积更适合应用在坏死性胰腺炎患者的容量管理。

    Therefore , intrathoracic blood volume index appears to be more appropriate for volume management in necrotizing pancreatitis than central venous pressure or hematocrit .

  19. 两江流域水质的主要胁迫因子均与社会经济活动有关,但尚未超出流域内环境容量容许范围,总体水质仍能满足功能区要求。

    Some major stress factors on water quality are concerned to activity of society and economy , but these stresses are still in the range of environment content .

  20. 在无线通讯系统中采用多天线技术,可以显著提高现有带宽内的容量,提高频谱利用率,提高信道的可靠性,降低误码率。

    By utilizing the spatial diversity , it is shown that multi-antenna systems can improve the channel capacity , bandwidth usage , and the reliability of data transmission .

  21. 血液稀释使血管内血容量中细胞成分相对或绝对减少,降低血液浓度,减少流出血管的细胞数,从而减少红细胞的丢失。

    HD makes the cell component of the blood decrease comparatively or absolutely and reduces blood concentration to great extent so as to lower the number of cells flowing out .

  22. 它是应用皮肤软组织扩张器植入正常的皮肤软组织下,通过增加扩张器内的容量,对皮肤表面软组织产生压力,使其扩张产生额外的皮肤软组织,转移覆盖创面的一种方法。

    It means implanting the skin tissue expander under the normal skin tissue and adding the capability of the expander in order to produce the pressure on the tissue of the skin surface to obtain the additional skin , which can be grafted for covering the wound .

  23. 本研究在模拟停留时间、分流等措施对颐和园内环境容量的影响基础上,提出了一些遗产地旅游管理的措施,希望能给环境容量管理带来一定启示。

    In this study , the impacts of stay time and diversion measures on the environment capacity of Summer Palace are simulated . Based on this , a number of management measures on heritage tourism environment capacity have been produced in hope to give some inspiration of the capacity management .

  24. 表明CAH在调节内淋巴的容量、离子转运及内环境稳定中起重要作用。

    It is suggested that CAH play an important role both in the pressure and volume regulation of endolymph and in homeostasis .

  25. 下一代移动通信可以提高数据传输速率,在有限的带宽内实现大容量传输。

    The next generation of mobile communication can increase the data transfer rate in the limited bandwidth of high-capacity transmission .

  26. 研究目的:心肌梗死后心室内压力和容量负荷对梗死区的组织修复过程有重要影响。

    Objectives : There is a growing body of evidence shown that intra-ventricular pressure and volume load play an important role in the healing process after myocardial infarction .

  27. 由于传统结构化空域对地面决策系统集中控制的依赖性,已有研究主要集中于对区域内扇区的容量或者涵括航路段的容量的评估研究。

    As the traditional airspace depend on the centralized control of the ground decision-making system , existing research focused on the capacity of sector or route segment in an area .

  28. 其感染的特点是严重腹泻和呕吐,由于水和电解质的流失导致在数小时内造成血容量减少性休克,代谢性酸中毒和钾的缺乏。

    Severe cholera is characterized by profuse watery diarrhoea and vomiting , which leads within hours to hypovolemia , metabolic acidosis and potassium deficiency arising from the loss of fluid and electrolytes .

  29. 在2003年,全球风能工业实现了新安装容量8344MW的记录。到2003年底,世界范围内累积安装容量达40000MW,约占世界电力需求的0.5%。

    In 2003 , the world wind energy industry realized the 8 344 MW record of new installation capacity , and at the end of 2003 , the accumulated installation capacity reached 40 000 MW which occupied 0.5 % of world power requirements in the whole world .

  30. 而且,其吸附速率很快,在20min内90%的吸附容量即被饱和。

    90 % of the biosorption capacity was reached in a contact time of 20 minutes .