
  • 网络Burn area;TBSA;body surface area
  1. 对38例烧伤面积达40%以上的烧伤病人实施心电监护。

    The custodial care by electrocardiography was carried out in 38 patients with burn extended over 40 % of body surface area .

  2. 结果各样本烧伤面积构成比差异显著(P<0.001),各样本烧伤病死率缺乏可比性。

    [ Results ] There was significant differences ( P < 0.001 ) in the constitutional ratio of different body surface area burned between the various samples .

  3. 根据患儿体重分类和烧伤面积计算24h液体需要量,输液泵均匀控制输液速度并根据每小时尿量进行调整。

    The infusion rate was adjusted with a pump infusion according to urine output per hour .

  4. 烧伤面积增大,PaO2低于正常的发生率增高,持续时间延长。

    The larger the burn areas , the higher the incidence of PaO_2 decrease , and the longer the duration of PaO_2 decrease .

  5. 应该把被HF烧伤面积大于8平方英寸的人马上送入加护病房,小心监护24到48小时。

    The person with HF burns covering greater than eight ( 8 ) square inches should be admitted immediately to an intensive care unit and monitored carefully for 24 to 48 hours .

  6. 结果:烧伤面积为31%~80%的TBSA的80例患者均平稳渡过休克期。

    Result : 80 patients with burn area 31 % to 80 % TBSA tied over the shock stage smoothly .

  7. 方法:烧伤面积1%~20%Ⅱ度伤为主的烧伤患者40例,外用烧伤酊与磺胺嘧啶银(SDAg)作对照,观察用药反应,愈合时间。

    Methods : chose 40 cases of burn patients whose burn wound area reach 1 % ~ 20 % , mainly second degree burns . Burn tincture and SD Ag as external application were compared in reaction and recovered period .

  8. 动态观察17例烧伤面积达60%以上患者血清中血管紧张素I转换酶(ACE)活性的变化、并与30例正常人对照。

    The dynamic changes of serum angiotensin ⅰ converting enzyme ( ACE ) activity in seventeen burned patients with over 60 % body surface involved were investigated and compared with those of the normal group ( 30 subjects ) .

  9. 非条件logistic回归分析表明,年龄和烧伤面积是影响烧伤病人预后的主要因素,而是否有MEFV基因突变尚不能确定为直接的影响因素。

    Logistic regression analysis showed that the age and the areas of burn influenced mostly the result of burned patient , and the mutation of MEFV gene did not contribute to influence the inflammatory complications .

  10. ARF组烧伤面积显著高于普通组,而入院时血清白蛋白水平明显低于普通组(P<0001);

    Burned body area in ARF group higher than that in ordinary group significantly ( P < 0.001 ) but sera albumin levels in ARF group lower than that in ordinary group significantly ( P < 0.001 ) .

  11. 烧伤面积大于80%、合并吸入性损伤、重度休克和全身性感染者,MOF发生率均明显高于相应对照病人,且以并发全身性感染和重度休克者最高。

    In those patients with TBSA over 80 % , inhalation injury , severe shock and systemic infections , the incidence of MOF was significantly higher . Systemic infections and severe shock took the first two places .

  12. 选择平均烧伤面积45%成人21例,随机分为早期喂养(EF组)和延迟喂养组(DF组),探讨早期肠道营养对严重烧伤病人肠道功能的维护作用。

    In order to investigate the effects of early enteral feeding on the gut after burn , 21 cases ( mean burn area 45 % ) were randomly divided into early feeding group ( EF group ) and delayed feeding group ( DF group ) .

  13. 方法按标准随机收集样本,分别计算各样本病死率、烧伤面积标准化病死率和LA50。

    [ Methods ] The death rate , standardized death rate and LA50 were computed in every sample randomly elected from published literatures .

  14. 家兔应用80%黄磷1ml,烧伤面积7cm×12cm,烧伤30s后立即用2%硫酸铜湿纱布灭火,此模型可造成磷烧伤家兔的急性死亡率为50%,伴血磷升高和肝、肾损害。

    7cm × 12cm burn area was produced by 1 ml of 80 % yellow phosphorus in rabbits and the acute mortality by this model was 50 % . Serum phosphorus level was increased and the liver and kidney were damaged .

  15. 方法将85例烧伤面积大于30%TBSA的患者随机纳入银锌乳膏组50例和SD-Ag组(对照组)35例,用药方式均以包扎为主,比较观察两组的治疗效果。

    Methods 85 patients whose burn areas larger than 30 % TBSA were treated divided into two groups , 50 patients were treated by Ag-Zn SD cream , and 35 patients in control group were treated by Ag-SD cream , they were treated by bandaging , clinical effect was compared .

  16. 特殊体型病人烧伤面积的计算

    Calculation of burn area of patients with special body type

  17. 病人的烧伤面积占身体表面的四分之一。

    The burnt area covered one quarter of the patient 's body surface .

  18. 如果烧伤面积小于手掌,可以在家中自行处理。

    Burns smaller than a person 's palm can be treated at home .

  19. 结果:患儿平均烧伤面积为11。

    Result : The average burn area was11 .

  20. 本组中烧伤面积最小的42%,最大为98%。

    The smallest burn area was 42 % BSA and the largest 98 % BSA .

  21. 目的:探讨某些特殊体型病人烧伤面积的计算方法。

    Objective : To discuss the method for calculation of burn area of patients with special body type .

  22. 29.4%的居民知道对烧伤面积较大的人应该及时喂服盐水。

    29.4 % of the residents know who was the larger degree burned should be fed salt water timely .

  23. 烧伤面积52%TBSA,其中Ⅲ度36%TBSA,深Ⅱ度16%TBSA。

    The burn area was 52 % TBSA , 3rd degree 36 % and deep 2 nd degree 16 % TBSA .

  24. 最大烧伤面积为95%,最小为57%,死亡2例,治愈率为98%。

    The largest BSA burnt was 95 % , and the smallest was 57 % . Only two cases were dead .

  25. 结论:早期切痂是成功抢救Ⅲ度烧伤面积≥90%患者的关键措施;

    Conclusion : Early catting of scab is the pivotal measure for saving the patients with full-thickness burns of TBSA ≥ 90 % .

  26. 方法:回顾性总结6例Ⅲ度烧伤面积≥90%患者的创面处理。

    Methods : The data of 6 patients with full-thickness burns of total body surface area ( TBSA )≥ 90 % were retrospectively summarized .

  27. 结果烧伤面积、深度、部位及病人的创伤心理反应程度与日后重返社会工作能力显著相关(P<0.05)。

    Result The burn area , degree and site and traumatic psychic reaction were significantly correlate with work ability after recovery ( P < 0.05 ) .

  28. 方法:全程应用MEBT/MEBO救治一例烧伤面积100%合并多脏器功能不全的患者。

    Method : A case of 100 % BSA burn complicated by multiple organ dysfunction was treated , in the whole course , with MEBT / MEBO .

  29. 烧伤面积的精确估计对现场急救、休克复苏、手术方式选择、营养支持及护理起到至关重要的作用。

    The accuracy of burned area is very important for First Aid , Shock and resuscitation , choosing a proper way of surgery , nutritional support and nursing .

  30. 烧伤面积、休克、吸入性损伤程度和抗生素的使用等因素影响感染的发生及其预后;

    The development and prognosis of the infection were related with burn area , shock , various degrees of inhalation injury , administration of antibiotic and so on .