
qiān zhānɡ ɡǎn shòu qì
  • stretch receptor
  1. 舌下神经和喉返神经对肺牵张感受器和喉上神经传入冲动的反应

    Hypoglossal and recurrent laryngeal responses to pulmonary stretch receptor and superior laryngeal inputs

  2. 本工作结果提示:家兔主动脉压力感受器对尿量或抗剂尿激素释放具有和心房牵张感受器及颈动脉压力感受器类似的作用,但较弱;

    The results obtained from this work suggested that the aortic baroreceptor of rabbit had similar effects to those of atrial stretch receptor and carotid baroreceptor on urine volume and the release of ADH , the former being weaker .

  3. 作者用麻醉家兔34只,切断其神经、改变肺容积、吸入SO2以选择性阻断肺牵张感受器活动等方法,探查迷走神经传入活动对膈神经呼气相放电(ED)的作用。

    Experiments to determine the effect of vagal afferent activity on phrenic discharges during the expiratory phase ( ED ) were carried out on 34 anesthetized rabbits .

  4. 舌咽神经对喉上神经及肺牵张感受器传入冲动的反应NMDA与非NMDA受体激动剂对新生大鼠延髓脑片呼吸节律性放电的作用

    Hypoglossal responses to superior laryngeal ( sl ) and pulmonary stretch receptor ( psr ) inputs effects of NMDA and non-NMDA agonists on the respiratory rhythmical discharge of the hypoglossal nerve in the medullary slice from neonatal rats

  5. 肺牵张感受器的刺激对肌体反射活动的影响

    The effects of stimulation of the lung stretch receptors on somatic reflex activity

  6. 对虾的慢与快牵张感受器的放电型式与镁离子浓度的关系

    Dependence of discharge patterns of slow and fast stretch receptors of Penaeus Orientalia on mg ~ ( + + ) concentration